UPDATED: ‘Full-Blown Emergency’
Fred Lucas / / June 05, 2019
“We are in a full-blown emergency, and I cannot say this stronger: the system is broken,” Acting CBP Commissioner John Sanders said in a conference call with reporters.
Sanders was quoted by the Post saying the agency detained more than 680,000 border-crossers in the past eight months, “more than the population of Miami.”
Several weeks ago, the Mexican investigative journal Contralínea posted a map of Mexico prepared by the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, showing that 80 percent of the country’s 266 districts recently targeted for enforcement by the Mexican National Guard in a new counter-cartel operation are either controlled (57.5 percent) or disputed (23.3 percent) by the cartels. “Only 53 (19.92 percent) enjoy a low level of violence, which means that control is exercised by the authorities,” reported Contralínea on May 4, citing the data on the color-coded map.

Thus, we now see from an internal document of the Mexican government an admission that Mexico has essentially lost control over every important populated area in Mexico outside Mexico City and a few others, and particularly the most sensitive areas of the U.S.-Mexican border.
Our government is fully aware of this dynamic. This map of control was sent out by a federal agency to Border Patrol in a daily intelligence briefing on May 9. CR has obtained a copy of this briefing from a Border Patrol agent who must remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak to the press.
By Daniel Horowitz

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"The US president is winning all his bets in the UK"

Donald Trump has called on Britain to leave the European Union without a deal if Brussels refuses to meet its demands, as he urged the government to send Nigel Farage into the negotiations.
Trump told the Sunday Times it was a “mistake” not to involve Farage in negotiations, saying the Brexit party leader had a “lot to offer” and was someone he liked a lot. Trump added: “He is a very smart person. They won’t bring him in. Think how well they would do if they did. They just haven’t figured that out yet.”
The president said the British government had to “get the deal closed”. He said: “If they don’t get what they want, I would walk away … If you don’t get the deal you want, if you don’t get a fair deal, then you walk away.”
The former Conservative foreign secretary Boris Johnson, whom Trump has consistently backed over May, and who he has said would do “an excellent job”, is tipped as most likely to succeed her.
The Brexit party leader, Nigel Farage, another Trump favourite, emerged victorious from the European elections, while the hardest of all Brexits remains a likelihood.
Source: The Guardian (U.K.)
President Trump and First Lady Melania arrived to Buckingham Palace for the official state visit reception and ceremony with HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Lady Parker Bowles.
Posted on June 3, 2019 by sundance
Click image to see Pictorial from The Royal Family

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With the largest voter turnout in 20 years, the EU elections saw nearly one third of the seats in the European parliament won by nationalist parties.

Globalism is the ideology of the ruling class. It is the stuff of the World Economic Forum, Paris Climate Treaty, multinational banks pushing transsexuals, payment processors excluding conservative activists, social media giants deciding what is permissible speech. Globalists support the strengthening of the United Nations and other global enterprises like the EU, because the rules these institutions promulgate are, by their nature, uniform and universal.
Today, nationalism is on the rise. Nationalist parties have won in Italy, Hungary, Brazil, and in the United States, where Trump won largely through nationalist politics and rhetoric. Nearly one third of the seats in the European parliament were recently taken by nationalist parties. Nationalists in many nations emphasize the importance of national independence, skepticism of mass immigration, the preservation of language and culture, and the subordination of global and financial institutions to local control.
Globalism is a failing ideology. The increasing turn to censorship and suppression of dissident movements is as much an indicator of this as any economic figures. The largest failure of globalism is that it has failed to deliver on its own terms. Globalism fundamentally elevates economic concerns above all others and promises to raise all boats. But mobile global capital has instead transformed the entire globe into winner-take-all competition, where the largest share of the dividends are delivered to the managerial class and investors rather than to ordinary workers, who must now compete with Chinese laborers working for a pittance. Economic security has not increased with global competition
Read it all @ Globalism vs Nationalism 
By Christopher Roach

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President Trump trusts Prime Minister Abe as a strategic ally; and a big component of this state visit is the two leaders coordinating regional security issues.

As once noted by CIA Director Mike Pompeo .. POTUS often does geopolitical messaging through twitter that is missed by the U.S. media but hits the target as subtle as a brick through a window. President Trump’s latest tweet on North Korea is a prime example.

The Chinese state media have been not-so-subtle in alluding to a current strategy of waiting out the next U.S. presidential election and hoping for a Joe Biden win. So with the latest tweet/message, President Trump is informing Chairman Xi that he knows any hostile DPRK action is directly attributable to China.

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Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau, France
2,289 graves of American military war dead
Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who died in service to the United States of America.
It was commemorated at first to honor the Union dead of the Civil War and originally proclaimed Decoration Day by Gen. John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, on May 30, 1868. Finally, by 1967, Decoration Day officially became Memorial Day, according to federal law.
There are many great traditions in the military. One of the greatest is a solemn respect for anyone who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial site in Italy
7,858 graves of American military war dead
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