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Joe Fieldus

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  • published ld in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-09-02 16:12:24 -0400

    Oh What A Night -- November 7th @ The Daytona Beach Ocean Center



    NOVEMBER 7, 2021

    (Click on image)

  • published pol.war in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-30 07:15:34 -0400

    Political Warfare Is War by Other Means.

    Republicans would do well to abstain from misleading talk about “bipartisanship” and refer to the Democrats as what they really are: a totalitarian threat to our constitutional system.

    Photo of Donald J. TrumpDonald J. Trump September 1st, 2021

    Endorsement of Joe Kent

    Joe Kent is a retired Green Beret and Gold Star husband running against RINO and incompetent Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler in the 3rd District of the State of Washington. Joe served his country proudly for many years and understands the tremendous cost of America's wars in the Middle East, and elsewhere. In Congress, Joe will be a warrior for the America First agenda, unlike Jaime Herrera Beutler who voted, despite the facts, against the Republican Party and for the Democrats' Impeachment Scam.

    Click on image

    Joe Kent is strong on Crime and the Border, loves our Military and our Vets, and will protect our Second Amendment, which is under siege. I met Joe at Dover Air Force Base on the evening that his wife was being brought back from the Middle East, where she had been killed in combat. It was a very sad moment in Joe’s life, but I was incredibly impressed with him and told him that he should someday run for office—we need his voice and leadership in Washington, D.C. Now he is running, and Joe Kent has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

    Photo of Donald J. TrumpDonald J. Trump September 1st, 2021

    Endorsement of Sean Parnell

    Sean Parnell is running for the United States Senate to serve the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Sean bravely fought for our Country as a Captain in the U.S. Army and was awarded two Bronze Stars (one for valor) and the Purple Heart. Unlike our current administration, he never left anyone behind.

    Click on image

    Sean is a great candidate, who got robbed in his congressional run in the Crime of the Century—the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. He will make Pennsylvania very proud and will fight for Election Integrity, Strong Borders, our Second Amendment, Energy Jobs, and so much more. Sean Parnell will always put America First. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

    Click on image



    "The miracle here is that the faster Florida grows, the redder it gets"

    POLITICOreportsthat “Florida has gained nearly 3 million people since the last redistricting process a decade ago,” and that expansion has “set the stage for a remaking of its political lines headed into a 2022 election likely to determine control of the U.S. House.”

    The paper’s Gary Fineout and Matt Dixon remind readers that redistricting “will be controlled by Republicans, who already hold 16 of the state’s 27 congressional districts.” Democrats worry that “the new maps will only further banish them in Florida’s political desert.”

    Florida will gain a 28th seat in the next Congress, not to mention a 30th Electoral College vote in the 2024 presidential election. That nicely matches the losses suffered by New York State, and ironically enough, New Yorkers fled their own COVID lockdowns for Florida.

    It isn’t due to redistricting dirty tricks in Florida, either, even though you can expect Dems to scream bloody murder about them anyway. Governor Ron DeSantis revealed this spring that an “overwhelming” number of new residents are registering R instead of D.

    AsDeSantis told Sean Hannityat the time:

    The lockdowns turned them into Republicans because they say ‘I cannot fathom,’ people say, ‘I was a Democrat because of education, and I’m in California and they’re locking my kids out of school. I come to Florida, they’re in school, people are free, people are happy.’ So I think this whole process has caused some people to reevaluate some of their prior commitments. (More)



    The caning of Sen. Charles Sumner

    (politics is not a pillow fight)

    The sudden dip in Joe Biden’s poll numbers in the wake of his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan + the utter abandon with which the Democrat Congress is throwing away trillions of dollars on infrastructure and relief programs (which are aimed at rewarding Democratic constituencies) would suggest that Biden’s party is headed for a fall. But other factors may be at play here:

    First, the Democrats intend to exercise fully whatever power they can grab. That’s because Democrats view politics as more than a parlor game. The Democrats have well-coordinated plans to take over the government permanently and run it as a one-party state. H.R. 1 and H.R. 4 (bills intended to federalize elections), statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, maintaining an open border with Mexico, and providing $107 billion for legalizing the status of illegal residents as part of the latest Democratic spending bill are not random acts of kindness.
    Second, and even more significantly, the Democrats have at their disposal a vast array of powerful allies, including the mainstream media, government surveillance agencies, educational institutions, and the permanent government administration. The electronic media will be able to shut off criticism of the Democrats. Since the power constellation that assisted the Democratic Party back then will still be around in 2022, the Republicans will still have to address the problem of hostile reporting. 
    We'll win by having leaders who will fight for U.S.


  • published noknee in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-25 08:18:24 -0400

    As the emergency in Afghanistan is playing out .. Biden takes a knee.

    Special video message from President Donald J. Trump

    Watch a special video message from President Donald J. Trump

    WATCH NOW >>
    Special video message from President Donald J. Trump


    August 24: Biden takes a knee - photo-op with WNBA Champions (LINK)

    Later on Aug. 24: Joe Biden finally gave his big Afghanistan presser this afternoon. What then transpired was one of the most insulting, tone-deaf spectacles I’ve ever seen from a president. 

    He continues to act as if everything is going well, reciting his talking points. In fact, much of today’s speech was lifted from the speech he gave a week ago. He blamed Trump and he insisted that our allies were absolutely fine with everything occurring.

    His eyes were bloodshot and glazed over. His presentation was cold. Upon finishing his teleprompter reading, he simply stumbled out, taking no questions, clearly unable to physically and mentally do so. 

    But what I took the most from this presser is this: Biden is sick. (LINK)



    Click on image


  • published APcrap in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-23 17:49:11 -0400

    DeSantis promotes lifesaving COVID-19 treatment - Associated Press tries to smear him*

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is Following The Exact COVID Protocol Recommended By U.K. Senior Vaccinologist Sir Andrew Pollard - The Last Refuge




    Ron Fires Back At AP

    A series of tweets from the governor’s press secretary Christina Pushaw criticizing the story (Twitter then suspended her account) led the AP to send a letter to DeSantis’ office accusing her of a “direct effort to activate an online mob to attack” their reporter, as well as calling on him to “eliminate this attack strategy from your press office.”

    “I assumed your letter was to notify me that you were issuing a retraction of the smear piece you published last week,” DeSantis began in his Monday letter responding to the AP. “Instead, you had the temerity to complain about the deserved blowback that your botched and discredited attempt to concoct a political narrative has received. This ploy will not work to divert attention from the fact that the Associated Press published a false narrative that will lead some to decline effective treatment for COVID infections.”

    “That the AP has received vigorous pushback is something that should be expected given the brazenness of your political attack and the fact that your false narrative will cost lives. You cannot recklessly smear your political opponents and then expect to be immune from criticism.” (MORE)

    uh .. Fake News again

    The AP's story headline, "DeSantis top donor invests in COVID drug governor promotes," implied he was promoting Regeneron's COVID antibody treatment because a Chicago-based hedge fund that donated to a pro-DeSantis political committee also owns shares of the company.

    The AP acknowledged in the story that it's "not unusual for hedge funds to have a wide range of investments" and admitted that medical experts agree with DeSantis on the effectiveness of Regeneron, but published the story with the damaging framework anyway.

    "You can tell that the 2024 election season is in full swing when the major media try to nuke top GOP candidates. It's almost a badge of honor when the press piles up hit job after hit job against you," Media Research vice president Dan Gainor told Fox News. (MORE)

    "I spent enough years in journalism to still recall when the Associated Press meant a level of professionalism. That's no longer true. This is the kind of journalism they are associated with. They should be embarrassed."


  • published alabama in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-20 14:48:22 -0400

    President Trump Rally in Alabama - Saturday Aug. 21

     “Biden’s botched exit from Afghanistan is the most astonishing display of gross incompetence by a nation’s leader perhaps at any time that anyone has ever seen. Name another situation like this. Vietnam looks like a masterclass in strategy compared to Joe Biden’s catastrophe. It did not have to happen that way, this is not a withdrawal, this was a total surrender."

    “This is a disgraceful thing, the most embarrassing thing that we’ve ever seen in this country.The nations of the world, both friend and foe, are looking at us and saying, ‘what the hell happened so quickly to the United States of America."

    President Trump campaigned on a commitment to bring troops home from the two-decade war in Afghanistan. He signed a peace deal with the Taliban in February of 2020 and withdrew thousands of troops from the country, though stopped short of a full withdrawal as the Taliban violated several terms of the agreement. “We had a conditions based agreement, and they didn’t meet the first two conditions, and we hit them hard, and then they, and then they had a couple of other conditions that they were ready to meet."


    Click on the images for MORE



  • published bibenmoveson in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-19 12:05:07 -0400

    Putting Afghanistan Behind Him (while pushing evermore virus-fear on us) ...


    DeSantis Vindicated: There’s No Science Behind Masks On Kids

    A recently published study from the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) shows there is no scientific rationale for forcibly masking schoolchildren. The study’s publication simultaneously vindicates Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has been a vocal opponent of the policy due to its lack of scientific evidence. (LINK)


    Joe Biden Directs Secretary of Education To Use ‘Legal Actions’ Against Governors Who Support Parental Rights re: Masking of Kids

    Aug. 18, 2021: Joe Biden addressed the nation on the topic of the coronavirus on Wednesday, going a step further in his battle against specific Republican governors who have pushed back against mask mandates in schools. (Link)

    “For those who aren’t eligible for the vaccine yet — children under the age of 12 — masks are the best available protection for them and the adults around them. That’s why we need to make sure children are wearing masks in school.”

    "Some politicians are trying to turn public safety measures — that is, children wearing masks in school — into political disputes for their own political gain. Some are even trying to take power away from local educators by banning masks in school."

     “Today, I am directing the Secretary of Education to take additional steps to protect our children. This includes using all of his oversight authorities and legal actions, if appropriate, against governors who are trying to block and intimidate local school officials and educators.”


    July 30, 2021: "The federal government has no right to tell parents that in order for their kids to attend school in person, they must be forced to wear a mask all day, every day" Link

    Click to Watch

    Defend the Free State of Florida


  • published Raynor in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-18 07:35:33 -0400

    Killed in the Line of Duty : Police Officer Jason Raynor


    “Now more than ever, we ask for all of you to embrace the Raynor family and the Daytona Beach Police Department in your hearts during this devastating time and pray that God will give us all the strength to persevere through this senseless tragedy,” Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young stated in a release. “Jason’s sacrifice will never be forgotten.” 

    “We ask that anyone who would like to send their condolences or offer a donation or do something on behalf of the Raynor family to please contact the Police Department instead of going directly to them,” Young added. “We hope this will ease some of the burden on them.” Those who wish to contact the department may do so at [email protected] or (386) 671-5364. 

  • published truafghan in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-16 08:00:15 -0400

    Joe Biden and Mark Milley : Humiliation and Disgrace

    How would you like to be one of the 15,000+ American citizens in Kabul, or surrounding region, and getting this notice from the United States State Department: link

    July 8, 2021

    QUESTION: Some Vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdrawal in Afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdrawal and what happened in Vietnam with some people feeling --

    JOE BIDEN: "None whatsoever. Zero. What you had is you had entire brigades breaking through the gates of our embassy, six, if I'm not mistaken. The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese Army. They're not -- they're not remotely comparable in terms of capability."

    "There is going to be no circumstance where you're going to see people being lifted off the roof of an Embassy of the United States from Afghanistan."

    .Diplomats flee Kabul Embassy - Aug. 15, 2021

    Click on image

    May 6, 2021 


    "It's not a foregone conclusion, in my professional military estimate, that the Taliban automatically win and Kabul falls."

    "The Afghan Security Forces have the capacity to sufficiently fight and defend their country, and we will continue to support the Afghan Security Forces where necessary in accordance with the guidance from the President and the Secretary of Defense.

    The future of Afghanistan is squarely in the hands of the Afghan people, and there are a range of possible outcomes in Afghanistan, and I want to emphasize repeatedly and I've said this before, a negative outcome, a Taliban automatic military takeover is not a foregone conclusion."

  • published herdimmune in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-14 09:31:16 -0400

    Commonsense therapeutic approach should be the primary focus, not vaccination

    Most people do not have the time or inclination to watch a 2 hour presentation by Dr. Robert Malone, the leading scientific research for global pandemics and originator of the technology behind mRNA vaccines {full video here} so, a conspectus:

    Dr. Robert Malone, mRNA Vaccine Inventor

    As noted by Dr. Malone, the commonsense therapeutic approach should be the primary focus, not vaccination, for ongoing healthcare systems as the COVID-19 variants will continue to evolve. Ultimately,  the natural immunity process will be of greater overall benefit than vaccinations which will require continual boosters to deal with the ever-evolving variants.

    Sir Andrew Pollard

    Dr. Malone provided support for his position with concurrence from the leading U.K. Vaccinologist in Great Britain, Sir Andrew Pollard (SHORT-VIDEO):

    In essence, both Dr. Andrew Pollard (Director of the U.K. Oxford Vaccine Group) and Dr. Malone state that variants of the COVID-19 virus will continue to spread throughout the population regardless of vaccine status; and the virus will continue to evolve into more infectious but less deadly or pathogenic strains.

    There simply is no way to vaccinate the population and stop the spread of COVID variants, because the vaccinated will contract and spread the virus just like the non-vaccinated. 

    MORE - The Conservative Treehouse 

  • published CCPblamesUS in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-12 08:52:50 -0400

    Smearing Florida : Democrat State Media tactics now being used by CCP State Media

    China’s Global Times government newspaper alleged that Florida may be the true origin location of the Chinese coronavirus on Wednesday Aug. 11. 

    The Chinese Communist Party has repeatedly asserted that the Chinese coronavirus – which originated in central Wuhan, China, in late 2019 – is actually American in origin.

    The Global Times disregarded the abundance of evidence pointing to Wuhan as the origin location of the virus on Wednesday, instead focusing on Florida’s alleged “lack of transparency about its early cases” to claim that “a cloud of doubt has been cast” over the state’s pandemic data.

    People in Florida complained about the concealment of information on these cases, which are now widely believed to have emerged earlier than the state’s officially reported patients,” the Times claimed, “and even earlier than the virus outbreak in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province. The propaganda newspaper did not elaborate on what it meant by “widely believed.”

    “The early cases in Florida might have appeared prior to the ones in Wuhan, but the US didn’t recognize them as COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus] infections at that time, or deliberately ‘ignored’ them,” Wuhan University virologist Yang Zhanqiu told the newspaper. Yang accused Washington of trying to “politicize and smear China.”

    The “experts” cited to substantiate the argument in the article were Chinese alleged scholars the newspaper regularly resorts to for comments that favor its claims. Both foreign media and foreign governments have accused Chinese state media of fabricating non-existent “experts” to make claims favorable to the Chinese government.


  • wants to volunteer 2021-08-06 13:06:20 -0400

  • published surrender in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-03 08:13:22 -0400

    JULY BORDER NUMBERS : Biden Surrenders American Sovereignty

    .Click to watch video

    Joe Biden on Tuesday attacked Governor Ron DeSantis for pushing back on vaccine passports and mask mandates .. while saying not a word about the tens of thousands of Covid-infected illegal aliens pouring into our country every month because of his open borders policies.

    DeSantis blasted Biden on Wednesday:

    “Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t wanna hear a blip about COVID from you.”


    Click Image: Drone reveals thousands of illegal aliens under a bridge in Texas.

    A thread by Chip Roy (R-TX)

    (US Border Patrol only, subject to increase)

    • Total encounters: 205,029

    • Total known gotaways: 37,400

    • 1.3 million for FY 21 so far

    Largest monthly encounter number since 2000. Total is bigger than every full-year total since FY21


    Rio Grand Valley Sector

    • Encounters - 81,034
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 5,219

    Del Rio Sector

    • Encounters- 34,553
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 9,737

    El Paso Sector

    • Encounters- 20,736
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 4,203

    Tucson Sector

    • Encounters- 18,960
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 9,792

    San Diego Sector

    • Encounters- 16,094
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 4,053

    Yuma Sector

    • Encounters- 15,095
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 682

    Laredo Sector

    • Encounters- 9,177
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 1,383

    El Centro Sector

    • Encounters- 5,565
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 942

    Big Bend Sector

    • Encounters- 3,815
    • Got Aways (known/recorded)- 1,389

    Now, factor this in:

    • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officers have seized more than 8,500lbs of fentanyl during the first 9 months of FY21
    • That's not only an increase of 234% year over year
    • It's enough to kill everyone in America five times over, (since 2mg can be fatal)
    • Add in the fact that we know that cartels and coyotes use and "recycle" children to abuse our asylum system
    • Add in the fact that we know that cartels are making millions per day in human and sex trafficking off this administration

    It's only going to get worse with this crisis

    Add in that vaccinated Americans are being forced to mask up while people with COVID are being dumped in places like La Joya, TX

    Add in that thousands of CBP employees have tested positive & at least 33 have died from COVID because @POTUS @VP aren't enforcing Title 42

    And while House Dems are obviously complicit in this monstrosity, remember that @RepHerrell and I introduced a discharge petition to force a vote on this OVER THREE MONTHS AGO.

    Yet only 149 House Republicans have signed it – where are the other 60+? (clerk.house.gov/DischargePetit…) It's time to draw a line in the sand, for the sake of our country, our communities, our kids, and those who seek to come here.

    It’s time to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas @SecMayorkas for failing to uphold immigration law, enforce Title 42, and secure our border. We demand a secure border and safe neighborhoods.

    It's our country. These are our terms.


    By Andrea Widburg

    "Biden’s destroyed jobs, presided over a 30% increase in gas prices, made America energy-dependent again, unleashed transgender madness, and aimed aggressive racial attacks against Whites. The worst thing he’s done, however, was to open the southern border, destroying American sovereignty.

    Biden has blatantly overthrown America’s immigration laws. There’s not even a pretense now that the people streaming in from all over Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East are “refugees. The administration deliberately dumps these alien invaders in communities across America.”

    MORE @

    September 18, 2019

  • published fl.tx. in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-02 09:00:06 -0400

    Feds, Dems, Big Tech on the attack ... aggressive, unbowed states counterattack.

    From open borders and COVID-19 to critical race theory and censorship, Florida and Texas have formed a vanguard against the leftward tilting of America by the Biden administration, the Democrat Congress and Big Tech.

    Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas have created a model for other GOP executives to use the states' rights enshrined in the Constitution's 10th Amendment to confront creeping government and monopolization.

    After a rash of conservative voices were censored from YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, DeSantis worked with the Florida Legislature to enact a law banning censorship based on political ideology. President Donald Trump, who is banned on some of those platforms, immediately sued them under the state law as a Florida resident. 

    Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says the Florida/Trump lawsuits against the social giants will be the most important free speech case of the 21st century - link

    "The current situation is absolutely intolerable. You have these giant media tell us what we can see and what we can hear and being exempted by congressional legislation. And then we have them claiming their rights under the First Amendment because they are a private company."

    Read More: John Solomon -

    Click to help with voter registration

  • published genflynn in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-08-01 10:26:41 -0400

    Ten Indisputable Facts That Argue For 2020 Election Audits

    July 30, 2021

    "These facts compare past elections to November 2020, and all that is required to understand them is simple common sense."

    Jennifer Epstein @jenepsWhite House reporter at Bloomberg News
    What the Biden CNN town hall looks like from the back of the auditorium: Jul 21 2021


  • published 1824 in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-07-31 09:25:29 -0400

    History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.*

    Samuel Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain)

    .The Election of 1824 - Four candidates were running for President: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, and Henry Clay. When the election was over, Andrew Jackson had won 41% of the popular vote, and 99 electoral votes, while Adams had 31% of the popular vote and 84 electoral votes. Despite having won a plurality, Jackson lost the election in the US House of Representatives. Andrew Jackson is the only candidate ever to have won a plurality of the electoral college, but lose the election. 

    .The Election of 1828 - Andrew Jackson and his supporters did not go quietly into the night. The next four years was a continuous campaign as the nation divided. The congressional elections in 1826 were a harbinger of things to come, as the Jacksonians took 9 seats from the opposition, and control of the HouseThe campaign of 1828 was an ugly affair, with accusations leveled by both sides. Jackson's wife Rachel was accused of bigamy due to a legal mistake in her divorce, and she died of a heart attack weeks after the election. Andrew Jackson blamed his political opponents for her death. In the end Jackson won the election with 56% of the popular vote, and 178 electoral votes to Adam's 83.

    Similarities to the Present - 

    While it is tempting to consider Trump to be a more divisive political figure than Andrew Jackson, that is debatable. But there are a number of parallels between those elections and today. The divisions within the country from 1824 to 1828 were deep. Jackson was a popular figure, a champion for the working class, and deeply critical of corruption in Washington. He was also denied the Presidency through chicanery. The nation was sharply divided between states with deeply divergent cultural values. 

    The Price of Fraud -

    Election fraud is not new in the United States. Once the electorate believes that their good faith participation in the political process was cast aside, they have historically reacted strongly against those who played those dirty tricks.

    Shortly there is going to be convincing proof that the election was stolen from Trump in Arizona and Georgia. Possibly more audits will follow. Everyone knows what an audit is, and the only people who object are those with something to hide. However, remember there is no Constitutional mechanism to overturn a Presidential or Senate election. The Arizona audit won't result in decertification of the election.

    - Robert Barnes, Civil Rights Attorney

    What the audit does is show everyone in graphic detail that their votes were invalidated through fraud. It has already generated anger and determination in the next elections, and political support for election reform. The reason that Florida had a clean election is because the debacles in 2000 and 2018 forced the state to clean up its act. Election reform is polling with strong majority support nationwide.

    Without a doubt, the Democrats will try to retain control through media manipulation, attempts to thwart election legislation, and additional fraud. It is a rational argument that they now wield sufficient power to ensure that future elections will be rigged in Democrat favor, perhaps through a new round of Covid lockdowns, abuse of election systems, or outright cancellation of elections.

    But if historical precedent is predictive, then the proof of election fraud will result in voter maturation and a strong backlash against the Democrats in 2022 and 2024.

    Continue reading at 

  • published moremask in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-07-30 09:21:29 -0400

    Biden's Big-Time Backfire: Democrat Supporting Unions Say No Mandatory JAB

    "I never guessed that the AFT, NEA, SEIU and APWU were knuckle-dragging, MAGA hat-wearing, bitter-clinging, anti-science, Bible-thumping inbred, unwashed, backward red state vaccine refuseniks. That's because these four are at the tippy top of the organized labor big time Democrat pyramid."

    Two of the country's largest teachers' unions refuse to mandate [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccinations for their members. The National Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) are pushing against mandatory teacher vaccinations as the 2021-22 school year approaches.

    California's largest state worker union has demanded government officials "come to the bargaining table" over Democrat Governor Newsom's mandate requiring all state employees to show proof of full [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccination by August 2. A press release from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Richard Brown said Newsom never specified how the vaccine verification mandate would be implemented and went on to question whether the requirement "was a knee-jerk reaction to the rising number of [Chinese] COVID-19 cases."

    The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) which represents more than 200,000 United States Postal Service employees and retirees and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers, said in a statement; "it is not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent."

    Democrats (and their media apparatchiks) are desperately eager to keep alive the China Virus Fear .. Why?

    "They used the cover of a pandemic to help rig the 2020 election. In advance of 2022 they need to create more fear and paranoia to prevent the wave of election integrity laws from nixing the disastrous mail-in balloting, thereby taking away their ill-gotten majorities."

    Read More - The Morning Report - 7/30/21 —J.J. Sefton


  • published crybaby in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-07-29 08:42:23 -0400

    The morning dose of crazy .. courtesy of Adam Kinzinger - ILL Republican

    And the Oscar goes to ..

    “And the Oscar goes to... https://t.co/jLwEULKwui”
    CAUTION: Facebook has flagged this tweet - "The following media includes potentially sensitive content" (But you can safely watch if you are vaccinated and wear a mask)

    Pelosi taps Adam Kinzinger to serve on the Jan. 6 (Never Trump) panel show trial 

     . ..The ILL Republican joined -43% Liz Cheney.

  • published Novac in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-07-27 21:24:28 -0400

    Consider: +80% of illegal migrants are unvaccinated.

    • Democrats Harshly Criticize Unvaccinated Americans

    Democrats at various levels of government are dismissing the bodily autonomy of Americans who do not wish to get vaccinated. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claims unvaccinated Americans are at fault for the latest COVID fearsHer comments come as COVID-19 deaths remain at their lowest in many months, while at least 11,500 people died from vaccines. 

    Psaki’s remarks were mild, however, compared to the rhetoric shared by California Gov. Gavin Newsom. During an interview with CNN, the Democrat governor made a remarkably tone-deaf statement comparing Americans who don’t get vaccinated to drunk drivers. MORE

    • Biden Demonizes Unvaccinated People: "They ‘Are Sowing Enormous Confusion"

    Joe Biden: "We have a pandemic because of the unvaccinated and they're sowing enormous confusion. If those other 100 million got vaccinated, we'd be in a very different world. So get vaccinated, if you haven’t, you’re not nearly as smart as I say you are.” MORE

    Now consider this:

    • Over 40,000 Mostly-Unvaccinated Migrants Released By Biden Skip Out On ICE Appointments - MORE

    New York Post (link) noted earlier this month - over 80% of migrants are unvaccinated.

    • About 50,000 migrants who crossed the southern border illegally have now been released in the United States without a court date. Although they are told to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office instead, just 13% have shown up so far. (Axios-link
    .Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings @USBPChiefRGV . Jul 25
    It's the hottest part of the summer and apprehensions are skyrocketing! #USBP Apprehensions surpassed the 1-million milestone in June. NOW- this week alone - #RGV has apprehended more than 20K illegally present migrants.

  • published 4thamend in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-07-27 06:30:17 -0400

    Confirmed: Big Tech & Deep State are tracking all of U.S.

    Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft join with the intelligence community to root out "extremist content"

    "The issue of domestic extremism, including white supremacy and militia groups, took on renewed urgency following the deadly* Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol."

    Reuters: News Release, July 26

    *(The Jan 6 so called riot was only deadly to unarmed Ashli Babbitt, who was shot at point-blank range by a U.S Capitol Police Officer - link)

    And of course, who and what is defined as “extremist content” will be determined by Big Tech insiders themselves.

    When the Intelligence Branch within government wants to conduct surveillance and monitor American citizens, they run up against problems due to the Constitution of the United States (4th Amendment). The government cannot conduct electronic searches without a warrant.

    They get around this legal limitation by sub-contracting the intelligence gathering, the actual data-mining, to outside parties (contractors) .. private individuals / entities who can search and report back. 

    What is being admitted in this news release is exactly that pre-existing partnership. Big Tech will flag the content from within their platforms, and now a secondary database filled with the extracted information will be provided openly for the Intelligence Branch to exploit.

    Click to read it all - 

  • published norino in VOLUSIA GOP FRONT PAGE 2021-07-26 05:17:48 -0400

    Pandering to the leftists, these House Republicans identify as Democrats

     -43% Liz 

    Poll finds Liz Cheney is the most unpopular Republican among GOP voters with dismal approvalClick on image

    Pelosi taps Kinzinger to serve on Jan. 6 select (Never Trump) panel

    The Illinois Republican rat joins Liz Cheney

    ..“When duty calls, I will always answer.”


    (CNN) Rep. Liz Cheney announced that her campaign raised nearly $1.9 million in second quarter 2021, setting what her office described as a quarterly fundraising record.

    As noted in an article on campaign contributions (here) the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump are out-fundraising their grassroots challengers.

    Of course they are. The corrupt DC system is designed to protect their own. However, Club DC honchos don't control the voting support of We The People.

    These ten House Republican rats voted to impeach President Trump.

    Much More by Sundance

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