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President Trump - Economic Security is National Security

When the government takes action that destabilizes our economy, every element of national security is put at risk.  We are experiencing that right now as we suffer through Biden’s intentionally flawed energy policy that is destroying the U.S. economy and everyone within it.


Donald Trump knew that an independent U.S. energy policy was a condition for a strong U.S.

He also knew there would be negative consequences to allies and partners if the U.S. energy policy was independent. That is why the very first foreign trip by President Donald Trump was to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States that make up the majority of OPEC.

Look at what President Trump did on that trip.  First, he assured Saudi Arabia that the United States would stand with the Gulf Cooperation Council and Mid-East nations as it pertained to their security. Trump knew making the largest energy consuming nation independent from foreign oil could open a door to destabilization from extremist or ideological groups therein.

President Trump knew this and he approached our need for energy independence by first assuring the Arab states of his commitment to their stability and safety. Trump delivered to those states a list of approved arms and defense agreements during that trip. 

President Trump also promised to work for peace in the region, a substantial and genuine peace that would provide security in the big picture. Trump delivered on that promise with the Abraham Accords.   

There is no other 2024 presidential candidate who could achieve what Donald Trump achieved. We don’t have to guess at whether he can put together a program to ensure Economic Security is National Security.  We don’t have to guess at whether he can deliver on economic policy.  We don’t have guess if Trump’s policy platform, proposals and initiatives would be successful.  We have the experience of it.

By Sundance . Read More

 . It All Begins Here

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Pelosi, her apparatchiks and American-Pravda Media reboot a Soviet Union show trial

"Da, we knew our model was good one"

Nancy Pelosi’s inner circle of flying monkeys, eager to do as much damage to Republicans as possible – hired the former head of ABC News to “produce” their big prime time J6 hearing. The simple fact of the matter is the American people don’t give a damn about any of this. Was the January 6th riot good? Hell no. It was stupid. But was it a “threat to democracy”? Absolutely not. There was no plan, no plot. To the extent that anything was coordinated it was between a couple of guys no one has ever heard of who, for reasons maybe someone should ask the FBI, did their best to stir people up. (link)

So, how will this play in Peoria? Peoria, Arizona, that is. This Phoenix suburb is located about 30 minutes north of downtown. Its partisan mix is 43% Republican, 31% Independent, and 25% Democrat. Most of these voters will view Thursday’s “made-for television” show trial with a jaundiced eye, regarding the whole tawdry spectacle as yet another mendacious Democrat attempt to distract the public from their party’s ever-growing catalogue of failures. (link)

Sen. Marco Rubio captured their ineptitude perfectly in this tweet:

“Instead of focusing on $5 gas, 6000 illegal immigrants a day, record fentanyl deaths, or the violent criminals terrorizing America, Democrats use taxpayer money on a TV producer for the primetime political infomercial from the Jan 6th circus.”

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"We were lucky Donald Trump stepped into the fray"

The conservative movement has reached a definitive turning point in 2022.  We can clearly see the emergence of a new right forming before our very eyes. 

A true America First platform is the only way forward.


Red state America was stunned by the rise of Obama in 2008, but even then, the establishment Republican Party was frozen in a retrograde response, plagiarizing talking points from pages from the Reagan administration. Instead, the rebellion against Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America was left to the grassroots. Thus, the Tea Party movement began.

Millions of Americans joined, organized, and donated to Tea Party groups in the hope of stalling President Obama’s agenda. The Tea Party was comprised of a ragtag group of everyday activists who spread the message to millions more. 

Racial tensions were inflamed during the Obama years, with the Black Lives Matter movement being born from media lies like “Hands up, don’t shoot” in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting. Meanwhile, the rise of Bernie Sanders surprised many across the aisle, proving that when our economy isn’t rewarding every day, middle-class workers, left-wing socialists rise. By the time the 2016 election came, we needed more than just the Tea Party.

We were lucky, then, that Donald Trump stepped into the fray. Only Trump could bulldoze the Republican establishment—which had actively fought the grassroots from taking control of the party—radically reshaping and challenging GOP orthodoxy in a hostile takeover.

The Trump presidency came and went with a series of great accomplishments. Let nobody downplay the successes of those four years–there were tremendous victories both at home and abroad. Most importantly, there were four years of a president who didn’t cower to the media, the deep state, or the political establishment of either party.

However, it is also true that Trump was hamstrung by several factors. Despite Republican majorities for two years, Trump had to deal with a Paul Ryan-led House that diverted crucial attention and political capital away from important campaign promises like building the wall, restricting immigration, and taking on left-wing corporations. 

There was also the deep state’s unrelenting war waged on Trump’s presidency. First, there was Russiagate and Comey, which morphed into the Mueller investigation, a farce that dragged on for two years only to produce nothing (and has recently been tied directly to the Hillary Clinton Campaign).

Then there was the failed CIA-instigated impeachment of Trump over his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Finally, there was the COVID-19 pandemic, which not only crushed America under a series of lockdown measures, but also served as the pretext for massive vote-by-mail schemes that likely succeeded in preventing Trump’s second term. Finally, Trump was impeached yet again in the aftermath of January 6th.

This brings us to the current moment

  • It starts with establishing an immigration system that ensures our country is no longer taken advantage of. No issue is more important in determining the future of our country. We need an immigration policy that prioritizes American workers, not foreign nationals. We need to build the wall and end illegal immigration completely. 

  • Second, we must reorient American foreign policy in a realistic, America First direction. For 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, America has engaged in many useless conflicts aimed at creating democracy in far-flung corners of the world. We’re done with that.  We should not rely on old ways of thinking and failed globalist policies. This also means targeting the Washington, D.C. cabal of corrupt foreign lobbying from unfriendly powers, and of course, the military industrial complex that seeks to profit from endless U.S. adventurism abroad.

  • Third, there needs to be a total and complete war on wokeness. At school boards, in state houses, inside corporate boardrooms, and on college campuses, wokeness needs to be eradicated. The toxic ideology of Critical Race Theory, pronouns, the radical trans madness, and the myriad attacks on our history must be destroyed. Wokeness and intersectionality are cancers. The conservative movement needs to identify threats and fight them on every front.

 . DeSantis Vows to End Child Transgender Surgery

  • Fourth, the new right must focus on economic patriotism. Corporations that push woke values on our children will find no friends on the new right. Gov. Ron DeSantis’ crackdown on Disney is a model for all to follow. We must use state power to regulate big tech corporations. When conservatives have the right to unfettered speech online, a massive pillar of the left’s power will be taken away.

  • Fifth, we must become the most pro-family, pro-parents party the country has ever known. Fundamentally, the new right must be about decentralizing power away from the D.C. bureaucrats and the consultant class, and there is no purer path to doing so than empowering the American family. If we are truly going to be America first, we must put American families first.

Finally, nothing we do to save our civilization will be worth it if we lose God. America, its system of law, and its very character have all been forged in the Judeo-Christian heritage passed down to us from our Founders.  We must fight the civilizational ennui that results from atheism and postmodernism. 

Along with this comes a broader defense of our history. Western Civilization, rooted in faith and its traditions–legal, intellectual, spiritual–must thrive if America is to thrive. The new right can be the catalyst for this spiritual renewal.

Read it all . Charlie KirkThe Claremont Institute

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SAVE AMERICA: Winston Churchill and the ‘Courage to See’

Churchill insisted “upon the supreme value of action,” and spoke freely and unapologetically about “the battle between simple good and simple evil, between life and death.” 

He ads that he “slept soundly throughout the war .. and had no need for cheering dreams." 
“Facts are better than dreams” .. noble and humane “greatness of spirit” informed by practical wisdom and true moderation, is indeed a “moral fact” of a very high order. .

Read it all:  Churchill, Political Judgment, and the ‘Courage to See’

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Memorial Day 2022

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance. It was commemorated at first to honor the Union dead of the Civil War and was originally proclaimed Decoration Day on May 30, 1868. Decoration Day officially became Memorial Day in 1967. Solemn respect for those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the United States of America.

War in Afghanistan - 2,448 American military war dead


Iraq War - 4.486 America military war dead


Korean War Memorial - Washington DC . 54,246 American military war dead


Vietnam Memorial Wall - Washington DC . 58,220 American military war dead


 The American Cemetery at Brittany, France … 4.410 American military war dead
 Cambridge , England … 3.812 American military war dead
 Epinal , France – American Cemetery ... 5.525 American military war dead
 Henri-Chapelle , Belgium … 7.992 American military war dead
Luxembourg American Cemetery , Luxembourg … 5.076 American military war dead 

Sicily-Rome American Cemetery in Italy . 7,858 graves of American military war dead


Meuse-Argonne, France … 14.246 American military war dead

Netherlands American Cemetery , Netherlands … 8301 American military war dead
Oise-Aisne , France … 6.012 American military war dead 
 Rhone , France … 861 American military war dead
Photo of Rhone American Cemetery and Memorial
Sicily , Italy … 7.861 American military war dead
Photo of Sicily Rome American Cemetery and Memorial
St. Mihiel , France … 4.153 American military war dead


World War 1 - 53,402 American military dead


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" It’s no wonder why so many people are heading to Florida for jobs."

The Free State of Florida Leads Nation in Wage Growth

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the County Employment and Wages Summary on May 25. [DATA HERE].  

The economic tracking measures the employment and wage increases at a county level throughout 343 counties in the nation. (The BLS measures the data on an annual basis from December 2020 through December 2021)

The national average rate of wage growth at a county level was 5.9%, far lower than the measured 8.5% inflation rate.  That means real wages, the income of most Americans at the county level have dropped.

23 Florida counties are included in the BLS tracking.  An incredible 21 out of 23 Florida counties have wage growth that far exceeds the national average. [BLS, Table-1]

Additionally, Florida holds the top spot for the highest annual rate of wage growth in Palm Beach County with 15.6%…. AND… Florida holds the top spot for the highest annual rate of wage growth amid the ten largest counties, with Miami-Dade wage gains of 11.1%. [BLS, Table-2]

Read: Freedom in Floridaby Sundance

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"But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female"

“Cancer remains a leading cause of death in Florida, and we will continue to support those fighting this deadly disease.”

Almost every Floridian has known someone afflicted with the scourge of cancer. It is virtually tied with heart disease as the leading cause of death in the state. And so, putting Floridians first as always, he and the First Lady announced $100 million for cancer research and care in the coming year — a 60 percent increase from this year. Read more

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Washington Post "investigates" press secretary Christina Pushaw .. of course THEY do.

The Washington Post assigned their single creepiest reporter to investigate the love life of Ron DeSantis' press secretary @ChristinaPushaw. It's clear the paper is afraid that DeSantis might run for president, so they want to get a head start on destroying everyone around him.

Christina Pushaw  @ChristinaPushaw
The Washington Post reporter working on the hit piece about me is Paul Farhi. Update on @washingtonpost hit piece: The reporter hasn’t showed up on my parents’ doorstep (and I warn him not to try it), but he HAS asked my former assistant in Georgia if I was dating anyone when I lived there.  What if a conservative man did this to a liberal spokeswoman?  

THEY have declared War on anyone who opposes Them .. but this ain't RINO-land

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MAGA living rent-free in Biden's brain: Joe Labels Trump “The Great MAGA King”

During a speech in Chicago on May 11. 2022, filled with excuses, nonsense and economic doublespeak, Joe Biden called President Donald Trump “The Great MAGA King,”  (link)

On May 4,  Biden called our MAGA movement "the most extreme political organization that's existed in American history." (link)

We’ve gone from Deplorables, to MAGA extremists, to ultra-MAGA (link) .. now Trump is The Great MAGA King.


We shall celebrate our latest elevation with the dance of The Great MAGA King


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