LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA. Last February, a group of grassroots nonprofit organizations began an election integrity drive with the aim of using the Virginia gubernatorial election as a beta to “restore trust” in elections. They formed the Virginia Fair Elections Coalition, composed of more than 20 mostly conservative groups.
By April, the coalition was hosting a weekly teleconference for group leaders to discuss and exchange progress reports. This turned into a twice-weekly call in July and later became open to all volunteers when the early voting period began on Sept. 17.
Republican poll watchers were present almost every day at all four polling locations throughout the 45-day early voting period, according to Shelley Oberlander, chairperson of the Election Integrity Workgroup of the Loudoun County Republicans. “I think once they start getting educated and really learning the process and what was involved and that they could make a difference in integrity, they did.”
The election integrity issue is a significant concern for many voters, according to coalition leaders. They’re confident that what has worked in Virginia can be replicated in other states. Such actions are already underway. On Nov. 10, an 18-city tour kicked off in Georgia to start building a similar coalition there, according to Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots GA. Read More
Volusia 'Election Integrity' Coordinators Nancy and Tom Coriale
Under the leadership of Republican Executive Committee Vice Chairman Tom Coriale and his wife Nancy, VOLUSIA COUNTY GOP has been on the leading edge of assuring election integrity for more than 12 years.
In 2020, for the first time, we were able to place our 'Republican Poll Watchers' inside every voting poll in the county. We do this because 12 years ago, there were many reports of shenanigans at several democrat controlled voting locations. Once we placed our poll watching observers inside the voting polls, the reports diminished.
In 2022, we plan on being inside the voting polls once again. You can help with this important effort. Please volunteer now and you'll be contacted to join our election integrity team. We will train and deploy you and you'll be an important part of our "trust but verify" effort. We must have confidence in the election process.