Democrats / Media have used George Floyd

If you’ve been following the week-long, highly political, three state grievance tour consisting of five funerals and viewings timed and located to maximize a 2020 political narrative; today is the culmination of the effort. However, you might also notice a big difference between how the media announced the program to the final day events.

The media previously claimed funeral number four for George Floyd in Houston, Texas, would be a small private gathering of family and close friends and that’s why Joe Biden would not be present to give his remarks in person.

As the Biden/Clyburn campaign explained to Reuters: “He is not expected to attend the service to avoid any disruption to mourners that could be caused by his Secret Service protective detail.”

That Biden/Clyburn claim was always transparently silly. As you can see today from the funeral dozens of congresspersons, senators, state and national officials were included in a large made-for-television, live-broadcast, event that was not the least bit “private”, “small” or reserved for close family and friends. Instead it was what we expected it would be; a Joe Biden political rally exploiting the death of George Floyd.

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The Floyd Finale – The Biden/Clyburn Push To Capitalize on Last Floyd Funeral

If you’ve been following the week-long, highly political, three state grievance tour consisting of five funerals and viewings timed and located to maximize a 2020 political narrative; today is the culmination of the effort. However, you might also notice a big difference between how the media announced the program to the final day events.

The media previously claimed funeral number four for George Floyd in Houston, Texas, would be a small private gathering of family and close friends and that’s why Joe Biden would not be present to give his remarks in person. As the Biden/Clyburn campaign explained to Reuters: “He is not expected to attend the service to avoid any disruption to mourners that could be caused by his Secret Service protective detail.”

That Biden/Clyburn claim was always transparently silly. As you can see today from the funeral dozens of congresspersons, senators, state and national officials were included in a large made-for-television, live-broadcast, event that was not the least bit “private”, “small” or reserved for close family and friends. Instead it was what we expected it would be; a Joe Biden political rally exploiting the death of George Floyd.

That said, there is also clarity of purpose behind the video that Biden recorded; and, as we expected, the video was carefully constructed for the candidate to read from a teleprompter, edited with sound enhancements and under careful control. It is likely James Clyburn was more concerned with Biden screwing up a live speech, thus the recording was needed.

The carefully constructed video message sets the stage for the media to hype and play the soundbites. Like all other aspects to the orchestrated plan, this recording was by design. Immediately the media jumped into action to use the recorded message to push the agenda of the Biden/Clyburn campaign.

YouTube Capture Showing Dozens of Simultaneous Media outlets Promoting

Every broadcast and cable news outlet is pushing the Biden/Clyburn script now.  Biden did not travel to Houston to meet the family and record the video.  The video was recorded from the Biden/Clyburn studio several days ago while the three-state Floyd funeral tour was ongoing.

It appears that Biden remains a very tenuous candidate with limited abilities to function when not under the strongest of controls.  As a consequence everything around Biden has to be carefully scripted for optics and to retain the viable candidate narrative.  It should be stunning how much the media is helping to protect his weakness; alas, it’s not.

Everything is by design.  All of this is a carefully choreographed series of events.

The U.S. media is completely allied with the Biden campaign to construct a false reality based on the manipulation of all forms of media.


Funeral #4 was previously described by media as a "small private funeral for a few family members", and Joe Biden wouldn't appear because he would be a "disruption" for the small gathering.

Anyone remember? 


#GeorgeFloyd’s niece: “Someone said, ‘Make America great again.’ But when has America ever been great?”

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