Republican candidates in Pennsylvania earn big wins in Special Elections

This news from PA is going mostly unreported .. as we've come to expect.

No matter .. the Democrat Party is a dead donkey.

ThumbnailPennsylvania Goes 3 for 3 GOP

 Ronna McDaniel @GOPChairwoman


Republicans just won 3 State House special elections in Pennsylvania.

One of the districts went for Hillary by 9 points.

Working-class voters were critical to @realDonaldTrump's success in 2016, and the enthusiasm is a great sign for 2020!

Pennsylvania Goes 3 for 3 in Special Elections

Republican candidates in Pennsylvania earned big wins on Tuesday night in three special elections for the state legislature.

Republican State Leadership Committee

Republican Tim Bonner delivered an important victory in Pennsylvania HD-8 tonight in a special election. Conservative values and good policy will continue to win in the PA legislature!

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Republican State Leadership Committee

.@HillaryClinton won PA HD-18 in 2016 by 9%, but tonight Republican @KC4StateRep won! This is a huge GOP win in a special election – sign of great things to come for @realdonaldtrump and @GOP candidates up-and-down the ballot in November. Congrats K.C.!

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Republican State Leadership Committee

Family man, baseball coach, and strong conservative, Eric Davanzo was chosen tonight by the people of Pennsylvania HD-58 to represent them. Congrats on the win, Eric – excited to see what you do with @PAHouseGOP!

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These victories signal support for President Trump and GOP candidates down the ballot in Pennsylvania, which will undoubtedly be a competitive swing-state come November’s general election.

Ronna McDaniel


Republicans just won 3 State House special elections in Pennsylvania.

One of the districts went for Hillary by 9 points.

Working-class voters were critical to @realDonaldTrump's success in 2016, and the enthusiasm is a great sign for 2020!


President Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 over Hillary Clinton by a slim margin, but his likely opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, is a Pennsylvania native. These wins show that Pennsylvanians do not favor the far-left agenda that the former vice president is prepared to run on, including a fracking ban.