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Joe Fieldus 2602sc

Joe Fieldus

Joe Fieldus's activity stream

  • commented on nsod 2018-10-11 19:39:10 -0400
    The only way Democrats get elected is by fooling voters into thinking they’re “moderate” .. Obama being the most obvious example. But the Kavanaugh Effect has foiled their hoodwink, like Toto yanking aside the curtain hiding the Wizard of Oz.

    Nancy Soderberg is a long time, die hard liberal who will vote 100% straight Donkey Party line.

  • commented on TR2 2018-10-04 16:35:43 -0400
    Trump’s next campaign swing covers six states in 10 days – Reuters:

    “U.S. President Donald Trump plans to visit six states over the next 10 days to energize his supporters to turn out for Republicans in tight races for the House of Representatives in upcoming congressional elections, according to a White House memo. Trump’s Republican Party is at risk of losing control of the House in the Nov. 6 midterm vote at a time when, historically, the party in control of the White House loses ground in Congress. Trump heads on Thursday to Minnesota where Republicans want to give a boost to two House candidates: one in an open race and another, a first-term incumbent, who is running in a Democratic-leaning district. He then plans to visit Kansas on Saturday, Iowa on Tuesday, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, Ohio on Friday and Kentucky on Saturday, Oct. 13, according to the internal memo seen by Reuters.”

  • commented on flsc 2018-10-02 12:39:08 -0400
    “Andrew Gillum owes himself to Bernie Sanders. Gillum is financed by the extreme left and under a cloud of corruption. The Gillum agenda: Impose socialist ideas in Florida. Abusive taxes. Excessive government. Choking bureaucracy and parents losing control over the education of their children. None of these ideas have worked in the countries we know well. The Gillum agenda will bring the same results: MISERY. There is much at stake. The decision is in your hands.”

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  • commented on lg 2018-09-28 11:38:26 -0400
    Maybe it was the death of his friend John McCain that made the conservative American hiding inside Lindsey Graham explode on the Democrats. Death is a teacher. It opens us up to new courage and provides us an urgency to do the right thing, right now, because the clock is ticking.

    Graham’s whole career had been one of DC go along to get along. He was disdainful of candidate Trump and a frequent critic of President Trump. On the conservative blogs, Graham was a UniParty villain; nickname Grahamnesty (or worse). Then in a moment of clarity, he found his voice and spoke from the heart for all of U.S. He turned the tide and saved Judge Kavanaugh. We will always remember Lindsey Graham for doing this great thing.

    But there’s more. I believe Graham has changed the trajectory of the midterm elections towards a GOP victory. Denying the donkeys their expected blue wave changes everything. When the Democrats FAIL to take back the House and lose half a dozen seats in the Senate, they will have an internal civil war. Their blame game will then ruin them for 2020. They too will long remember Lindsey Graham.

  • commented on gang 2018-09-26 18:29:30 -0400
    This sick Democrat show is but a sneak preview of what all of U.S. will suffer should the donkeys win back the House. Months and months of impeachment hearings + media hype will usher in a whole new level of hatred. There will be violence beyond what the Left is already doing.


    This can all be avoided if We the People get out and vote in the midterms. Another election FAIL by the democrats and they’ll have an internal civil war, blaming each other for being losers yet again. It will ruin them for 2020.

  • commented on war 2018-09-24 09:51:58 -0400
    The best analysis you will ever read about the 2016 election. (Note the date is was written)

    The Flight 93 Election
    By: Publius Decius Mus
    September 5, 2016

    2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees.

    Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain. To compound the metaphor: a Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.

    Read it all @ https://www.claremont.org/crb/basicpage/the-flight-93-election/

  • commented on mp 2018-09-23 09:41:17 -0400
    Donald J. Trump Retweeted

    Washington Examiner @dcexaminer
    Sep 21

    “We are standing up for your values,” Trump said closing his rally in Springfield, Missouri. “We are standing up for our national anthem. To continue this momentum, you need to get out and vote Republican. Together we are taking back our country.”

  • commented on naral 2018-09-21 09:46:27 -0400
    On the one hand, the democrats are doing a lot of damage to their midterm candidates with these hateful, extreme tactics. They’re not winning over anyone beyond those they already had.

    otoh .. if Senate GOP let these vile attacks on Kavanaugh smear him off the SCOTUS .. they’ll assure low republican turnout in November as voters turn their backs on such pathetic weakness.

  • commented on rnc 2018-09-18 19:17:14 -0400
    LevinTV host Mark Levin told his audience to “wake the hell up” to the reality of a midterm election blue wave that could lead to President Trump’s impeachment. Levin noted that Democratic leaders like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., are downplaying talk of impeachment to lull Republican voters into a false sense of security.

    Listen – https://bit.ly/2xtVpwY

  • commented on mid 2018-09-17 07:48:01 -0400
    Everyone by now should have a clear understanding that since Donald Trump’s election, the Deep State, the bitter Left, Hollywood elites and corrupt state media have been attempting to overturn the result. They will do whatever it takes to regain power. For them, nothing is out of bounds.

    We The People can stop their schemes and plots against U.S.

    The upcoming midterm elections are a referendum on impeachment. Democrats’ behavior during Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing was a sneak preview of what our House of Representatives will look and sound like if the Democrat Party wins a majority.

    For patriots, a Republican Party win on Nov. 6 is vital. Keeping the America First agenda on track is our mission, making America great again is our responsibility, voting is our sacred duty.

  • commented on wsj 2018-09-12 08:20:07 -0400
    Let’s just cut to the chase. The upcoming national midterm elections are a referendum on impeachment. Democrats’ behavior during Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing was a sneak preview of what our House of Representatives will look and sound like if the Democratic Party wins a majority in November.

    Everyone by now should have a clear understanding that since Donald Trump’s election, the deep state, the bitter left, Hollywood elites and the old guard media have been attempting to overturn the result. They will do whatever it takes to regain power. For them, nothing is out of bounds. Only we the people can stop their schemes and plots against U.S.

    For patriots, a Nov. 6 Republican Party win is vital. Keeping the America First agenda on track is our mission, making America great again is our responsibility, voting is our sacred duty.

  • commented on cb 2018-09-06 14:26:39 -0400
    They have messed with the Alpha for far too long …
    They will soon find out why He is the Alpha.

  • donated 2024-08-10 11:36:36 -0400