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It's Happening: Canada's 'Freedom Convoy' now includes American Patriots

Yesterday, GoFundMe announced that they would not give the $10 million to the freedom-fighting Canadian truckers that was raised for them on the GoFundMe fundraising platform.

The backlash against the crowdfunding company was fast, massive and direct.  Facing legal action, U.S. state lawsuits and massive charge-back fees from outraged donors contesting refunds through their banks and credit cards, GoFundMe had an overnight change in positiondonor funds will not be redirected but refunded automatically in 7-10 days.

GoFundMe has destroyed their business model.  That is the scale of self-destruction chosen by the organization as an outcome of their political decision to freeze and redirect donor contributions of the Freedom Convoy protest. 

That said, GoFundMe justified their decision based on a definition of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protest as an unlawful “occupation”.  However, the same GoFundMe supported the Seattle “occupation” in 2020 known as CHAZ/CHOP.  

American readers might wonder why conservative Canadian government officials and various State Premiers are not taking legal action. Within the answer to that inquiry, we realize the structural issue of the Conservative Party in Canada.  They are controlled opposition who actually support leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Read it all 

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"The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation"

A new movie from Dinesh D’Souza promises to expose an illegal ballot harvesting conspiracy, complete with never-before-seen video footage showing over 2,000 paid “mules” anonymously stuffing ballot dropboxes while wearing gloves and disguises.

President Trump has issued a statement regarding the release of the trailer for 2000 Mules:

"Highly respected Dinesh D’Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, '2,000 Mules'.. that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen.

WATCH Movie Trailer (1:34)

Related: Wisconsin Judge Rules Ballot Drop Boxes Used in 2020

The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it was the “most secure election in history.” It was, perhaps, the least secure in history. The ballot box was stuffed, and stuffed like never before—and it’s all on video.

Ballots were trafficked and sold in a massive operation in each Swing State. The evidence is so damning, what will the cowards who sat and did nothing about the stolen election say now?

The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation. It must be fixed."


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President Trump Calls Upon MAGA Army to Support Canadian Truckers

: "The line of polite big-rig drivers crossing Canada in protest over the maple leaf mandate Marxism imposed by the ridiculous Justin Trudeau is a welcome sign of the workin’ class revolt to come. The workin’ class is going to revolt here in America, and I can’t wait. It’s a matter of both time and extent. In November, it will revolt at the ballot box again. But if that is stolen from them again, if the releases of protest and electoral impact are totally foreclosed to them, the revolt will manifest in other ways. The elite will deserve the whirlwind it reaps."

Read it all - By Kurt Schlichter 

During his remarks in Texas, President Trump gave a shout out to the patriotic Canadian truckers and the Freedom Convoy. - Rumble Link

“The Canadian Truckers, you’ve been reading about it, who are resisting, bravely, these lawless mandates and doing more to defend American freedom than our own leaders by far.  We want those great Canadian truckers to know that we are with them all the way; they’ve really shown something.”   ~ President Donald Trump


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NYC Cops: Enough is Enough

Officers in the thousands packed the boulevard, from curb to curb for blocks — respectfully silent, or as silent as such numbers can be, but eloquently making it clear that for this one day, on this one occasion, they had had enough of being scapegoats for a society lately lacking the self-respect to resist both its criminals and those politicians who protect them 

A grieving sea of Blue lines 5th Avenue say — enough! 

Cop lives mattered outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral where thousands gathered to honor the sacrifice of NYPD Officer Jason Rivera — murdered at 22 in service to a too-often-ungrateful city. Perhaps not since America welcomed its victorious legions home from Europe in 1945 have New York’s streets seen a uniformed presence quite like the blue wall that stood tall .. Read More @ nypost.com 


February 1, 2022 - Officer Wilbert Mora will be buried at Calvary Cemetery in Woodside, Queens.

Officer Wilbert Mora will be buried at the Calvary Cemetery in Woodside, Queens.

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Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will now move to SCOTUS .. as planned.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will retire at the end of the current court term, setting up the final step to elevate DC Appeals Court Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. This is exactly what was planned from the appointment of Merrick Garland to U.S. Attorney General. [GO DEEP]

As reported by CTH in March 2021 – "Merrick Garland was confirmed Attorney General to open his seat in the DC Appeals Court for Kentanji Brown Jackson. KBJ’s appointment to that specific court needed Senate confirmation. 

In June 2021, KBJ was confirmed [GO DEEP] with a vote of 53-47.  Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Lindsey Graham voted with Democrats to support KBJ to the circuit court. 

Once Senate confirmed, we anticipate (almost to a certainty) that replacement (KBJ) will be elevated to a Supreme Court nomination to replace Justice Stephen Breyer, now 82-years-old. 

The Senate will have no political ammunition to block or not confirm the radical SCOTUS pick, because she will have been confirmed months before. As a standalone nomination for SCOTUS she would be a radical pick; Justice Brown Jackson is a known activist in the DC District Court; however, with this maneuver she could get through nomination easier and then sit on the highest court for thirty years."


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"The Biden misadministration is the hot stove of politics"

For the ones who are dumb, they’ll keep putting their palms on the burners and being surprised when they smell singed hand ... “I voted for Biden and someone broke into my car, plus I caught COVID though I quadruple mask and quintuple vaxx, and then I got drafted to go fight to protect Hunter’s investments in Ukraine! How did this happen?" - By Kurt Schlichter

Noted dead white guy Samuel Johnson, who believed that there are only two genders, once observed, “Depend upon it, Sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.” It’s an apt analogy here, both because it evokes the fact that the Democrats have gone all-in on the side of the criminals as the crime rate rockets up, and also because it demonstrates just how intractably stupid the Democrats are. They ride in the little cart heading toward their November 8th date with the electoral noose, but their minds are not concentrated on that. Instead they are concentrated on fake insurrections and telling us how CRT is not taught in schools yet must absolutely continue to be taught in schools. 

The Democrats always fail, always. They hate normal Americans, they screw up the economy, they coddle criminals. When you give these morons authority, they will mess everything up. Name a functioning institution in our society that works even adequately. There is no competently-run institution left in America. Academia is broke. The military is broke. And what’s the one thing our institutions have in common? They are run by the left, and the Democrats are the party of the left.

We want socialism destroyed. Not tamed, not moderated .. crushed. Wiped out. Nuked from orbit, because that is the only way to be sure. When we are done, we want the Democrat Party terrified of even hinting at support for anything remotely like the socialism. This is a matter of either us and freedom winning, or us acquiescing to a jack-booted, lib-fascist future forever. We choose freedom.


Kurt Schlichter was personally recruited to write conservative commentary by Andrew Breitbart. He is a retired Army Infantry colonel with a masters in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College. As an Army officer, he commanded a cavalry recon squadron, and served in Desert Storm and Kosovo. MORE

Election Year 2022 .VOLUNTEER HERE

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The Democrat Party will now hate a Kennedy.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. Gives Historic Speech at Lincoln Memorial for 'March Against Vaccine Mandates and Medical Tyranny'Click on image

"We love the United States Constitution.  And we have witnessed over the past 20 months a coup d'état against democracy and the demolition, a controlled demolition of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  And starting with the censorship. 

James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson all said the same thing, we put freedom of speech in the first amendment because all of the other rights that we were trying to protect relied on that right.

The minute they hand you that vaccine passport every right that you have is transformed into a privilege, contingent upon your obedience to arbitrary government dictates."

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Redistricting: New maps will govern the Florida Legislature for the next decade.

The picture of Florida’s House district boundaries for the 2022 election came further into focus Friday, Jan.21. The House Legislative Redistricting Subcommittee advanced a map (H 8009) on a 13-7 vote, breaking down largely along party lines.

The House and Senate must agree on legislative maps but have historically deferred to one another to craft lines for their respective chambers. These maps are not subject to approval by the Governor.


The Senate voted 34-3 (votes against from Democrats) to approve a new map (S 8058) for the state’s 40 Senate districts. Outside analysts predict the map most likely will leave the upper chamber of the Florida Legislature in GOP control after the November elections. State legislative maps produced by the Legislature, unlike a congressional map produced by the body, cannot be vetoed by the Governor.

 Senate President Wilton Simpson heaped praise on Ray Rodrigues, Senate Reapportionment Committee Chair and committee staff who drafted the final map. “You had a lot of integrity and continually produced a great product we’re going to vote on here today.”

More @ .by Jacob Ogles

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"I ran twice and we won twice."

Saturday Jan. 15: Speaking in front of a sea of supporters gathered at the Country Thunder festival grounds in Florence, Arizona, President Trump delivered what sounded like his first stump speech of a possible 2024 campaign.

Trump looked ahead to 2024 as well as this year's midterm elections - he predicted that "a great red wave is going to begin right here in Arizona" and vowed that "this is the year we take back the House, this is the year we take back the Senate" MORE

Here in Volusia County, we need Poll Watchers so we too can help assure the integrity of the vote. We have a huge job in November making sure our great Governor DeSantis is re-elected and we will again need your help. 


If you have any questions, please call or email me.

Tom Coriale 

Vice Chairman Republican Executive Committee of Volusia County (RECVC)

[email protected] (or) [email protected]


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