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"America is back, and we’re just getting started"
Vice President Mike Pence had a message for former President Barack Obama at the Values Voter Summit Saturday: the American economy is booming because the Trump administration is rolling back Obama administration policies.
“It’s been two years of promises made and promises kept, and we’re just getting started,” Pence told the conference audience in Washington, DC. He cited more than four million jobs created since President Donald Trump took office, record low black and Hispanic unemployment, wages rising at the fastest pace in a decade, and the highest middle class income in recorded history.
Vice President Pence then launched into what he said was a message for former President Obama:
President Obama, you presided over the weakest economic expansion since the Great Depression. When we took over this economy, it was growing by less than two percent, and now it’s growing by more than four percent. This economy isn’t booming because of your policies; it’s booming because we’ve been rolling back the failed policies of your administration since day one.
Near the close of his speech, Pence strongly encouraged the audience to vote in the midterm elections. He also told them to tell their friends what the Trump administration has accomplished and to encourage them to vote also.
Read it all @ America is Back by Michelle Moons
Sept. 21, 2018 - AP: In Minnesota, the first votes of the 2018 midterm elections are being cast. Voting machines are set up inside city buildings. A series of get-out-the-vote rallies is scheduled. And each party is spending millions of dollars to push its supporters to the polls.
While Election Day 2018 is technically Nov. 6, Minnesota law allows in-person voting to begin Friday — a full 46 days early — making it the first battleground state to begin casting actual votes in the broader fight for control of Congress.
Voters in every corner of the nation will soon follow. South Dakota also opens early voting on Friday, and four more states follow in the next six days, including key states including New Jersey and Missouri. California, Montana and Arizona are among seven others that allow early voting in the subsequent two weeks.
It may feel early, but make no mistake: The final phase of the 2018 midterm season has begun.
Nancy Soderberg and NARAL and Judge Brett Kavanaugh
NARAL (and Planned Parenthood) have endorsed Nancy Soderberg.
One of the Left’s favorite special interest groups, the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL), is calling on Judge Brett Kavanaugh to rescind his nomination to the Supreme Court. This demand from the pro-abortion group, which has lead the anti-Kavanaugh, outrage charge, comes amidst a letter alleging that Judge Kavanaugh was involved in sexual misconduct.
Read it all @ NANCY & NARAL 
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What do the leftists want? .. CONTROL
Sept. 20, 2018: Former French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who is head of the former National Front party – now National Rally - revealed on Twitter her shock and anger at being ordered to undertake a psychiatric assessment. The unusual summoning is in relation to Le Pen having tweeted out gruesome propaganda images from terror group ISIS that showed the bodies of people having been executed by the Islamic State.
Marine Le Pen posted the ISIS pictures just a few weeks after the Paris terror attacks in November 2015 in which 130 people were killed. The images included a photo of the decapitated body of US journalist James Foley. "Daesh is this!" Le Pen wrote in a caption, using an Arabic acronym for ISIS.
In March, Le Pen was charged with circulating “violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity” and that can be viewed by a minor. The crime is punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($91,000). And as part of their investigation magistrates in Nanterre near Paris have ordered Le Pen to visit a psychiatrist for an expert assessment.
Read it all @ CONTROL -
This is the same way the old Soviet Union used to handle inconvenient citizens.
Read moreTrump's top 2016 pollster: "It was literally about four counties in Florida, one county in Michigan"
Posted by Chad Selweski | Dec 5, 2016
“When you really drill down on this election, change the vote in five counties, four in Florida, one in Michigan, we’d be having a totally opposite conversation right now,” said pollster Tony Fabrizio at a Harvard University forum.
“For all the money that was spent, for the all the effort that was made, literally four counties in Florida, one county in Michigan puts us at 261 [electoral] votes and makes Hillary Clinton the president. So, remember that.”
Those who have studied the election tallies closely say that he almost certainly was referring to Macomb in Michigan. Macomb is an obvious conclusion because the county gave Trump a 50,000-vote edge while the billionaire businessman pulled off his upset victory in the state by just 10,000 votes
In Florida it was a reference to four of these five: Lee County (Fort Myers), Pasco (Dade City), Polk (Bartow), Pinellas (Clearwater) and Volusia (Daytona Beach) - all areas that were key in delivering his 1.2 percent margin of victory.
Read it all @ Close Race
Donald J. Trump (REP) . . . . 143,007
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) . 109,091
Trump won Volusia +33,916
Trump won Florida +112,911.
Volusia County's margin of victory represented 30% of the total Trump margin of victory in FL.
Read moreA private survey shows many Republican voters “don’t believe there is anything at stake” in the midterm elections.
Internal RNC Poll: Complacent Trump Voters May Cost GOP Control of Congress
A leaked survey conducted for the Republican National Committee (RNC) found that a majority of President Trump’s supporters don’t believe that Democrats have a chance to win back the House during November’s midterm elections.
Bloomberg Business on Tuesday published the survey, completed by Public Opinion Strategies polling firm on Sept. 2. The results are likely to augment GOP fears about Trump's base not showing up for the midterms, when the president himself will not be on the ballot but House and Senate majorities are in play.
A number of election forecasters project that Democrats have an excellent chance of netting more than the 23 seats they need to take over the House majority, but half of self-identified Republicans told the poll they didn’t believe in the “blue wave.”
A report on the poll was sent to RNC officials urging them to convince Trump supporters that the threat from Democrats was real and that they needed to show up to vote in November.
Read it all @ GOP Voters Asleep - By Joshua Green -
What the Democrat Party is selling U.S. is toxic snake oil. But socialism is preventable: Vote Republican.
A month after Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro imposed a mandatory 60-fold wage increase (the fifth such increase this year), nearly 40 percent of all Venezuelan stores have closed. Furthermore, businesses in Venezuela cannot offset the wage increases by raising prices because Maduro’s socialist regime has also imposed price controls, arguing that price increases are not necessary.
“These decisions are leading many business people to say, ‘No, I can’t do it any more,’” Maria Carolina Uzcategui, president of the National Council of Commerce and Services of Venezuela, was quoted by Miami Herald reporter Antonio Maria Delgado as saying.“
And anyone who protests against these measures runs the risk of going to jail, without the right to appeal, without the right to anything, simply because the official whose turn it was to inspect the store just felt like arresting you. He did it, and that’s all,” Uzcategui continued.
Read it all @ SOCIALISM - Written by Warren Mass -
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Trump will lose 60 seats in the House, like Obama did during first midterm. Unless ...
What's the Unless...?
53,616 |
79,641 |
The top number is Volusia County GOP who voted in the August primary.
The bottom number is Volusia County GOP who did not vote.
Unless we vote, we will have government by leftists.
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