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Tuesday Nov. 8. 2022




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Reelect Representative Webster Barnaby

Florida House District 29

Webster Barnaby was born and raised in the U.K. and immigrated to the United States in 1987. He became a Naturalized American Citizen on March 5th, 1998 

Webster served on the Deltona City Council from 2012-2014. He was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in November 2020. After re-districting, Webster won a hard fought primary contest in Aug.2022 and now seeks reelection in House District 29.


Representative Barnaby is Pro-Life, Pro-2A, Pro-COP and is endorsed by The Florida Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police. A pastor, he has said opening prayers for several of President Trump's rallies

Webster is Married to Silvia Barnaby. They have two adult children; Britney Barnaby a graduate of The University of Florida and Lt. Adrian Joshua Barnaby a graduate of The United States Naval Academy Class of 2015. 


In 2005, at the age of 19, Danny Robins was hired by the Daytona Beach police department. Robins worked in patrol, motors, swat team, and the crime suppression team. He received medals of valor, unit commendations, beachside watch officer of the month, and 24 positive performance commendations throughout his career. In 2014, Danny retired from law enforcement due to injuries throughout his law enforcement career.

For County Council District 3

Reelect Danny Robins


As a retired Daytona Beach Police Officer, Danny knows firsthand what is needed to keep our community and visitors safe.


Want someone who has been honest and transparent with our residents and has a record of success to back it up?

Then it’s time for David Santiago on the Volusia County Council.

click on image 



Daytona Beach Commissioner Stacy Cantu comes from a family with a proud legacy of service in law enforcement and the military.

She understands dedication to public safety.

  • That's why Stacy endorses Matt Reinhart for Volusia County Council District 2.




Jake Johansson is a solid common sense conservative who served 35 years active duty in the U.S. Navy, rising from enlisted seaman to the rank of Captain.  He carried the nuclear football and managed a Naval base in Norfolk with an annual budget of $3 Billion.  He was the successful City Manger of Port Orange for 5 and a half years.  Jake knows how to handle any challenge.  That includes natural disasters like Hurricane Ian. 






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"America must reject the Marxist inspired ideology of todays Democrat Party"

Unnatural Consequences – Our American Social Contract in Crisis

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Three inalienable rights identified by our founding fathers in their July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence.  

The preamble to our Declaration of Independence acknowledges the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, and concludes, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”

Since the Age of Enlightenment, English philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Edmund Burke, spoke about these natural endowed by our creator. They also spoke of a social contract, where some of these natural rights would be surrendered to authority in the interest of social order. This order, often arbitrary and potentially tyrannical, was thought to be the only rational alternative to the anarchy of a pure state of nature.

Of course, the English philosophers who studied past political societies, as well as our American founding fathers, were leery about ceding all their natural rights to an authority or government. Although in favor of the social contract, Locke for example, believed that natural rights were inalienable, and therefore the rule of God superseded government authority.

Locke and other social contract theorists remained steadfast in their beliefs that when government fails properly to mandate their natural rights to satisfy the best interests of society, citizens can withdraw their obligation to obey or change the leadership through elections or other means including, when necessary, violence, thus preserving man’s ability to regain his natural rights.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because this idea of the social contract was one of the guiding principles of our founding fathers as they were educated men and students of English political philosophy. After seeing firsthand the tyranny of a monarchy, they carefully applied certain aspects of the social contract in the United States Declaration of Independence, emphasizing the existence of natural rights, God-given rights which superseded any government and served as the spirit of America’s revolution.

When it was time for young America to have its own Constitution, our founders ensured that our natural rights would be preserved, and government powers would be limited. The resulting document was so perfectly written that it has survived hundreds of years. In fact, these United States are governed by one of the oldest constitutions still existing in the entire world.

Some however, see the constitution as a barrier to their idea of social order. These opponents of our U.S. Constitution seek its destruction to allow for a new type of social contract. One inspired by utilitarianism, Hegelianism and Marxism, where socialist priorities outweigh the natural rights endowed by our creator.

Everything happening today, from wokeness, economic policies, and even riots is all part of their plan to destroy the constitution in order to usher in an era of despotism that our founding fathers sought to protect us from. Politicians and others inspired by Marxist ideologies have been developing this plan for almost a century. While Americans have been distracted by endless wars, increasing demands for professional productivity, the destruction of the family unit, left leaning news conglomerates, and other emerging social media technologies, Marxism inspired activists have infiltrated our universities, educational institutions, and even our own government.

Our youth is being reprogrammed at every level to see our nation differently. It’s like woke artificial intelligence with secondary programming to not disobey their programmers. They are told that our founders were racist and morally flawed. They are taught about injustices at the hands of early American settlers and told that everything they once believed is not true, even things as fundamental as gender. Sexuality is being exploited, youth is being stolen by sexualization of children, and wedges are being driven between communities and their God. They won’t stop until they force the American people to reject their constitution, forfeiting the protections from the government along with it. A government they seek to fully control. Awake yet?

It seems we’re told that every election is the most important election of our lives. Considering how close the currently Democrat-led Executive and Legislative branches of our federal government are to breaching our sacred social contract, the upcoming election really might be the most important election in our lives.

America must reject the Marxist inspired ideology of todays Democrat Party. We must keep working together to elect Republicans who value and understand the natural law foundation of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

The unnatural consequences of in inaction at a time like this is simply too great ignore.

 Cory Mills, Republican Candidate for Florida’s 7th U.S. Congressional District.

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We Remember 9/11 . Educating the Next Generation

Most people above a certain age know exactly where they were when the planes hit the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. And when 9/11 is discussed, they have tangible memories they can refer to, reflect on and share.

  • But how can you never forget when you weren't there? For anyone in their 20s or younger, their views of  9/11 are different. (link)

9.11.2001 - Click on image

With each Sept. 11 anniversary that passes, a smaller and smaller portion of the American public is old enough to actually remember the events of that day first-hand. Some 25% of the current population were born after the attacks  -- or were too young to have any significant or meaningful memory of the day.

For those interested in learning more about 9/11, there are many resources. One is the Never Forget Fund. The Never Forget Fund is a campaign that supports the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s educational programs. In addition, they preserve the museum's significance as a sacred place of remembrance, reflection and education. And as their website states, much of their focus is educating the new generation.

  • “For a new generation, the hope, unity, and resilience we experienced after 9/11 are not memories lived, but history learned," the website says. "The 9/11 Memorial and Museum works to train teachers, educate students, and assist communities to understand the importance of the values we shared."

9/11 Memorial and Museum - History and Facts | History Hit

The 9/11 Memorial and Museum

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A life and death struggle against a totalitarian enemy - Woke Communism

“Trump Is the Most Towering Political Figure in Living Memory”



Tom recently gave a 17 min. speech about Trump titled “You Know His Vices, But Do You Know His Virtues?”

When people say “I like Trump…but..”, they should understand those “but” characteristics they dislike are the very traits that make Trump the best champion in our lifetime, for this current “cold” civil war. Klingenstein explains: “Doubters shouldn’t be bothered by a President who says Haiti is a shiihole behind closed doors, or that Maxine Waters has a low IQ . Doubters should be worried about a candidate who can’t say it, won’t say it, or lies about saying it.”

Below are a few Trump reminders that Tom makes in his speech.

  • Trump knows the media can’t be negotiated with, or reformed. It must be defeated.

  • Trump smoked out rats from hiding places. We now know our intelligence agencies are corrupt.

  • We watched Trump loosen the grip of political correctness, while Repubs wouldn’t engage.

  • Trump made it clear it’s a privilege to enter our country, foreigners should assimilate to us.

  • Trump wants back that nostalgic America guided by relentless optimism, grit, and determination.

  • Before Trump, politicians hid from the public that China is our mortal enemy. Now we all know.

  • Trump’s virtue, backbone, and fortitude are the new standard to judge candidates.

  • Trump’s supporters, and the spirit they embrace, are the new life force of the Rep Party.

  • Trump was born for this current crisis, the life and death fight against woke communism.

  • The “cold” civil war divide in our country was exposed by Trump, not created by him.

  • In war you need strong men to make a stand. Trump is a manly man, with resolve.

  • When you’re in the right, you fight to win. Sometimes this means doing distasteful things.

  • Leadership strength is in short supply. Trump understands there are no clean hands in a fist fight.

  • Trump wants people to learn how to love our country, not be taught how to hate it.

Read it all 

Join with MAGA Patriots - Save America



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Winning Requires Doing. Patriots Make It Happen. Here's To The Winners!

We want to pay tribute to the work of countless volunteers, candidates and Republican Party leaders who have devoted every working hour to winning our critical elections.

Click to watch: 'HERE'S TO THE WINNERS'


We want to share this must see video tribute with you now, and we'll show it again at the Lincoln Dinner

Newsmakers with Representative Jim Jordan | C-SPAN.org

"The House Freedom Caucus gives a voice to countless Americans who feel that Washington does not represent them. We support open, accountable and limited government, the Constitution and the rule of law, and policies that promote the liberty, safety and prosperity of all Americans."

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A Tale of Two Americas: "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times"

September 1, 2022

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way."  A Tale of Two Cities


 A Tale of Two Americas

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