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Believe in U.S. Our opposition is weak. They feed on fear and trepidation.

President Trump Contrasts The Biden Message of Despair, With His American Message of Optimistic American Spirit

Put that smile on a person’s face and you will win every battle

This segment from President Trump’s speech today deserves some emphasis and contemplation.  As we have shared for several months the sales pitch of the DNC and leftists, writ large, is full of despair, doom, anger, hate and darkness.  This is what they are selling in order to generate support…. and they are relying on their heavily created COVID crisis; hence the push to demand masks etc; to solidify this sensibility in the electorate.

The opposition’s arguments are weak, antithetical to the spirit of America, and their platform based on negativity.  This provides a much stronger position for President Trump and all USA supporters to emphasize the opposite.  We are a resilient nation.  We live amid the most fortunate and abundant economic system in all the world; and we are not a people comfortable with despair.

 Click to listen

Rally to the standard you set for yourself.  Live your best life and influence those around you with a positive message.  You might not even recognize it but there are people looking for you, looking for optimism and joy. Give that to them.

Our opposition is weak. They feed on fear and trepidation. Be courageous of spirit not just for self, but for those who need to see the path in others. Do not concede an inch in the battle of ideas by entering a space structurally designed to perpetuate a negative outlook toward our country.  Stay focused, faithful to our American spirit, and optimistic. That is the way we build our coalition.


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Trump Talk Now Presents - **DIAMOND and SILK** -- WATCH

Volusia Top Gun
2900 Bellevue Avenue Ext

** Special call-in guest - Webster Barnaby. Click on image

  • How the sisters Lynette and Rochelle Hardaway—a.k.a. Diamond and Silk—“were created for such a time as this”
  • How the bridge between their mother’s sharecropping family and their father, a middle-class business owner, shaped their characters
  • Why being “preacher’s kids” was a blessing—and a challenge
  • How working in North Carolina textile plants gave Diamond and Silk early insight into the way NAFTA was hurting Americans and exporting jobs to Mexico
  • Why they supported Donald Trump from the minute he announced his candidacy
  • Why Diamond and Silk will never desert Trump—despite being offered large monetary rewards to switch candidates
  • How social media moguls tried to shut them down and shut them up, lied to them, and gave them the run around
  • How after gaslighting them for 6 months, 29 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes, and 43 seconds, Facebook made the preposterous claim that Diamond and Silk were “unsafe for the community”
  • Practical advice for succeeding the Diamond and Silk way: why “rejection is God’s protection—and redirection” and “your haters make you greater"

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 click this link: TRUMP TALK NOW 

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Congratulations Volusia County Republicans - Now on to November 3

August 18, 2020

Republican : Public Defender 7th Judicial Cir
(121 of 125 Precincts reporting)
  . Votes % of votes counted
George Burden (REP) 28159 30.3
Anne Marie Gennusa (REP) 24525 26.4
Matt Metz (REP) 40192 43.3
  Totals: 92876  
Republican : State Rep 27 Florida House District 27
(37 of 39 Precincts reporting)
  . Votes % of votes counted
Webster Barnaby (REP) 4985 43.3
Erika Benfield (REP) 4179 36.3
Zenaida Denizac (REP) 2356 20.5
  Totals: 11520  
Republican : Tax Collector
(121 of 125 Precincts reporting)
  . Votes % of votes counted
Will Roberts (REP) 55656 59.9
David Santiago (REP) 37279 40.1
  Totals: 92935  
Republican : Rep Party State Committeeman
(121 of 125 Precincts reporting)
  . Votes % of votes counted
Santiago Avila Jr (REP) 14564 36.5
Victor Waldorf Baker (REP) 25344 63.5
  Totals: 39908  
Republican : Rep Party State Committeewoman
(121 of 125 Precincts reporting)
  . Votes % of votes counted
Debbie Phillips (REP) 26143 65.5
Maria Trent (REP) 13775 34.5
  Totals: 39918  


*In the County Chair race, Jeff Brower garnered 44.8% percent of the total votes with all precincts counted. Deb Denys was a close second with 40.2%. (Nov 3 runoff)

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Nancy & Chuck want the post office to run their 'ballot harvesting' scam

Don't Let These Bandits Win

On Sunday White House trade and manufacturing adviser Peter Navarro accused Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) of trying to turn the U.S. Postal Service into a “ballot harvesting service.”

“The irony of what’s getting Chuck and Nancy back to Washington; it’s not concern about the working men and women of America, who really need our help right now. They want to come back so they can rename the post office the United States ballot harvesting service. So it’s unfortunate we get these – in the middle of the election – we get all these new cycle things going on that they seize upon.”

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Israel and the United Arab Emirates .. a full normalization of diplomatic relations.

Israel and the United Arab Emirates reach historic deal brokered by United States

Click on image

The deal will formally be known as the "Abraham Accords. The UAE follows Egypt and Jordan in becoming one of only three Arab states, and the only Gulf state, to agree to a peace deal with Israel.

The agreement was negotiated by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, Middle East envoy Avi Berkowitz, national security adviser Robert O'Brien, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The two countries are expected to establish and exchange ambassadors and embassies in short order. This historic agreement also gives President Trump a solid diplomatic victory ahead of his November 3 re-election bid.

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TREASON: After they tried & failed to rig the 2016 election, They tried to overturn it.

The FBI Crossfire Hurricane team — led by since-fired Agent Peter Strzok — had already been told of Page's relationship with the CIA all the way back in August 2016 and failed to tell the FISA court. Such a failure is known as a material omission because the FBI was claiming they believed Page was an agent of Russia when in fact he was an asset of the U.S. government helping to inform on Russian intelligence targets.

"It's more than an oversight. Whether the omission was purposeful or not, it is a fraud on the court," said Kevin Brock, the FBI's former assistant director for intelligence and the man who created many of the procedures the bureau still uses to investigate intelligence threats.    "At the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, I think it is clear that Durham is positioning a deeper dive into this issue of FISA application abuse"

Clinesmith Guilty Plea Is ‘Just the Beginning’

President Trump on Friday said that news of former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith’s plea deal with Department of Justice prosecutors was “just the beginning,” signaling that U.S. Attorney John Durham is zeroing in on other targets in his investigation.

Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty in connection with his alteration of an exonerating email during the Crossfire Hurricane (CH) investigation, which targeted members of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, including foreign policy adviser Carter Page.


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Remember VJ Day - August 14, 1945

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Japan Surrenders

"Men since the beginning of time have sought peace. Various methods through the ages have been attempted to devise an international process to prevent or settle disputes between nations. From the very start, workable methods were found insofar as individual citizens were concerned, but the mechanics of an instrumentality of larger international scope have never been successful. Military alliances, balances of power, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. The utter destructiveness of war now blots out this alternative.

We have had our last chance. If we do not now devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door."

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur

September 2, 1945, USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan  -- Audio mp3 of Address

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Watch Trump Talk Now - Show #30 - Thursday Aug. 13th



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 click this link: TRUMP TALK NOW 

 Trump Talk Now is a production of Moltane Broadcasting

The 1-hour weekly program streams live from Volusia Top Gun, Daytona Beach, Florida every Thursday from 6-7 pm on the Trump Talk Now Facebook page.

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"We need to play out the rest of the election like we’re behind ... but just know that we aren’t."

The Tide Turns Toward Trump

Remember how Donald Trump was totally doomed just a couple weeks ago? All the smart people of smartness who make up liberal blue check Twitter tweeted it so it had to be true. The polls, we were informed, indicate Trump’s doom.

Now, am I contending that the polls are consciously manipulated by media outlets and others to artificially depress Trump’s popularity in order to demoralize conservatives and keep them from voting since it is a lost cause? Yes. The media lies about things right in front of us – “peaceful protestors” anyone? – so what’s stopping them from lying about things that are already opaque like poll results?

Beside polls, nothing foretells a Democrat win. Nothing. There is no datapoint that helps them. Trump voters are willing to crawl over broken glass to vote for The Donald; savvy Dems are looking for broken glass to slash their wrists because they know their addled nominee is a senile old weirdo on an express train to McGovernville.

There’s also the nuts and bolts of the campaign. It’s out-registering the Dems, knocking on millions of doors while the Dems are cowering from the flu. And, vitally, minorities are refusing to simply line up and vote Democrat – many are walking away and moving to Trump.

Rasmussen: Trump Approval Rating at 36% Among Black Voters

Kurt  Schlichter
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