When the government takes action that destabilizes our economy, every element of national security is put at risk. We are experiencing that right now as we suffer through Biden’s intentionally flawed energy policy that is destroying the U.S. economy and everyone within it.
♦ Donald Trump knew that an independent U.S. energy policy was a condition for a strong U.S.
He also knew there would be negative consequences to allies and partners if the U.S. energy policy was independent. That is why the very first foreign trip by President Donald Trump was to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States that make up the majority of OPEC.
Look at what President Trump did on that trip. First, he assured Saudi Arabia that the United States would stand with the Gulf Cooperation Council and Mid-East nations as it pertained to their security. Trump knew making the largest energy consuming nation independent from foreign oil could open a door to destabilization from extremist or ideological groups therein.
President Trump knew this and he approached our need for energy independence by first assuring the Arab states of his commitment to their stability and safety. Trump delivered to those states a list of approved arms and defense agreements during that trip.
President Trump also promised to work for peace in the region, a substantial and genuine peace that would provide security in the big picture. Trump delivered on that promise with the Abraham Accords.
There is no other 2024 presidential candidate who could achieve what Donald Trump achieved. We don’t have to guess at whether he can put together a program to ensure Economic Security is National Security. We don’t have to guess at whether he can deliver on economic policy. We don’t have guess if Trump’s policy platform, proposals and initiatives would be successful. We have the experience of it.
. . It All Begins Here