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President Trump is in Paris .. but has his eye on the FL recounts

Donald J. Trump 


Trying to STEAL two big elections in Florida! We are watching closely!

In an attempt to subvert the integrity of a national election, democrat operatives in Broward & Palm Beach counties conspired to take down the current FL Governor + the next FL Governor (a former JAG officer and prosecutor) + the next U.S. Senator from FL .. and by extension, they sought to politically undermine President Trump.

That is called biting off more than you can chew.

Their scheme will FAIL. And when this recount is over .. there will be a grand juries, there will be indictments, there will be trials and there will be some donkeys going to federal prison.

Joe F.

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Recounts - We have all been here before


THANK YOU. THANK YOU  For answering the call to ACTION and volunteering to help.
Lisa Lewis is the best Supervisor of elections in Florida , when the state said do the recount , she went into action .
Machines are recounting ballots now, we have a few people there to observe, it will be over in approx 12  hours, not several days as we thought. I will keep you advised as to any more problems that come up . Recounts like this in the past never change the results , we will win both of these races.
Questions , email me 


RNC Goes to War in Florida: This Affects Every American

RNC Chairmwoman Ronna McDaniel  - "I think what’s happening in Broward County should concern every American, that Rick Scott came out of election night with 55,000 votes, a 55,000 vote lead over Senator Nelson and every day that has shrunk.
The Broward County Clerk, Brenda Snipes, was required by law after the polls closed on Tuesday night to within 30 minutes to share how many early votes were counted or cast in that county. She did not abide by the law.
She has also been required by law to give count totals every 45 minutes, she has also ignored that law. She is breaking the law, and she is breaking the trust of our democracy with the way she is handling this process.
Legal teams are engaging, but this is something that Democrats and Republicans should be coming together on because I don't know how these 80,000 votes came out of thin air and why isn't she following the law set forth by state of Florida?"
Rick Scott for Florida 


Governor Scott Wins Second Election Lawsuit

BROWARD COUNTY - Today, Broward County Circuit Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips ruled in favor of Governor Scott and ordered the immediate release of voter information from the county’s supervisor of elections. 

This order is the result of the lawsuit filed by Rick Scott for Florida late yesterday in response to the Broward County Supervisor of Elections refusing to provide information to the public. Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips also found that Brenda Snipes violated Florida’s open records laws by failing to turn over the information. See the original filing HERE.

“We are glad that the Broward Supervisor of Elections is being held accountable for this unethical failure. Bill Nelson and his rag tag group of liberal lawyers from D.C. keep trying to steal this election, but they won’t get away with it. Floridians deserve transparency, and we are going to keep fighting to protect the choice the voters made in this election.” – Chris Hartline, Spokesman for Scott for Florida  


"Following Republican nominee Donald Trump's electoral college victory in the United States presidential election of 2016, a group of computer scientists, cyber security experts, and election monitors raised concerns about the integrity of the election results.
They urged the campaign staff of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who had conceded the campaign on November 9, to petition for a recount in three key states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. 
When the Clinton campaign declined to file for recounts, Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein agreed to spearhead the recount effort on November 23, on the grounds that unspecified "anomalies" may have affected the election's outcome.
The Clinton team subsequently pledged to support the recount efforts "in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides.
Two other states were the subject of recount bids that were separate from Stein's efforts in the Rust Belt states: American Delta Party/Reform Party presidential candidate Rocky De La Fuente filed for a partial recount in Nevada on November 30, and three Florida citizens filed for a complete hand recount in their state on December 6." (Wikipedia)


UPDATED Nov 9 @ 1pm: Many have asked me how I believe this will turn out. Here's my take:

LastBestHope  LastBestHope 

To win, the Dems will have to do some galactic cheating to overcome a sitting governor using the full authority of his office .. and the POTUS using federal authority .. with both willing to do whatever it takes to ensure the integrity of the election.

If there was a bet to made in Las Vegas re: the outcome, I'd bet the ranch on the Dems losing .. with a side bet that a couple of donkeys end up facing felony charges.

Joe F.

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"It was all about Volusia County's Republicans — and their hard-won, impressive string of triumphs."


In Volusia, GOP triumphed

The big question, in any day-after election analysis: Why did things go the way they did? In Volusia County, up and down the ballot and with very few contradictions, it's clear: Instead of the semi-predicted “blue wave,” Volusia County saw a red rally that extended far past the marquee governor and U.S. Senate contests.

In fact — for the first time that we can find, well, ever — Volusia County will have no Democratic representation in the Florida Legislature. Meanwhile, GOP-identified candidates at county and city levels did well, and Volusia County's support for Ron DeSantis as governor, and Rick Scott for U.S. Senate, was far more thundering than the state's squeakythin margin.

The next few weeks will be spent sorting out what went right for local Republicans. But a few things are already clear:

• Local folks got it done. Speaking to The News-Journal's Mark Harper, Volusia County Republican Executive Committee Chairman Tony Ledbetter called it a “perfect ground game,” and it's not a hollow boast. The local GOP operation was disciplined and enthusiastic, with hundreds of volunteers and a daily flotilla of social-media posts. It's tempting to think that Volusia County Republicans were galvanized by the shocking shoot-up of their storefront office in South Daytona a week before the elections, but the reality is that the operation was already running at high efficiency and seemingly never skipped a beat. That probably played a significant role in the next point.

• Non-party-affiliated voters — widely expected to break for the Democratic side of the ticket — clearly leaned red in Volusia County. The local GOP advantage in registrations is relatively slight; 140,751 Republicans to 137,169 Democrats. But both Scott and DeSantis won here with more than a 10-point spread.Perhaps local nonpartisan voters were focused mainly on issues that didn't take center stage — like the economic gains, particularly with a surge of new jobs in Volusia County. But it's also likely that many were looped in by get-out-the-vote operations. Compare that to Duval County, a former GOP stronghold that is slipping into the blue category — not only has that area's Republican leadership lost their grip on overall registrations, they couldn't convince enough non-affiliated voters to their side to prevent Gillum from claiming victory there.

• While many national Republicans were running away from Trump, most Volusia County Republican candidates were running with him. That was clearly the right call. Tuesday's results firmly established that polling (including approval ratings) is seriously underestimating the controversial president's appeal. And the local Republican slate extracted maximum mileage from the simmering anger that followed the contentious confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

• The last factor may be the biggest: In many races, the GOP simply fielded better candidates. Start with Congressional District 6. The Republicans looked at Gov.-elect DeSantis' success there, and nominated a nearly identical replacement — Michael Waltz, a young, telegenic ex-military officer with an established national profile. The tougher, savvier play was to recruit DeLand native Elizabeth Fetterhoff who (pending a recount) appears to have defeated incumbent state Rep. Patrick Henry, D-Daytona Beach in District 26. Fetterhoff was able to match Henry's political dynasty with deep roots of her own, but her appeal went far beyond that, mixing experience and acument. Within 48 hours of her qualifying in the spring, Florida Politics editor Peter Schorsch had tagged her as a candidate to watch.

It's telling that Democrats couldn't hold onto a seat held by a competent if not stellar incumbent state representative with a well-known name, in a district drawn to favor Democrats. Volusia County Democrats did claim a few surprising victories, most notably Barbara Girtman's likely displacement of incumbent County Councilman Pat Patterson (also headed for a recount).

But overall, the Wednesday-morning quarterbacking was all about Volusia County's Republicans — and their hard-won, impressive string of triumphs.


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Lots of Work - Lots of Winning - Lots of Love For America


They Lost.

Florida Won.

Thank You...Thank You....Thank You
Well, it was a long line day outside many polls and a challenging level of address changes inside many polls. Our presence though made a great difference. Our colorful shirts outside and always pleasant smile and sometimes "have a nice day" responses to many angry Dems.
helped to assure that our voters had informed direction. Many, many followed that direction and the smiles and "thank you" responses as voters left the polls made it rewarding. The "watching eyes" inside the polls kept the workers committed to doing the voting process correctly.
We had a few disappointments among our candidates, but the huge majority of our Republicans were elected. That`s why we do what we do. That`s why you do what you do. We help to get Republicans elected in Volusia County.
Soooo....the 2020 campaign begins today as the Dems start their attacks and President Trump keeps up the good fight. I can just imagine that it`s going to be an amazing couple of years leading up to 2020. We will be calling you again...you know we will.
Thank You...your hard work and commitment paid off.

Tom and Nancy Coriale

President Trump Has Tweeted About the Election Results--

Here's What He Had to Say

Leah Barkoukis
Posted: Nov 07, 2018 6:28 AM
President Trump Has Tweeted About the Election Results--Here's What He Had to Say

After campaigning for Republicans all across the country leading up to Election Day, President Trump called the results of the midterm elections a “tremendous success.”

"Thank you to all!” he tweeted.

Donald J. Trump

Tremendous success tonight. Thank you to all!

The president then quoted Ben Stein, author of “The Capitalist Code,” about the Republican victories on Tuesday.

“‘There’s only been 5 times in the last 105 years that an incumbent President has won seats in the Senate in the off year election. Mr. Trump has magic about him. This guy has magic coming out of his ears. He is an astonishing vote getter & campaigner. The Republicans are unbelievably lucky to have him and I’m just awed at how well they’ve done. It’s all the Trump magic - Trump is the magic man. Incredible, he’s got the entire media against him, attacking him every day, and he pulls out these enormous wins.” 

He also agreed with a take by Fox News’s David Asman, who said: “How do the Democrats respond to this? Think of how his position with Republicans improves-all the candidates who won tonight. They realize how important he is because of what he did in campaigning for them. They owe him their political career.”

“Thanks, I agree!” he said.

Donald J. Trump

Received so many Congratulations from so many on our Big Victory last night, including from foreign nations (friends) that were waiting me out, and hoping, on Trade Deals. Now we can all get back to work and get things done!

Update: "Those that worked with me in this incredible Midterm Election, embracing certain policies and principles, did very well," he later tweeted on Wednesday morning. "Those that did not, say goodbye! Yesterday was such a very Big Win, and all under the pressure of a Nasty and Hostile Media!"

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It is Election Day 2018, and a divided America is heading to the polls.

By Scott McIntyre for The New York Times


The President Needs Our Prayers .. And Our Votes 

Pastor Andrew Brunson prays for President Donald Trump in the Oval Office at the White House

Lord God, I ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit on President Trump. That you give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans you have for this country and for him. I ask that you give him wisdom on how to lead this country into righteousness. I ask that you give him perseverance and endurance and courage to stand for truth. I ask that you protect him from slander from enemies, from those who would undermine. I ask that you make him a great leader for this country. Fill him with your wisdom and strength and perseverance, and we bless him. May he be a great blessing to our country. In Jesus' name, we bless you. 


© LifeZette 

Predicts victory in the Sunshine State despite the big spending against him by liberal monied interests

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Turnout is Everything.


© The Gateway Pundit 

The blue wave is now a bygone figment of a liberal Hollywood fantasy.


58,535 Republicans voted.

But in Volusia County .. that still leaves many GOP voters Missing In Action. Where are they?

Registered Voters as of 11/01/2018
(Includes Active and Inactive Voters)





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Three liberal justices are leaving the Florida Supreme Court. Our next governor will pick the replacements.

Florida's next governor and not incumbent Gov. Rick Scott will get to pick three new justices to the state Supreme Court, the court ruled Monday in a decision with major implications in this year's gubernatorial campaign.

The court's one-page ruling Monday says "the governor who is elected in the November 2018 general election has the sole authority to fill the vacancies" triggered by those mandatory retirements. 

The ruling came in a lawsuit filed by the Florida branch of the League of Women Voters and Common Cause.


Can you guess the kind of justices

Governor Gillum will appoint?

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Nancy Soderberg is endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Planned Parenthood exploits taxpayer funds

to increase partisan activism: report


The upcoming midterms may decide whether Planned Parenthood continues to get more than $500 million from taxpayers every year.




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