left to right: Sec. Cathy DiBernadino - Treas. John Reid - State Committeewoman Erika Benfield - Vice-Chair Duncan DeMarsh - Chairwoman Maryann Pistilli - State Committeeman Vic Baker
Congressman Cory Mills - CD7
America's Greatest Governor
Blessed in Florida
Gov. DeSantis @ Volusia GOP Lincoln Dinner .. Oh What a Night!
“The city certainly has the authority to move it if they choose to, but this is not in my opinion and the opinion of the plaintiffs — this is not a Jim Crow Civil War memorial.
This was done by widows and orphans,” said Daytona Beach attorney George Burden, who prepared the lawsuit.
Specifically, descendants of men listed on the memorial are asking for the court to keep the city from relocating the memorial until the city’s Historic Architectural Review Board looks into the removal process, according to a press release. The lawsuit claims that Mayor Tracy Upchurch persuaded the St. Augustine City Commission to by-pass the legally required review by the Historic Architectural Review Board,” according to the release.
The press release about the lawsuit came from Vic Baker,a Volusia Co. Republican state committeeman who hosts “Trump Talk Now,” a weekly internet broadcast that is supportive of the president.
Florida reported 9,440 additional cases of the virus on Tuesday, bringing the cumulative total to 369,834. The state has reported 5,206 resident fatalities, bringing the mortality rate to 1.4 percent.
However, those numbers are under skepticism following last week’s report of officials categorizing the death of a fatal motorcycle crash victim as a coronavirus fatality.
“How does someone test positive for coronavirus if they have never been tested? Reports of this happening have been pouring into FOX 35 News since we began investigating COVID-19 data.” Fox 35 Newsreported that people claimed they left the premises prior to getting tested. Despite that, they later received positive test results. Local news outlets, including Fox 35 News and Fox 4, have reported receiving mounting reports of this phenomenon.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has asked the Department of Health to investigate following emerging reports of individuals receiving positive test results for the Chinese coronavirus, despite never taking the test. “If people that have told you that are willing to provide their name, we’re interested in investigating this because it’s ridiculous”
The Florida Department of Health’s stated positivity rates and associated volume of coronavirus cases does not match claims made by the testing facilities
Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive. Other labs had very high positivity rates. FOX 35 found that testing sites like Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of tests were positive.
How could that be? FOX 35 News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every local location mentioned in the report. The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health’s positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report.
The Ribbon is cut - Volusia Republican Trump Victory Headquarters is open at 3741 S Nova Road in Port Orange
Mike Casey, RECVC Statistician
The numbers this week are fantastic. We posted 709 brand new Republican registrations. I have been gathering this data ever since the 2018 election cycle. The difference of 571 new registrations between us and them is the highest I have seen since I started this.
The Democrats and their media toadies have used polls for the last two months to create the illusion of an inevitable Biden victory on November 3. CNN’s aptly named Don Lemon tells us Trump’s “number’s up.”
The political analysis operation Five Thirty Eight breathlessly advised last week that Biden was on the verge of opening up a “landslide” lead. These are standard partisan political tactics.
The fact that Trump is now returning upwards in key pollsillustrates again that no matter what is thrown at him he is practically indestructible -
From his great address at Mount Rushmore, Trump has played the traditional winning hand of leaders facing the attempted atomization of their voters into a swath of aroused grievance-groups.
He raises and honors the flag of an imperfect but ever-improving America, of a great and benign nation.
He calls for national unity against an internal enemy of racists, arsonists, and vandals who are propping up the Democrats, who are otherwise engaged in trying to maintain panic over COVID-19 and to perpetuate an economic recession and a national school holiday.
BLM and Antifa can riot and pillage and desecrate American history, but the people can’t go to school, houses of worship, or public entertainments? The inert, contemptible Democratic big-city mayors are sitting ducks for Trumpian abuse.
July 16, 2020 at 6pm - 10pm
Volusia Top Gun 2900 Bellevue Avenue Ext Daytona Beach, FL
President Trump supported republican candidate Tommy Tuberville has crushed former AG Jeff Sessions in the Alabama Senate primary run-off. Margin holding at approximately 63% of the vote
Thank you Jeff Sessions for everything you have done throughout your career (sans AG). As a former Senator Mr. Sessions was a valuable supporter for the MAGA agenda and a kind person. Done is done. Now we move on.
Unite the clans. We’ve got a general election to win.
Republicans “have doubled the amount of new voter registrations … than we did in the entire 2016 cycle”
Every once in a while, the GOP gets its act together. In this case, the goal is to register as many unregistered GOP voters as possible. Democrats have long outpaced the GOP in voter registration. Until now.
The GOP has long been rather lackadaisical about things that have propelled the leftist crazies to their current level of prominence in our society, culture, and politics. Republicans seemed to imagine that being right is might, that winning the day is a matter of being the most reasonable and most unifying (in terms of eschewing identity politics and embracingallAmericans as Americans). The idea seems to have been that defeating the anti-American Marxist and anarchist union of conflicting purpose is best achieved by ignoring it.
No longer. The GOP under President Trump’s leadership suddenly understands that being proactive, fighting Democrats on their own turf, is not only important but vital. To that end, the GOP has stepped up its voter registration efforts and is outpacing Democrats in this—historically their own—arena.
Lisa Lewis, for this election, had to utilize a lot of schools to use as voting locations, instead of the regular locations. Some of the regular locations have refused to allow voting in their property and staffing of the election workers has been challenging. So some polls are consolidating into various schools which Lisa will identify on Wednesday. Unfortunately, we have had to wait for Lisa's list to begin scheduling our volunteers that will be handing off our REPUBLICAN VOTER GUIDES at the polls.
That scheduling effort will begin on MONDAY - JULY 20 at the Port Orange HQ at 3741 South Nova Rd from 10 to 4.
We have over 1,000 volunteers in our data base...many have helped us in the past and some have recently responded on facebook that they want to help. We have to phone call and text message all of these volunteers to get them scheduled to help us pass out the Republican Voter Guide, both at Early Voting and at the election day polls. We need help with these phone calls and message texting. It usually requires a week or 10 days to complete the calls.
Please help us with this effort. We can't do all of these calls ourselves and this now begins our work to get Republicans elected....the work that President Trump needs. Between now and November, we will either save or lose our country. Help us to save it.
- President Trump stops to give brief remarks to the assembled press pool as he departs the White House heading to Walter Reed hospital to visit wounded troops and veterans.
Q Mr. President, can you tell us about Roger Stone and why did you not take the advice of the Attorney General, who cautioned you against clemency?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, he didn’t say that. Roger Stone was treated horribly. Roger Stone was treated very unfairly. Roger Stone was brought into this witch hunt, this whole political witch hunt and the Mueller scam — it’s a scam, because it’s been proven false. And he was treated very unfairly, just like General Flynn was treated unfairly; just like Papadopoulos was treated unfairly. They’ve all been treated unfairly.
He had a forewoman — he had a forewoman who was horrendous. She should have never been on the jury. The judge should’ve so ruled. The judge didn’t do that. Take a look at the record. The judge didn’t do that. Take a look at the forewoman. He should’ve had another trial. Roger Stone was treated very badly.
Now, take a look at Comey, take a look at McCabe, take a look at the two lovers, Strzok and Page. Take a look at all these people that are walking around and they lied to Congress, and they leaked and they did everything else — a lot of other things. Take a look at Biden, Sleepy Joe. Take a look at Obama. And they spied on Donald Trump’s campaign. Those are the people — let me just tell you something: Those are the people that should be in trouble.
Thank you.
WHITE HOUSE– Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Grant of Clemency commuting the unjust sentence of Roger Stone .. a victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency.
There was never any collusion between the Trump Campaign, or the Trump Administration, with Russia. Such collusion was never anything other than a fantasy of partisans unable to accept the result of the 2016 election. The collusion delusion spawned endless and farcical investigations, conducted at great taxpayer expense, looking for evidence that did not exist.
As it became clear that these witch hunts would never bear fruit, the Special Counsel’s Office resorted to process-based charges leveled at high-profile people in an attempt to manufacture the false impression of criminality lurking below the surface. These charges were the product of recklessness borne of frustration and malice. This is why the out-of-control Mueller prosecutors, desperate for splashy headlines to compensate for a failed investigation, set their sights on Mr. Stone.
Roger Stone is well known for his nearly 50 years of work as a consultant for high-profile Republican politicians, including President Ronald Reagan, Senator Bob Dole, and many others. He is also well known for his outspoken support for President Donald J. Trump and opposition to Hillary Clinton.
The Mueller prosecutors also took pains to make a public and shameful spectacle of his arrest. Mr. Stone is a 67-year-old man, with numerous medical conditions, who had never been convicted of another crime. But rather than allow him to surrender himself, they used dozens of FBI agents with automatic weapons and tactical equipment, armored vehicles, and an amphibious unit to execute a pre-dawn raid of his home, where he was with his wife of many years. Notably, CNN cameras were present to broadcast these events live to the world, even though they swore they were not notified—it was just a coincidence that they were there together with the FBI early in the morning.
There were also serious questions about the jury in the case. The forewoman of his jury, for example, concealed the fact that she is a member of the so-called liberal “resistance” to the Trump Presidency. In now-deleted tweets, this activist-juror vividly and openly attacked President Trump and his supporters.
Mr. Stone, like every American, deserves a fair trial and every opportunity to vindicate himself before the courts. The President does not wish to interfere with his efforts to do so. At this time, however, and particularly in light of the egregious facts and circumstances surrounding his unfair prosecution, arrest, and trial, the President has determined to commute his sentence. Roger Stone has already suffered greatly. He was treated very unfairly, as were many others in this case.