"America is back, and we’re just getting started"


Vice President Mike Pence had a message for former President Barack Obama at the Values Voter Summit Saturday: the American economy is booming because the Trump administration is rolling back Obama administration policies.

“It’s been two years of promises made and promises kept, and we’re just getting started,” Pence told the conference audience in Washington, DC. He cited more than four million jobs created since President Donald Trump took office, record low black and Hispanic unemployment, wages rising at the fastest pace in a decade, and the highest middle class income in recorded history.

Vice President Pence then launched into what he said was a message for former President Obama:

President Obama, you presided over the weakest economic expansion since the Great Depression. When we took over this economy, it was growing by less than two percent, and now it’s growing by more than four percent. This economy isn’t booming because of your policies; it’s booming because we’ve been rolling back the failed policies of your administration since day one.

Near the close of his speech, Pence strongly encouraged the audience to vote in the midterm elections. He also told them to tell their friends what the Trump administration has accomplished and to encourage them to vote also.

Read it all @ America is Back  by Michelle Moons