

  • left to right: Sec. Cathy DiBernadino - Treas. John Reid - State Committeewoman Erika Benfield - Vice-Chair Duncan DeMarsh - Chairwoman Maryann Pistilli - State Committeeman Vic Baker

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In a newly released video, Google executives reveal their contempt for We The People

"A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe."

You can watch the video at Google Bias Revealed

A highlight of this meeting is when their Chief Financial Officer addresses the group:

  • (00:13:10) CFO Ruth Porat appears to break down in tears when discussing the election result.
  • (00:15:20) Porat promises that Google will “use the great strength and resources and reach we have to continue to advance really important values.”
  • (00:16:50) Stating “we all need a hug,” she then instructs the audience of Google employees to hug the person closest to them.

It's hard to keep in mind while watching this video that these are very powerful media people. It seems behind their big salaries and important titles .. they're just more crazy snowflakes without a clue. The difference of course is that they can (and do) manipulate how we receive our information.

That makes them dangerous ideologues. 

Join the fight ... 

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After 46 years as a politician, can you name one thing Bill Nelson has done for Florida? 

Rick Scott to the U.S. Senate:

'Let's Get To Work'


5 minutes

After 46 years in office, can you name one thing Bill Nelson has done for Florida? 

No one can.

Now he wants another 6 year term.

Enough. You can help retire this career politician

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Joe Biden, Planned Parenthood and Charlie Crist. They all endorse Nancy Soderberg.

Here's Nancy .. leftover from the Bill Clinton era.


Former Vice President Joe Biden,

Former Fl. governor Charlie Crist,

Former candidate for Fl. governor Alex Sink.

Also, the following organizations:

NARAL Pro-Choice America,

Indivisible United Florida

LGBTA Democratic Caucus

J Street PAC

New Dem PAC,

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's “Red to Blue.”

End Citizens United

Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Nancy Soderberg may as well be Nancy Pelosi.


Vote for Michael Waltz



Join the Red Wave..

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Andrew Gillum has excited Democrats and their media. They have big plans for him.

Will Florida Take a Left Turn?

A lot is riding on Andrew Gillum, the progressive nominee for governor.

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum speaking during a Democratic gubernatorial debate in Fort Myers, Fla., July 18.

With a Bernie Sanders-backed progressive facing off against a populist conservative favored by Donald Trump, the Florida gubernatorial race might turn out to be a dry run for the 2020 presidential election. But first, it could set the stage for a long-overdue debate among Democrats.

The Democratic nominee, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, advocates Medicare for all, increasing the state corporate tax rate to 7.75% from 5.5%, and boosting the minimum wage to $15 from $8.25. In a statement issued during the primary campaign, Mr. Gillum endorsed “a comprehensive immigration overhaul that includes abolishment of ICE in its current form to be replaced with a more compassionate and focused agency that actually keeps us safer.”

The Republican, Ron DeSantis, who recently resigned his seat in Congress, supports President Trump’s agenda down the line. He sports a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee, 94% from the Club for Growth, and 93% from the National Rifle Association. At the other end of the spectrum, he receives 0% ratings from the NAACP and the Human Rights Campaign and 3% from the League of Conservation Voters. His website features endorsements from Sean Hannity and Mark Levin as well as the president.

Progressives argued that nominating business-friendly candidates favorable to suburban voters was a failed strategy. The alternative was to select a candidate who could inspire urban-based racial and ethnic minorities to go to the polls along with unmarried women and young progressives.

Andrew Gillum is that candidate, and much is riding on how he does. If he can mobilize his base without scaring away too many moderate and suburban voters, he will be the next governor of Florida. More than that, he will have blazed the trail for progressives seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.

Read it all @ Governor Gillum  

Do you want to stop this from happening?

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"There were firefighters, police, and more who rushed in because they knew their duty and loved their fellow man."

Read: Telling the story of 9/11



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Obama returns to attack Trump .. and talk about himself

"But there droning over my shoulder was President Trump’s predecessor, breaking precedent and going after his successor in full throated, self-focused hubris that marked his presidency in large measure. On Friday he referred to himself 102 times."


Trump works something like fifteen hours a day. His drug of choice is making progress. Trump made progress by rolling back what is turning out to be thousands of Obama dictates. Dictates that had seen devastating slowdowns on American industry, energy, and enterprise. Once deregulation got rolling, economic reforms, tax system overhauls, and removal of the Obamacare mandate helped businesses explode. While Obama never oversaw a day in the markets where even one “all time high” occurred. President Trumps has seen “all time highs” occur on 99 of his first 600 days in office. 

In foreign policy, Obama told the American people he was right, enlightened, and within his appropriate authority to give our enemies in Iran $750 billion dollars, and more or less allow them to write an agreement in relationship to nuclear pursuits that we more or less rubber stamped. Trump has torn up that agreement and not a dime of American dollars has flowed to the terrorists since he has. 

On national security Obama couldn’t seem to stop ISIS. Trump has scrubbed their operations from the face of the earth. On immigration Obama’s Justice Department allowed the drug cartels to smuggle guns from the U.S. that ended up being used against his own border guards—killing them on more than one occasion. Trump—needless to say—has handled the border in a more common sense manner. 

North Korea “perplexed” Obama. Trump scares North Korea. Obama refused to stand by our ally in Israel. Trump did what no President has had the guts to and moved our embassy to their national capital and recognized it as such. Obama apologized to world powers. Trump has told them to “pay their share.”

Obama was fine with letting more jobs flow overseas, and showed zero interest in reviving American manufacturing (formerly a core component of the Democratic message.) Trump not only talked about bringing the jobs back, we’ve watched as a nation as these factories are re-opening, and new ones are being built.

Obama hid his radical socialism .. Trump’s fair market contrast demonstrates such white hot difference in the two theories that it exposes everything for what it is, as it is.

So the battle is enjoined. America will decide in November.

Read it all @ Obama vs. Trump

by Kevin McCullough 


Let's send Obama a message ..

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President Trump is Making America Great Again

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Democrat / Hollywood / Media obsession with overturning the 2016 election is taking them (and U.S.) to crazytown.


Watching the way liberals “handle” disappointment is a clear warning that they cannot be trusted in a crisis. They could no more be expected to sanely steer our Ship of State than Captain Ahab was to take proper charge of his whaling vessel.

In fact, Moby Dick is the prototype for what is happening to the obsessed minds of the liberal establishment. Like Ahab, who lost a leg to a Great White Whale, the crazed swamp-dwellers lost an election to a Great “Orange” creature that seems to have come out of nowhere. He has not only crippled them, he has blinded them with rage and plunged them into a vast sea of obsession from which they cannot seem to rescue themselves.

The lasting popularity of Melville’s novel speaks to the self-destructive power of obsession. To visit vengeance on Moby Dick, Captain Ahab would destroy everything -- not just his sea-worthy nemesis, but his entire crew -- and, indeed, what was left of his vengeful self. In the same manner, the all-consuming vendetta that grinds away at the leaders of the Democrat Party could end up destroying them and it.

The last that readers of Moby Dick see of Captain Ahab, he is lashed helplessly to the body of his mortal enemy. That is the risk fools take when they are unable to cut the punishing ropes of obsession.

Read it all @ "The Ahabs of the Left"  by Doris O'Brien  


We can beat these crazy liberals. Join US ..

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