Trump hits another one out of the park.
Fans of free markets and the great Trump economy should be dancing with glee at the nomination of Herman Cain to the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors.Trump told reporters at the White House on Thursday that Cain is in “good shape.” Cain would fill one of two open seats on the board; the president plans to name Stephen Moore, a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundationand a long-time Trump supporter, for the other.
Combined with Moore, the pair of them will put some free market muscle into the decisions of the Fed board, something we have not seen in years, even though America is supposed to be the world's free market beacon.
Free market voices have simply been shut out for too long. I'm perfectly happy with the economy as it is. Yet Trump's statements about the whole matter shows that he isn't - by appointing Cain and Moore [and don't forget that other brilliant pick of his, David Malpass at the World Bank, too], he's not only signaling that our interests, not the swamp's, matter, he's signaling that he wants the best.