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The President and First Lady Test Positive for COVID-19

This disease, while it can hit the most vulnerable people hard and even kill, the lethality rate of 0.01% means it is still on par with seasonal flu. Both of them may remain asymptomatic. It cannot be stated enough: Infection does not equate death. But that is the propaganda we've been fed for the past 6 months.

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Donald Trump debates 2 people at the same time - Wins Again


** Trump was taking on two politicians
** Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times to just 15 times for Joe Biden
** Joe Biden couldn’t answer a question
** Joe Biden’s name-calling was disgusting and inappropriate
** Joe Biden made 33 false or misleading statements
** Democrats have to lie to the public about their policies and plans because they are so unpopular and destructive

This will be what haunts him the rest of the way. ANTlFA is CLEARLY an organization. a VIOLENT organization.

Democrats left the debate thoroughly defeated. They know they lost. How do we know that?
Because top Democrats are now all calling for Joe Biden to cancel any future debates.


  Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo poll:  66% Trump 34% Biden. #DebateTuesday

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For The Supreme Court of the United States ...

Dem / Media Attacks Begin  

"So far, Judge Barrett has been called a religious bigot, a racist, an antifeminist, anti-public health. Her opponents haven't gotten around yet to calling her an alien lizard person, but it'll come. Before it's over with, I'm afraid, that they will accuse her of drowning little newborn puppies."

"That's not what this is all about though, and I think almost all of my Democratic colleagues know that none of these things are true. This is what they're upset about;

Judge Barrett is a Constitutionalist, which means she's a Madisonian, which means she believes in the separation of powers, which means she believes that federal judges are not politicians in robes, which means she believes that the United States Supreme Court is not supposed to be a mini Congress, which means that she believes that federal judges are not supposed to try to rewrite the Constitution every other Thursday to advance a political or social agenda that they can't get by the voters, which means that she believes that the law is not supposed to be politics practiced a different way."

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy


Who is Amy Coney Barrett? 

Amy Coney Barrett Is President Trump's Pick

Confirmation will begin the week of Oct. 12

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Be a Happy Warrior for America ...

Melissa Wrenn (from left), Alisha Mishell and Jenna Delta of Gainesville, Florida dance to piped in music as they wait with other supporters for President Donald Trump to arrive Thursday, September 24, 2020 at the Great American Comeback Event at the Cecil Commerce Center in Jacksonville, Florida. (Click on Image)

Donald Trump IS



Proverbs 17:22 "A joyful heart is good medicine"

Our fake news media forgot to mention THIS -

Organizers estimate 100,000 people rallied in Montreal Canada on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020 to “fight for freedom” and protest overbearing COVID-19 restrictions. Several speakers panned fake news and downplayed the seriousness of the virus. Some speakers said the virus is similar to a bad flu. They explained how the Canadian government allegedly killed thousands of people by sending COVID-19 patients to senior residences. There were scores of Trump 2020 flags with the slogan “NO MORE BULLSHIT.”


The number of people marching and chanting ‘USA-USA-USA’ in Montreal absolutely stun onlookers.


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"We have this obligation, without delay!"

President Trump makes clear plan to fill Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Updated: September 19, 2020 - 11:43am

President Trump on Saturday made clear his intention to get a Supreme Court nominee confirmed to the high court to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, arguing he and fellow Republicans “have this obligation, without delay!”

Ginsburg died Friday from complications from cancer. She was 87.

Her death immediately created a high-stakes partisan standoff about whether Trump should get to replace Ginsburg, with just 45 days before Election Day, or allow the winner of his presidential race with Democrat Joe Biden to nominate a replacement.

“We were put in this position of power and importance to make decisions for the people who so proudly elected us, the most important of which has long been considered to be the selection of United States Supreme Court Justices. We have this obligation, without delay!” Trump tweeted Saturday morning.

Republicans now control the Senate, in which a nominee is confirmed. However, the GOP is in jeopardy of losing its Senate majority with several races considered a tossup.

The GOP has 53 member in the Senate and Democrats have 47 including including two independents.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday that a Trump nominee will get a confirmation vote.

By Joseph Weber

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THEY are after you - your kids, their kids - and their kids ... THEY must be stopped.

President Trump has announced the creation of a "1776 Commission" to fight the growth of far-left revisionist history such as the 1619 Project.

"Whether it is the mob on the street or the cancel culture in the board room, the goal is the same ... To silence dissent, to scare you out of speaking the truth and to bully Americans into abandoning their values, their heritage, and their very way of life.

Divisive and distorted histories of our country—everything from Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States to The New York Times’ 1619 Project—seek to erase America’s tradition of liberty, free expression, and self-determination from memory.

For too long, the left has been winning that fight. For example, even though the 1619 Project has been criticized as inaccurate by multiple prominent historians, it already has been quietly disseminated in 4,500 classrooms across the United States."

"We must stop the lies in America’s classrooms"

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President Trump delivers remarks at the White House Conference on American History | September 17, 2020

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It's time...We need your help NOW to help re-elect President Trump!

Hello to our many volunteers
We're scheduling now for help in the parking lots to pass out our REPUBLICAN VOTER GUIDES and for help inside the polls to oversee the voting process.
We will call you this week. PLEASE ANSWER, so we can schedule you to either pass out our Republican Voter Guide or Poll Watch, your choice.
Early Voting is Monday, October 19 through Sunday, November 1
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3
Each day, we have three shifts, 7am-11am, 11am-3pm and 3-7pm.
Think about what day(s)?...what time? and which voting location?
So, you'll get our call...Unknown Caller or a number you don't recognize, PLEASE ANSWER.  Or we will leave you a message and text.  PLEASE call me back.  We have thousands of names to call and we can't keep calling you back.
HERE WE GO....Thank you in advance
Tom and Nancy Coriale
Poll Greeting and Poll Watching
Volusia County Republican Party
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TRUMP TALK NOW - Watch show #35



September 17, 2020 at 6pm - 7pm
Volusia Top Gun
2900 Bellevue Avenue Ext
Daytona Beach, FL
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Women For Trump Rally in Port Orange Florida

Lara Trump, Pam Bondi and Katrina Pierson @ Republican Trump Victory Headquarters3741 S. Nova Road 

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