"America must reject the Marxist inspired ideology of todays Democrat Party"

Unnatural Consequences – Our American Social Contract in Crisis

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Three inalienable rights identified by our founding fathers in their July 4, 1776, Declaration of Independence.  

The preamble to our Declaration of Independence acknowledges the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, and concludes, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”

Since the Age of Enlightenment, English philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Edmund Burke, spoke about these natural endowed by our creator. They also spoke of a social contract, where some of these natural rights would be surrendered to authority in the interest of social order. This order, often arbitrary and potentially tyrannical, was thought to be the only rational alternative to the anarchy of a pure state of nature.

Of course, the English philosophers who studied past political societies, as well as our American founding fathers, were leery about ceding all their natural rights to an authority or government. Although in favor of the social contract, Locke for example, believed that natural rights were inalienable, and therefore the rule of God superseded government authority.

Locke and other social contract theorists remained steadfast in their beliefs that when government fails properly to mandate their natural rights to satisfy the best interests of society, citizens can withdraw their obligation to obey or change the leadership through elections or other means including, when necessary, violence, thus preserving man’s ability to regain his natural rights.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because this idea of the social contract was one of the guiding principles of our founding fathers as they were educated men and students of English political philosophy. After seeing firsthand the tyranny of a monarchy, they carefully applied certain aspects of the social contract in the United States Declaration of Independence, emphasizing the existence of natural rights, God-given rights which superseded any government and served as the spirit of America’s revolution.

When it was time for young America to have its own Constitution, our founders ensured that our natural rights would be preserved, and government powers would be limited. The resulting document was so perfectly written that it has survived hundreds of years. In fact, these United States are governed by one of the oldest constitutions still existing in the entire world.

Some however, see the constitution as a barrier to their idea of social order. These opponents of our U.S. Constitution seek its destruction to allow for a new type of social contract. One inspired by utilitarianism, Hegelianism and Marxism, where socialist priorities outweigh the natural rights endowed by our creator.

Everything happening today, from wokeness, economic policies, and even riots is all part of their plan to destroy the constitution in order to usher in an era of despotism that our founding fathers sought to protect us from. Politicians and others inspired by Marxist ideologies have been developing this plan for almost a century. While Americans have been distracted by endless wars, increasing demands for professional productivity, the destruction of the family unit, left leaning news conglomerates, and other emerging social media technologies, Marxism inspired activists have infiltrated our universities, educational institutions, and even our own government.

Our youth is being reprogrammed at every level to see our nation differently. It’s like woke artificial intelligence with secondary programming to not disobey their programmers. They are told that our founders were racist and morally flawed. They are taught about injustices at the hands of early American settlers and told that everything they once believed is not true, even things as fundamental as gender. Sexuality is being exploited, youth is being stolen by sexualization of children, and wedges are being driven between communities and their God. They won’t stop until they force the American people to reject their constitution, forfeiting the protections from the government along with it. A government they seek to fully control. Awake yet?

It seems we’re told that every election is the most important election of our lives. Considering how close the currently Democrat-led Executive and Legislative branches of our federal government are to breaching our sacred social contract, the upcoming election really might be the most important election in our lives.

America must reject the Marxist inspired ideology of todays Democrat Party. We must keep working together to elect Republicans who value and understand the natural law foundation of our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

The unnatural consequences of in inaction at a time like this is simply too great ignore.

 Cory Mills, Republican Candidate for Florida’s 7th U.S. Congressional District.