It might just be a coffee in your home or a meet-up at a local restaurant, or something more elaborate like a fundraiser, a relevant movie or documentary screening, a debate watch party... or you may have yet another idea! We're here to help make your event a success.
If you need a Volusia GOP official or a candidate to come speak, we can help you with that. If you don't want a speaker, that's fine too. Ask us in your description below if you need brochures or other swag to give away at your event.
- Casual is fine! Casual events often draw many more people than formal events.
- You don't always have to host for bar or food - you can describe your event as 'No Host' and save $$
- Consider arranging with us to have a helper present to live-stream video from a phone onto our LIVE Video page or your own Facebook page.
In your message below, please tell us the exact date/time and the exact venue/address for your event - then offer a detailed description for what you have in mind. The more detail you supply, the more we can help you. Thanks!