President Trump 2016 - President Trump 2024

..Dallas, Dec.19

Houston, Dec. 18 .... Click on images

Of the 46 presidents of the United States, there are three that can be considered indispensable to the nation’s enduring existence as a free people;  they are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Donald Trump. 

Donald Trump’s inclusion on this list derives not only from his political, judicial, and legislative accomplishments but the dramatically positive impact he had on the psyche of Middle America, and initiating the transformation of a feckless Republican Party into a viable and resolute opposition -- as well as the party of the average American of all races, creeds, and ethnicities.  

WATCH - Oct. 13. 2016 - 26 Days Before We The People Voted To MAGA

Trump showed a nation stuck in a 28-year morass of political mediocrity and collectivism that fearlessness, determination, and an implacable conviction in the principles of the nation’s founding would defeat the elites and left-wing dominated Democrat party, their resolve to create a socialist oligarchy.

By renewing and recasting many of the economic policies of Ronald Reagan and initiating an America First domestic and foreign policy, he not only reversed the downward trend of the nation and stopped the left in their tracks but showed the American people with his overwhelmingly effective policies that there were viable alternatives that worked.  

Further, his determined effort to recast the Republican Party as the American populist party and the Democrats as the party of the elites and radicals is succeeding at an accelerated pace. More @ 

Whether or not he runs for president in 2024, his place in American history is secure as he was the right president at the right time.