January 18 marks the 46th annual March for Life held in Washington, D.C.




"They are Republicans and Democrats, religious and secular, feminists and those who shrug off the label. It’s a march for women, by women."

 The rally champions life, especially of the unborn, by challenging Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court case that legalized abortion. Each year, the march boasts high-profile speakers and attracts up to hundreds of thousands of marchers – young, old, men, and, yes, women.

The march calls attention first to the humanity of the unborn. But that’s why it’s also a women’s march: the event values all persons equally from their conception, whether male or female.

An Aug. CBS/Refinery29 poll revealed 72 percent of millennial women are likely in favor of abortion restrictions.

Read it all @ "The March for Life Is Also a Women’s March"

by Katie Yoder