Ken Becht commented on YOUR NOV 3 VOTER GUIDE 2020-09-25 22:24:59 -040010 days left to REGISTER to VOTE by OCTOBER 5TH!.
Let’s gitter done.
Ken Becht commented on backfire 2020-07-27 18:51:06 -0400Good article Joe. Aren’t
the demon-rats always a little slow on getting the message.
Ken Becht commented on dday76 2020-06-06 14:24:16 -0400My father served in WWIi with the 10th Mountain Division. God bless all those who fought and many who died defending this amazing country. We are so blessed. Unfortunately, we now have so many Americans who know little if anything about those who sacrificed so they can still live in freedom. My three brothers and I also proudly served our nation in the military. I wish every young man in America would serve his nation in the military!
Ken Becht commented on deaths 2020-04-15 11:17:48 -0400Great information Joe and I couldn’t agree more.
Ken Becht commented on stoppress 2020-03-21 10:19:47 -0400Our great President continues to put “America First” and expose these Trump Derangement Syndrome, lying, dysfunctional, media clowns for their pathetic attempts to demean the greatest President in my lifetime. I pray each day & night for our President, his VP Pence, his Secretary of State Pompeo, their families and the entire Cabinet. God Bless President Trump!!!!
Ken Becht commented on November 2019-11-11 08:43:51 -0500Great job on this timeline. Thank you Joe for posting it.
Ken Becht commented on MoonLanding 2019-07-20 10:54:27 -0400I was in the Central Highlands in Vietnam on July 20th, 1969. I will never forget that day. I volunteered to be there, I still disagree but understood others opposition. Our landing on the moon brought us all together. Thousands of Americans came together as a team, each bringing their unique skills and determination to achieve this historic feat. Just thinking of the millions of parts that must all be in sync to make that work was and is mind boggling. The power to do good has been the mainstay of our incredible country. I love our country and am so proud to be an American. AMERICA is the light in a very dark world!
Ken Becht commented on THIS IS IT - ELECTION DAY -- THIS IS IT 2018-11-05 11:41:09 -0500God has HIS hands on our President & Vice-president. We must pray without ceasing for them and our nation!
Ken Becht donated 2020-10-30 02:42:45 -0400
Ken Becht wants to volunteer 2020-07-30 01:43:23 -0400
Ken Becht answered 2018-03-19 18:43:58 -0400Q: Will you vote to keep taxes low for you and your children?
A: Yes
Conservative Christian
Best vehicle to get Constitutional Conservatives elected: promote Pro-life, limited government, less taxes, pro 2nd Amendment, support our military, support law enforcement & BUILD THE WALL.
Ken Becht
Christian, Graduated with Honors & Distinction in Political Science from San Diego State 1975, USAF 1967-71. Vietnam 1969-70. Wrote 2 books "Just the Facts a Case for Impeachment (Clinton)" & "Defeating Obams the Manual." Phoenix Police Officer,
Spread the Word