Shakespeare made famous the phrase "There is a tide in the affairs of men" ("Julius Caesar," Act IV, Scene III), that acknowledges that certain situations gain momentum and become ripe for influencing the future, determining fate. Certainly, we are living in such a time — momentous, unprecedented events are happening that will affect the direction of our nation for the foreseeable future.
Attorney General William Barr recently gave two speeches that were rhetorical masterpieces. The speeches could not have been given at a more critical juncture in the unfolding crisis, nor could the carefully researched and expertly developed arguments have been more needed, more appropriate.Taken together, Barr's compelling addresses — the Notre Dame and the Federalist Society speeches — establish that statesmen remain who have the courage to stand for the truth and are willing to fight the powers of darkness.
Federalist Society Speech
Notre Dame Speech
Barr gives us hope that the majority of the public will be convinced that the evidence is incontrovertible that the Democrats have deliberately manufactured the political crises of the past three years; that their policies have put us on a path of cultural destruction; and that they have conducted a calculated, deliberate attempt against the constitutional order of this nation and its laws.
I am not alone in thinking the impeachment charade is a headline-grabbing maneuver of the Democrats who are hoping to distract from and cast doubt on the inspector general's report that, according to Senator Lindsey Graham, will be released on December 9, with Attorney General Barr scheduled to give testimony on the 11th. Then there is the soon to be released report from the Barr-Durham probe that turned into a criminal investigation.
I'm sure I am also not alone in thinking that Attorney General Barr, with his recent speeches, is using his bully pulpit to lay the groundwork for shaping public understanding and support for drastic action that should result from those reports and that he is employing high-octane, carefully crafted rhetoric to prepare public opinion for the explosive, controversial revelations — i.e., possible judicial proceedings against high-ranking members of the Deep State in the CIA, the FBI, and the Obama administration, including such persons as Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and Rice.
MORE @ . by Janice Shaw Crouse