POTUS is taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure against the virus


Fake Media’s Outrage About Trump & Hydroxychloroquine

"President Trump conferred with his physician, which means he handled his decision to take hydroxychloroquine in the exact right way. That’s it. I mean, honestly, all Trump did was get a prescription for a drug taken safely by millions for decades. End of story. 

But if you look at our fake news media today, they continue to behave like the evil sociopaths ... and this sociopathic behavior is all grounded in partisan politics."

 By John Nolte 


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Dr. Ivette Lozano joined Laura Ingraham on Monday night after President Trump announced he was taking hydryoxychloroquine as a prophylactic against the coronavirus.

Dr. Lozano has been treating coronavirus patients in Texas and having great success with hydroxychloroquine.  The Texas doctor praised President Trump for his leadership.

Dr. Ivette Lozano:  "I think the people of the United States need to know they have a brilliant President of the United States and that he wants to keep himself safe and healthy so that he can guide us through this pandemic.  He’s done an incredible job.  He is saving thousands and thousands of lives.  And I commend him for coming out publicly and sharing with his people that he is taking this drug, that it is completely safe, and that doctors need to start prescribing it immediately."

Dr. Lozano was born in Havana Cuba and immigrated to the US as a child. She eventually received a BS from SMU and an MD from Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine. Dr. Lozano has been in solo private practice for fifteen years. Lozano Medical Clinic is an Urgent Care Center that evolved from the need to have a simplified model of medical care available for those not fortunate enough to have insurance.


"All I can tell you is so far I seem to be OK"

"Frontline workers, many, many are are taking it .. I happen to be taking it."

The president said he has a prescription for the drug from White House physicians. He also said that he's taking it in combination with zinc.


Trump says he's taking drug hydroxychloroquine to prevent coronavirus infection

May 18, 2020 - 5:17pm

President Trump said Monday that's he takes the drug hydroxychloroquine as a preventive measure for the coronavirus.

The drug has long been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of malaria and other diseases but is only approved by the agency on an emergency basis to treat the coronavirus.

"Frontline workers, many, many are are taking it," Trump said. "I happen to be taking it."

The president said he has a prescription for the drug from White House physicians. He also said that he's taking it in combination with zinc. 

"All I can tell you is so far I seem to be OK" said Trump, who said he's been taking the drug for about one or two weeks.

Results about whether the drug can help coronavirus patients still remains unclear. 

Trump's surprise announcement has raised some concern about a run on the drug.