The National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers (and others) have combined forces with the federal government to oppress, threaten and intimidate parents in an attempt to stop them from exercising their rights, as secured by the Constitution.
Read: Evidence of Biden WH Colluding to Silence America's Parents
So who raises children - Parents or the government?
Biden's Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose critical race theory in public schools, citing "threats." The letter follows the National School Board Association's request to classify protests as "domestic terrorism." READ MORE
From liberalism’s perverse perspective, the warping of children comes not from an obscene pop culture or a rotten public school system, but from the pesky control of parents. That’s why the Biden administration is treating concerned mothers and fathers as if they’re enemies of the state. The Orwellian memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland in defense of public school boards stems from the view that public schools should have to right to miseducate children with impunity, free of any parental oversight. READ MORE
AG Merrick Garland Sics the FBI on Parents Opposing Critical Race Theory
Ron DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis
"Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to pursue concerned parents and silence them through intimidation. Florida will defend the free speech rights of its citizens and will not allow federal agents to squelch dissent." Read More
"Disagreement is not harassment. Protest is not terrorism, unless it involves rioting, looting, and assault, like some of the left-wing protests of summer 2020. Again, all of those actions are crimes in Florida and will be prosecuted, regardless of political context." Read More
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Gov. DeSantis Takes Action to Protect Floridians from Biden's Border Crisis
Since Joe Biden took office the Border Patrol has released nearly a quarter million illegal aliens into the U.S. In July alone the number of illegal aliens who were apprehended and released by the Border Patrol was a staggering 60,607. By contrast, in the last full month of the Trump Administration, only 17 in this category were released.
Governor Ron DeSantis was joined by Attorney General Ashley Moody to outline three major steps being taken to protect Floridians from the open-border chaos that has been created by the Biden administration.
- First, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order 21-223 to prohibit all Florida agencies under the purview of the Governor from facilitating illegal immigration into Florida, unless otherwise required by federal or state law, and require the collection of information from state officials on the scope and costs of illegal immigration in Florida.
- Second, Governor DeSantis announced the appointment of Larry Keefe, former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida, as Florida’s Public Safety Czar to ensure the actions directed by the executive order are carried out.
- Third, Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody announced that Florida has filed suit against the Biden Administration, challenging the legality of its “catch and release” policy.
Governor DeSantis said: "This executive order makes it clear that Florida resources will not be used to prop up the failed open border agenda enacted by this administration."
Attorney General Ashley Moody said: “The Biden Administration’s brazen disregard for federal immigration law is jeopardizing the safety and security of our state and nation, all while costing Florida taxpayers. Biden’s lax border policy is an open invitation to dangerous criminals, human traffickers and drug traffickers to enter the United States—creating a crisis at the Southern Border like we have never seen.” MORE