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JULY BORDER NUMBERS : Biden Surrenders American Sovereignty
Joe Biden on Tuesday attacked Governor Ron DeSantis for pushing back on vaccine passports and mask mandates .. while saying not a word about the tens of thousands of Covid-infected illegal aliens pouring into our country every month because of his open borders policies.
DeSantis blasted Biden on Wednesday:
“Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you.”
Click Image: Drone reveals thousands of illegal aliens under a bridge in Texas.
A thread by Chip Roy (R-TX)
(US Border Patrol only, subject to increase)
Total encounters: 205,029
Total known gotaways: 37,400
1.3 million for FY 21 so far
Largest monthly encounter number since 2000. Total is bigger than every full-year total since FY21
Rio Grand Valley Sector
- Encounters - 81,034
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 5,219
Del Rio Sector
- Encounters- 34,553
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 9,737
El Paso Sector
- Encounters- 20,736
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 4,203
Tucson Sector
- Encounters- 18,960
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 9,792
San Diego Sector
- Encounters- 16,094
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 4,053
Yuma Sector
- Encounters- 15,095
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 682
Laredo Sector
- Encounters- 9,177
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 1,383
El Centro Sector
- Encounters- 5,565
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 942
Big Bend Sector
- Encounters- 3,815
- Got Aways (known/recorded)- 1,389
Now, factor this in:
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officers have seized more than 8,500lbs of fentanyl during the first 9 months of FY21
- That's not only an increase of 234% year over year
- It's enough to kill everyone in America five times over, (since 2mg can be fatal)
- Add in the fact that we know that cartels and coyotes use and "recycle" children to abuse our asylum system
- Add in the fact that we know that cartels are making millions per day in human and sex trafficking off this administration
It's only going to get worse with this crisis
Add in that vaccinated Americans are being forced to mask up while people with COVID are being dumped in places like La Joya, TX
Add in that thousands of CBP employees have tested positive & at least 33 have died from COVID because @POTUS & @VP aren't enforcing Title 42
And while House Dems are obviously complicit in this monstrosity, remember that @RepHerrell and I introduced a discharge petition to force a vote on this OVER THREE MONTHS AGO.
Yet only 149 House Republicans have signed it – where are the other 60+? (…) It's time to draw a line in the sand, for the sake of our country, our communities, our kids, and those who seek to come here.
It’s time to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas @SecMayorkas for failing to uphold immigration law, enforce Title 42, and secure our border. We demand a secure border and safe neighborhoods.
It's our country. These are our terms.
"Biden’s destroyed jobs, presided over a 30% increase in gas prices, made America energy-dependent again, unleashed transgender madness, and aimed aggressive racial attacks against Whites. The worst thing he’s done, however, was to open the southern border, destroying American sovereignty.
Biden has blatantly overthrown America’s immigration laws. There’s not even a pretense now that the people streaming in from all over Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East are “refugees. The administration deliberately dumps these alien invaders in communities across America.”
September 18, 2019
Feds, Dems, Big Tech on the attack ... aggressive, unbowed states counterattack.
From open borders and COVID-19 to critical race theory and censorship, Florida and Texas have formed a vanguard against the leftward tilting of America by the Biden administration, the Democrat Congress and Big Tech.
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas have created a model for other GOP executives to use the states' rights enshrined in the Constitution's 10th Amendment to confront creeping government and monopolization.
After a rash of conservative voices were censored from YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, DeSantis worked with the Florida Legislature to enact a law banning censorship based on political ideology. President Donald Trump, who is banned on some of those platforms, immediately sued them under the state law as a Florida resident.
Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says the Florida/Trump lawsuits against the social giants will be the most important free speech case of the 21st century - link
"The current situation is absolutely intolerable. You have these giant media tell us what we can see and what we can hear and being exempted by congressional legislation. And then we have them claiming their rights under the First Amendment because they are a private company."
Read More:
Ten Indisputable Facts That Argue For 2020 Election Audits
- Joe Biden won got 18 million more votes than Trump did in 2016❓
Obama got 69,498,516 votes in 2008
Joe Biden earned got 81,284,000 votes in 2020❓
.Jennifer Epstein @jeneps, White House reporter at Bloomberg News
What the Biden CNN town hall looks like from the back of the auditorium: Jul 21 2021
History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.*
* Samuel Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain)
.The Election of 1824 - Four candidates were running for President: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, and Henry Clay. When the election was over, Andrew Jackson had won 41% of the popular vote, and 99 electoral votes, while Adams had 31% of the popular vote and 84 electoral votes. Despite having won a plurality, Jackson lost the election in the US House of Representatives. Andrew Jackson is the only candidate ever to have won a plurality of the electoral college, but lose the election.
.The Election of 1828 - Andrew Jackson and his supporters did not go quietly into the night. The next four years was a continuous campaign as the nation divided. The congressional elections in 1826 were a harbinger of things to come, as the Jacksonians took 9 seats from the opposition, and control of the House. The campaign of 1828 was an ugly affair, with accusations leveled by both sides. Jackson's wife Rachel was accused of bigamy due to a legal mistake in her divorce, and she died of a heart attack weeks after the election. Andrew Jackson blamed his political opponents for her death. In the end Jackson won the election with 56% of the popular vote, and 178 electoral votes to Adam's 83.
Similarities to the Present -
While it is tempting to consider Trump to be a more divisive political figure than Andrew Jackson, that is debatable. But there are a number of parallels between those elections and today. The divisions within the country from 1824 to 1828 were deep. Jackson was a popular figure, a champion for the working class, and deeply critical of corruption in Washington. He was also denied the Presidency through chicanery. The nation was sharply divided between states with deeply divergent cultural values.
The Price of Fraud -
Election fraud is not new in the United States. Once the electorate believes that their good faith participation in the political process was cast aside, they have historically reacted strongly against those who played those dirty tricks.
Shortly there is going to be convincing proof that the election was stolen from Trump in Arizona and Georgia. Possibly more audits will follow. Everyone knows what an audit is, and the only people who object are those with something to hide. However, remember there is no Constitutional mechanism to overturn a Presidential or Senate election. The Arizona audit won't result in decertification of the election.
- Robert Barnes, Civil Rights Attorney
What the audit does is show everyone in graphic detail that their votes were invalidated through fraud. It has already generated anger and determination in the next elections, and political support for election reform. The reason that Florida had a clean election is because the debacles in 2000 and 2018 forced the state to clean up its act. Election reform is polling with strong majority support nationwide.
Without a doubt, the Democrats will try to retain control through media manipulation, attempts to thwart election legislation, and additional fraud. It is a rational argument that they now wield sufficient power to ensure that future elections will be rigged in Democrat favor, perhaps through a new round of Covid lockdowns, abuse of election systems, or outright cancellation of elections.
But if historical precedent is predictive, then the proof of election fraud will result in voter maturation and a strong backlash against the Democrats in 2022 and 2024.
Biden's Big-Time Backfire: Democrat Supporting Unions Say No Mandatory JAB
"I never guessed that the AFT, NEA, SEIU and APWU were knuckle-dragging, MAGA hat-wearing, bitter-clinging, anti-science, Bible-thumping inbred, unwashed, backward red state vaccine refuseniks. That's because these four are at the tippy top of the organized labor big time Democrat pyramid."
Two of the country's largest teachers' unions refuse to mandate [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccinations for their members. The National Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) are pushing against mandatory teacher vaccinations as the 2021-22 school year approaches.
California's largest state worker union has demanded government officials "come to the bargaining table" over Democrat Governor Newsom's mandate requiring all state employees to show proof of full [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccination by August 2. A press release from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Richard Brown said Newsom never specified how the vaccine verification mandate would be implemented and went on to question whether the requirement "was a knee-jerk reaction to the rising number of [Chinese] COVID-19 cases."
The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) which represents more than 200,000 United States Postal Service employees and retirees and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers, said in a statement; "it is not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent."
Democrats (and their media apparatchiks) are desperately eager to keep alive the China Virus Fear .. Why?
"They used the cover of a pandemic to help rig the 2020 election. In advance of 2022 they need to create more fear and paranoia to prevent the wave of election integrity laws from nixing the disastrous mail-in balloting, thereby taking away their ill-gotten majorities."