

  • left to right: Sec. Cathy DiBernadino - Treas. John Reid - State Committeewoman Erika Benfield - Vice-Chair Duncan DeMarsh - Chairwoman Maryann Pistilli - State Committeeman Vic Baker

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  • Gov. DeSantis @ Volusia GOP Lincoln Dinner .. Oh What a Night!

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Last time this happened was 2010 & the Dems took a 'Shellacking'

. Jan. 25: House Democrat Exodus: Rep. Jim Cooper, 29th Democrat, Says He Won't Seek Reelection


Rhode Island Congressman James Langevin (D) announced he won’t be running for reelection after 22 years in Congress. Also, Democrat Rep. Jerry McNerney (CA) announced he will not be seeking reelection this year.

The Jan.18 retirement announcements mean 28 incumbent Democrats won’t seek reelection in November.


Democrats are facing a disturbing trend for the upcoming midterm congressional elections:

26 of their incumbents are retiring. 

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"Congressional Democrats cannot count on the bully pulpit to get things done because Biden short circuits pervasively. He’s frail, stupid, and too slow to be effective. That’s on top of rising inflation, a border crisis, and a supply chain crisis that’s now leaving grocery stores barren. Oh, and he didn’t shut down COVID.

His vaccine mandate got shredded by the Supreme Court, Build Back Better is six feet under, and this joke of an elections bill is dead, along with gutting the filibuster. (Manchin and Sinema doubled down on their filibuster positions. And they weren’t the only senators who were uneasy about this move. Biden’s unhinged speech in Georgia also didn’t help him. Politico)

Joe Biden is just a waste of space at this point. No one respects him, and no one fears him. His approval rating is in the low 30s. It would be best for Democrats to keep him in the cupboard since he’s a cancer to the party everywhere. He’s a failed president—and we’re not even a year into this administration." More

Meanwhile ..

"The Florida GOP notched another historic win by doubling the number of newly active registered voters in one month. According to the latest Florida Department of State, Division of Elections data, Florida Republicans have an advantage of 45,153 active registered voters who are showing their preference for conservative Republican principles. Under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis and state and local leaders, Florida will remain a free and open state" 

Read it all @

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"While so many around the country have consigned the people's rights to the graveyard, Florida has stood as freedom's vanguard. Florida has stood strong as The Rock of Freedom ... and it's upon this rock that we must build Florida's future"


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(Gov. enters @ 20:00)

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United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested + 36 state gubernatorial elections and numerous other state / local elections.

We The People Must Win Big in 2022. 

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Volusia/Flagler send 'The Magnificent 7' to Tallahassee.

Seven lawmakers representing Volusia and Flagler counties are headed to Tallahassee on Tuesday to consider bills, hammer out a budget and shape state government over the next year. The four representatives and three senators representing the area are all Republicans.

Rep. Paul Renner*and Rep. Tom Leek, representing Volusia Co, are in high-ranking leadership roles. They will have a significant hand in what moves through the House. (*Renner will succeed current Speaker of the House Chris Sprowls after the 2022 legislative session)

Rep. Elizabeth Fetterhoff, who represents a district spanning DeLand and mainland Daytona Beach, is proposing to address a problem homeowners and home sellers are having with getting timely septic-system inspections.

"Right now there is a backlog of inspections, either because of manpower or COVID, so why not cut red tape by allowing a private provider to be hired at the cost of the homeowner?"

Rep. Webster Barnaby, R-Deltona, introduced legislation banning abortions when physicians can hear what Barnaby terms a "fetal heartbeat," usually around 6 weeks. Texas enacted a similar law last year. 

It's a fight Barnaby and other abortion opponents are primed to have as the U.S. Supreme Court reconsiders the 1973 Roe v. Wade precedent legalizing abortions.  

"I've been pro-life all of my political career and as an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, That's my stand and That's where I stand." 

Senators pitch sweeping, pro-business changes

Sen. Tom Wright, of New Smyrna Beach, represents southeast Volusia as well as northern Brevard County — the Space Coast.

He has proposed the bill with perhaps the snappiest title, the "Zero G, Zero Fee" act, which would exempt certain spaceport users from fees or charges while transporting a space vehicle or equipment.

Sen. Travis Hutson, of St. Augustine, has proposed a way to support businesses who've been harmed by local or county ordinances.

"We've seen local governments who want to ban sunscreen (for environmental purposes), or communities attempt to stop cruise ships from docking, or when a city dramatically reduces hours when a bar can operate."

Sen. Jason Brodeur, who represents Seminole County and a chunk of southwest Volusia, filed 34 bills as of Thursday, proposing, among other things:

  • requiring a state inventory of critical wetlands
  • barring foreign nationals from making political contributions
  • establishing "education recovery scholarship accounts" to help children who missed 10 or more days of public school
By Mark Harper - Read More @ The Daytona Beach News-Journal
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"They are gonna take this .. and smear anyone who has ever supported Donald Trump"

In typical leftist form the J6 events are now being compared to the attack on Pearl Harbor and the September 11, 2021, terrorist attacks by the Biden administration.   However, before the day’s insufferable events began, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was asked his opinion of what would take place.  DeSantis rightly noted this is Christmas Day for the DC system; they have been preparing for this day for almost a year.  WATCH:

MORE - January 6, 2022 | Sundance

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2022 - New Year - New Neighbors - New Political Landscape

2022 growth outlook: Volusia County BOOM

In 2022, the county is expected to see construction finally begin on the first phase of Avalon Park Daytona Beach, a 10,000-home community planned along the south side of State Road 40/West Granada Boulevard, a mile west of I-95, in Daytona Beach. While Avalon Park Daytona Beach is the biggest of the residential projects set to get underway in Volusia County in 2022, dozens more are already under construction or getting ready to break ground.

The county is also poised to see more big commercial projects, including a further build-out of the Portland Industrial Park along the east side of I-4 in Deltona, where Amazon opened a 1.4 million-square-foot distribution center in September 2020. The e-commerce giant plans to build a massive 2.8 million-square-foot distribution center just south of Daytona International Speedway and the main runway for Daytona Beach International Airport. The center is slated to create 1,000 full-time jobs.

The Southeast Volusia Manufacturing & Technology Coalition recently held a forum in New Smyrna Beach where a number of local experts including an official with Space Florida spoke about how that portion of the county could be primed to attract suppliers to the growing commercial space industry in neighboring Brevard County.

An Ohio developer recently broke ground on a new Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic on Williamson Boulevard, just south of Daytona State College's Advanced Technology College. The project is the latest addition to Daytona Beach's fast-growing LPGA area where developers are also planning new retail centers as well as more apartments and a rental home community called The Cottages at Daytona Beach.

Through the first three quarters of 2021, builders pulled a total of 3,350 building permits for new homes in Volusia County, a 33% increase compared to the 2,511 permits issued during the same time period the previous year.

One of the planned retail centers is Tymber Creek Village, which will be located across from the entrance to the Jimmy Buffett-themed Latitude Margaritaville 55-and-older community. Latitude Margaritaville led the way in new home construction for Volusia County in 2021 and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Daytona Beach-based ICI Homes also continues to build new homes both at its Plantation Bay community in north Voiusia County and south Flagler County, as well as its Woodhaven and Brown's Landing communities in Port Orange. ICI also recently began selling house lots at a new community across the street from Brown's Landing called The Estates at Brown's Landing.

"Florida's going to continue to grow. Sooner or later, rising (home) prices (and construction costs) will slow things down but not in 2022. There's a lot of projects that will be coming out of the ground in the New Year".. said G.G. Galloway, a commercial Realtor with Coldwell Banker Commercial Benchmark in Ormond Beach.

By Clayton Park - The Daytona Beach News-Journal


4/20 thru 7/21 - The South picked up 959,222 new residents.

SourceThe Yankee Institute

  • The West gained 78,562 .. while the Northeast lost 449,310 residents and the Midwest declined 144,010.  
  • New York lost 365,336 people in total. California and Illinois also topped the lists for total population loss.

Texas (170,307) and Florida (220,890) had the greatest population increase from domestic migration. Both states have majority Republican leadership and have overtly refused draconian COVID measures.

According to Florida Economic Development Council, New Yorkers are moving to Florida because Florida’s schools have been open. Domestic migrants from other states note the lack of jobs, income, affordable housing, and restrictions throughout America’s Democratic-run cities are why so many people are choosing to make Florida their home.


While 2020/21 is not the first year revealing a migratory shift away from typically Democratic-run areas, the latest data confirms how despite record-low polling data, rising crime, taxes, and inflation, Democrat Party politicians have yet to make any significant changes to their platforms to stop the rot.

The shift from blue states to red has caused some consternation amongst conservatives, who worry the migratory patterns will turn red states purple, or even blue, in the longer term.

Lots of new FL. Republican voters need to be registered .. Click to help





Just as there are the three levels of government: Federal, State and Local ... there are the three levels of the Republican Party: National, State, and Local. You can be a part of the best Republican team in all of Florida. 

You can represent your community on the Republican Executive Committee as a precinct committeeman or precinct committeewoman. There are no membership dues and the only requirements are the following:

* You must be a registered Republican (for the last 12 months)

* You must be registered at the precinct you wish to represent

* There must be a vacancy in your precinct [For every 1,000 registered voters in a precinct, it may have one committeeman and one committeewoman (i.e. A precinct with 2,852 registered voters would be able to have three committeemen and three committeewomen)]

* You must complete and sign two different forms: A State Loyalty Oath that is filed with the Supervisor of Elections and a Party Loyalty Oath that is filed with the Republican Party of Florida.

United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be contested. Thirty-nine state and territorial gubernatorial and numerous other state and local elections will also be contested. This will be the first election affected by 'redistricting' that follows the 2020 census.

We The People Must Win Big in 2022. Failure is not an option.

Contact RECVC Membership & Orientation Chairman

Tom Taaffe

(386) 478-6533  - [email protected] 

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'Tis The Season For Singing - Merry Christmas

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President Trump 2016 - President Trump 2024

..Dallas, Dec.19

Houston, Dec. 18 .... Click on images

Of the 46 presidents of the United States, there are three that can be considered indispensable to the nation’s enduring existence as a free people;  they are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Donald Trump. 

Donald Trump’s inclusion on this list derives not only from his political, judicial, and legislative accomplishments but the dramatically positive impact he had on the psyche of Middle America, and initiating the transformation of a feckless Republican Party into a viable and resolute opposition -- as well as the party of the average American of all races, creeds, and ethnicities.  

WATCH - Oct. 13. 2016 - 26 Days Before We The People Voted To MAGA

Trump showed a nation stuck in a 28-year morass of political mediocrity and collectivism that fearlessness, determination, and an implacable conviction in the principles of the nation’s founding would defeat the elites and left-wing dominated Democrat party, their resolve to create a socialist oligarchy.

By renewing and recasting many of the economic policies of Ronald Reagan and initiating an America First domestic and foreign policy, he not only reversed the downward trend of the nation and stopped the left in their tracks but showed the American people with his overwhelmingly effective policies that there were viable alternatives that worked.  

Further, his determined effort to recast the Republican Party as the American populist party and the Democrats as the party of the elites and radicals is succeeding at an accelerated pace. More @ 

Whether or not he runs for president in 2024, his place in American history is secure as he was the right president at the right time.

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Fake Media Inc. & fallen heroes of the Left .. Chickens have come home to roost.

Cracked Icons

Cuomo Duo

These were the media darlings who hammed it up on television—as thousands of New Yorkers unnecessarily died in long-term care facilities due to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s decision to redirect COVID-19 patients to share facilities with the elderly and infirm. Andrew Cuomo was finally forced to resign from his governorship and is now persona non grata among the once adoring Left. His brother Chris Cuomo should have been dismissed from CNN long ago. He lied on air, in denying his role as a journalist-cum-political advisor, in devising ways to use his media arrogance and contacts to save his brother’s hide. 

Both shared a conviction that as leftists they enjoyed nine lives of corruption and deceit—until they ran out.

The Harris Who Never Was

So far, Kamala Harris is known as our “border czar,” who ostensibly oversaw nearly 2 million illegal aliens streaming across an open border, neither vaccinated nor tested at a time of a surging pandemic. She was originally politicized by mentor, paramour, and aging Willie Brown. He jump-started his then young girlfriend by putting her on a number of well-compensated state boards. She kicked off her run for president at an Oakland rally in January 2019 to media accolades. After blowing through millions in campaign funds, Harris dropped out of the presidential race without winning a single delegate.

Biden’s staff leaks that Harris is a bully and a nasty incompetent; her staff counter-leaks that he is a doddering old fool descending into overt senility. Both are correct.


From the moment details emerged surrounding Jussie Smollett’s hate-crime hoax, any sane, non-woke person could have recognized he was more than just a pathological liar. Smollett was also a conniving, mean-spirited egoist. He was intent on rescuing his fading acting career by libeling the Chicago police, smearing white Trump supporters as violent racists, and self-servingly advancing the lie of a purported hate crime epidemic against blacks. To believe Jussie, as so many of the liberal establishment were eager to do, one had to believe from the get-go the utterly unbelievable.

No matter. Would-be candidate Joe Biden immediately leveraged Smollett to virtue signal his racial bona fides. Kamala Harris claimed it was a modern “lynching.” Everyone from Nancy Pelosi to the CNN/MSNBC crowd treated us to performance-art demonstrations of their outrage. No one has apologized.


For over two years, Adam Schiff appeared on television and at press conferences to confirm that Donald Trump was guilty of Russian collusion. The script was always the same. He produced no evidence, no data, no credible witnesses. Instead, Schiff grimaced in mock outrage, and began his ritual accusations, given the secret sources he had supposedly seen.

As the Mueller probe collapsed into fantasy—as the FBI Washington hierarchy was insidiously discredited between felony convictions, firings, and resignations, fake FISA warrants, and James Comey’s 245 instances of amnesia under oath; and as Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report damned the very sources Schiff once quoted—Schiff always pivoted to the next “bombshell” that only his committee possessed, but of course could not be made public. 

Basement Biden

The Biden candidacy was one of the most cynical in American history. The unhinged far-Left adopted a befuddled Biden as the respectable veneer necessary to see their hard-core, but stealth socialist agenda finally enacted. Key to a virtual presidency would be virtual voting, as 102 million mail-in and early votes were never subject to the previous standards of authentication and statistical rejection rates of the past—rendering Election Day voting mostly a memory.

Single-handedly the Biden puppeteers have managed to restore the Trump record of achievement simply by doing the opposite of what Trump did, thereby ensuring their own failure and reminding voters of what once was working. 

Other fallen heroes of the Left

Robert Mueller and his dream team that would rid the world of Trump, and the quartet of John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe. They, by their dishonesty, prevarications, and careerism have almost single-handedly tarnished the reputations of the Washington-based intelligence and investigatory agencies. Yet now, the Left has no more need of them. They are already fading from the public awareness.

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Victor Davis Hanson is a distinguished fellow of the Center for American Greatness and Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. He is an American military historian, columnist, former classics professor.

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'Tis The Season - Merry Christmas 2021

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