"I never guessed that the AFT, NEA, SEIU and APWU were knuckle-dragging, MAGA hat-wearing, bitter-clinging, anti-science, Bible-thumping inbred, unwashed, backward red state vaccine refuseniks. That's because these four are at the tippy top of the organized labor big time Democrat pyramid."
Two of the country's largest teachers' unions refuse to mandate [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccinations for their members. The National Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) are pushing against mandatory teacher vaccinations as the 2021-22 school year approaches.
California's largest state worker union has demanded government officials "come to the bargaining table" over Democrat Governor Newsom's mandate requiring all state employees to show proof of full [Chinese] COVID-19 vaccination by August 2. A press release from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Richard Brown said Newsom never specified how the vaccine verification mandate would be implemented and went on to question whether the requirement "was a knee-jerk reaction to the rising number of [Chinese] COVID-19 cases."
The American Postal Workers Union (APWU) which represents more than 200,000 United States Postal Service employees and retirees and nearly 2,000 private-sector mail workers, said in a statement; "it is not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent."
Democrats (and their media apparatchiks) are desperately eager to keep alive the China Virus Fear .. Why?
"They used the cover of a pandemic to help rig the 2020 election. In advance of 2022 they need to create more fear and paranoia to prevent the wave of election integrity laws from nixing the disastrous mail-in balloting, thereby taking away their ill-gotten majorities."