... And his enemies are not doing as well as they would wish. But it is not enough."
It’s Time to Engineer a New MAGA Machine
"MAGA and America First was never just about one man. It was a populist movement of “forgotten men and women” betrayed by a political establishment convinced its members are above ideas of representative and accountable governance."
The Republican Swamp is still very much full of swamp creatures. It was a key moment of the CPAC speech when the president named and shamed the worst of them, from Mitt Romney to Liz Cheney. The question is, can we find and support enough MAGA candidates to make the fake conservatives irrelevant?
There are some very positive signs that despite not having our man in the Oval Office, MAGA is very much alive and well.
Of course, this includes the double acquittal of President Trump, but it also pertains to the arrival of new Trumpian citizen-politicians on the national stage, such as Lauren Boebert, to local victories and establishment upsets like Mark Robinson, who leveraged his anonymous viral defense of the Second Amendment at a local council meeting to become the first black lieutenant governor of North Carolina.
MAGA 2.0 also includes obvious events, such as Trump establishing his new Office of the Former President and endorsing his first candidate, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.