President Trump Announces Campaign 2024 - "America's comeback starts right now"

He’s Back

"As I look at the 2024 landscape, what I see different is what I see better. Just about everyone now sees the level of corruption that exists in the apparatus of government, thanks to President Trump’s first term in office.

We don’t have to question his intentions; we do not have to doubt his motives; we do not have to worry about his goal with the America First agenda. We know when Trump succeeds, our lives and the lives of our family improves.  Period.

When you boil it down to its important part, you are left with a question: Which American politician loves this country more than Donald John Trump? The honest answer is ‘no one’.

There’s not a force of man or nature as strong in its devotion to a mission as Donald Trump is to this nation. That’s the core, the heart, the genuine essence of the thing. 

Within that love of country is a strength of determination that is almost uncanny to witness; and from that love of country an authenticity emanates that is impossible to duplicate.

Donald J Trump is unapologetically American – tens of millions love him for it."

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