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“Hey, I figured I might as well get out of the plane, right?”…[Video]

During a refueling stop in Alaska, en route to Japan, President Trump greets a standing group of smiling troops at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

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May 24, 2019

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Now that President Trump has officially designated the Declassification Memorandum we can review the specifics for process, content and timing.  Our previous research led to a set of expectations for the directive. Now, that we have the directive in hand, we gain increased clarity of purpose.

♦ First, President Trump has assigned ownership of the Directive to U.S. Attorney General William Barr. This part was predictable because the purpose of declassification would be to facilitate a DOJ review of how the intelligence apparatus was used in the 2016 election.

♦ Secondly, following protocol, the Memorandum is specific to the agencies carrying the documentation that will be reviewed by the Attorney General: The Secretary of State (Pompeo); the Secretary of Treasury (Mnuchin); the Secretary of Defense (Shanahan); the Secretary of Energy (Perry); the Secretary of Homeland Security (McAleenan); the Director of National Intelligence (Coats); the Director of the CIA (Haspel), and the Attorney General himself (Barr).

The agencies give insight into the intelligence product (ie. evidence) being reviewed.  The Treasury and Energy agency was surprisingly notable: 

The appearance of Treasury and Energy would indicate the pre-existence of investigative evidence; that would be subject to ongoing DOJ review; and potentially be part of ongoing proceedings.

Potential target issues could include: (1) an investigation of Uranium One; (2) an investigation of the Clinton Foundation; and, (3) an investigation of matters related to payments to Iran.

♦ Third, within the memorandum the President does not allow AG Bill Barr to delegate authority.  However, all agencies are required to respond to Barr’s authority.

The purpose of the Declassification Directive also appears to permit the DOJ Inspector General to include classified material in the body of the upcoming report on FISA abuse; this memorandum is granting AG Bill Barr the autonomy to make that decision and declassify that content.

♦ Lastly, regarding the timing of release…. While the purpose of the authority is to empower AG Bill Barr to collect, process and declassify intelligence product that is part of the DOJ investigative review, this does not preclude the public release of intelligence information in advance of the IG report on potential FISA abuse.

Much of the intelligence information may be collected external to the IG review parameters (FISA process), and may be released independently as part of stand-alone declassification that pertains to weaponized DOJ, FBI and CIA political activity.

Ultimately the decision to release, and the timing therein, is now in the hands of U.S. Attorney General William Barr.

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Angry Trump torches Pelosi over "cover-up" accusation.

President Trump was scheduled to meet with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for a discussion over an infrastructure spending bill.  However, after partisan remarks by Nancy Pelosi accusing President Trump of a cover-up, any hope of negotiating an infrastructure bill collapsed.  President Trump is angered:

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Pennsylvania Voters Reject Socialism in Special Election

As the 2020 election grows near, voters in Central Pennsylvania, the 12th Congressional District, voted for new representation in a special election on Tuesday May 21.

After a long process of candidate selection by the party, former State Rep. Fred Keller emerged as the victor among a field of 14 candidates. Keller is in good standing in Harrisburg and holds a pristine Conservative voting record, earning a 90 percent approval from the American Conservative Union

Penn State assistant professor Marc Friedenberg aligns himself with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the growing wing of radical leftists within the Democratic Party. He endorsed Medicare-for-All, the Green New Deal, debt-free college, repeal of President Trump’s tax cuts and abortion on demand

Here's the result: 

This election speaks for the vast majority of Rust Belt swing states: Socialist values are not popular. 

Republican Fred Keller addresses the crowd during the rally on Monday May 20

Posted: May 22, 2019 
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Bikers for Trump Celebrate One-Year Anniversary of Embassy Move in Israel

Bikers for Trump, a grassroots political organization that arranges trips to rallies in support of the president, celebrated the anniversary last week by taking a trip to Israel "to reinforce Trump's commitment to the Jewish people." The group posed by the new embassy and met with many thankful Israelis.

Bikers for Trump Founder Chris Cox explained why the group made the flight.

“I went to Israel to reinforce President Trump’s commitment to Israel and celebrate the one year anniversary of the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem," Cox explained. "I learned very fast of Israel’s overwhelmingly support of Donald Trump. In my efforts to unite Israeli bikers to show support for our President should he return to Israel, I started the Israeli Bikers For Trump page. I issued a call to action, asking that Israeli people to call their friends and family in the U.S. and urged them to vote for leadership that supports Israel, to Jexit the Democratic Party and register Republican.”

Read it all @ By Cortney O'Brien 

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Attorney General Barr Is Fighting for the Presidency

The attorney general, who has faced criticism, is in the front lines of the president’s battles against Congress

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'Trump's victory in 2016 sent panic throughout the intelligence apparatus.'

UPDATE: Watch -  

John Solomon discusses with Judicial Watch the origins of the federal government’s use of the FISA Court to permit the FBI, etc to spy on the Trump Campaign and Administration in an effort to paint the false narrative that they had colluded with Russian authorities to throw the Presidential Election of 2016.


Sharyl Attkisson Discusses “Spygate” w/ Mike Huckabee

. click on image to watch

Sharyl Attkisson discusses Spygate from the position of the Obama intelligence apparatus having a history of political surveillance they needed to cover-up.  A Trump victory in 2016 sent panic throughout the intelligence apparatus.

CTH agrees, everything after March 9th, 2016, is a function of two intelligence units, the CIA and FBI, operating together to cover-up prior political surveillance operations.

Prior to March 9th, 2016, the surveillance and spy operation was using the NSA database to track and monitor their political opposition.  However, once the NSA compliance officer began initiating an internal review of who was accessing the system, the CIA and FBI moved to create ex post facto justification for their endeavors.

Full Backstory @  The Conservative Treehouse - by sundance

2 days ago
President Trump issued a grave warning Friday to those who allegedly "spied" on his 2016 campaign, calling their actions "treason" and saying “long jail sentences” are in order.
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President Trump's Approval Rating Is The Highest It's Been

Zogby Analytics pollster Jonathan Zogby said that the president is riding a booming economy

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His survey found that several groups that had been leaning against Trump were starting to favor him in large part because they have growing confidence in the economy and Trump's handling of it.

Notably millennials and independents have turned in his direction.

The 51% approval is Trump's highest rating ever in the Zogby poll. This jumps out because they don't have a history of painting rosier than expected pictures of the President. The highest Trump ever scored with Zogby in 2018 was 48%, coming at the beginning of March.

"It is rarely noted that Trump’s popularity hardly moves with the issues of the day. Why is that? Simply stated, there is now a personal bond.

The base shared Trump’s foxhole, and he led them to victory. The gratitude that Trump has earned cannot be erased by slurs against his person. And further, the insults that he endures are seen as the same ones that have been used to control the public for decades."

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Victor Davis Hanson: Two nations - both called Rome


Sometime around A.D. 60, in the age of Emperor Nero, a Roman court insider named Gaius Petronius wrote a satirical Latin novel, “The Satyricon,” about moral corruption in Imperial Rome. The novel’s general landscape was Rome’s transition from an agrarian republic to a globalized multicultural superpower.

The abrupt transition from a society of rural homesteaders into metropolitan coastal hubs had created two Romes. One world was a sophisticated and cosmopolitan network of traders, schemers, investors, academics and deep-state imperial cronies. Their seaside corridors were not so much Roman as Mediterranean. And they saw themselves more as “citizens of the world” than as mere Roman citizens.

In the novel, vast, unprecedented wealth had produced license. On-the-make urbanites suck up and flatter the childless rich in hopes of being given estates rather than earning their own money.

His novel’s accepted norms are pornography, gratuitous violence, sexual promiscuity, transgenderism, delayed marriage, childlessness, fear of aging, homelessness, social climbing, ostentatious materialism, prolonged adolescence, and scamming and conning in lieu of working. Never in the history of civilization had a generation become so wealthy and leisured, so eager to gratify every conceivable appetite—and yet so bored and unhappy.

But there was also a second Rome in the shadows. Occasionally the hipster antiheroes of the novel bump into old-fashioned rustics, shopkeepers and legionaries. They are what we might now call the ridiculed “deplorables” and “clingers." They are caricatured as bumpkins and yet admired as simple, sturdy folk without the pretensions and decadence of the novel’s urban drones.

Globalization had enriched and united non-Romans into a world culture. That was an admirable feat. But such homogenization also attenuated the very customs, traditions and values that had led to such astounding Roman success in the first place.

Education likewise was seen as ambiguous. In the novel, wide reading ensures erudition and sophistication, and helps science supplant superstition. But sometimes education is also ambiguous. Students become idle, pretentious loafers. Professors are no different from loud pedants. Writers are trite and boring. Elite pundits sound like gasbags.

Petronius also argues that with too much rapid material progress comes moral regress. His final warning might be especially troubling for the current generation of Western Europeans and Americans. Even as we brag of globalizing the world and enriching the West materially and culturally, we are losing our soul in the process.

Getting married, raising families, staying in one place, still working with our hands and postponing gratification may be seen as boring and out of date. But nearly 2,000 years later, all of that is what still keeps civilization alive.

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Victor Davis Hanson is an American military historian, columnist, former classics professor, and scholar of ancient warfare. He was a professor of classics at California State University, Fresno, and is currently the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He has been a visiting professor at Hillsdale College since 2004.

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