New internal polling? Democrats & their fake news flunkies suddenly notice the riots.

Dem ‘narrative is shifting right in front of our eyes’

 Byron York@ByronYork

Voices on left concerned about rioters in Portland. No longer arguing it's 'peaceful,' worried about backfiring.

Democrat political operative Lanny Davis unwittingly makes it clear that some internal polling might have been sent around showing what average Americans think about what they’ve been seeing for the past couple months:
 Lanny Davis@LannyDavis
Violent protesters lighting fires and using violence in Portland should wear @realDonaldTrump buttons. That is who they are helping.Progressives in Portland need to call them out, including the Mayor. ReTweet please. Don’t allow violent people help @realDonaldTrump
Morning Joe has been relentlessly insisting they were 'peaceful protests' .. until he got the new memo -
 Joe Scarborough@JoeNBC
How does breaking windows at a courthouse, setting fire to a federal building, firing guns in crowds, and committing acts of vandalism forward any cause? Actually, don’t bother because there is no good answer. It is self-destructive to any cause you promote.
Legal Insurrection calls out Hypocrisy Joe for his new awareness of the violence -
 Legal Insurrection@LegInsurrection
They are MSNBC’s core audience, fed lunatic paranoid conspiracy theories by you and others for four years. Now the hate you helped create is out of control, and you are panicking, worried it will help @realDonaldTrump. It will.
Democrats lit the match. Now they are getting burned.

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