After the public assassination of Judge Kavanaugh’s character .. there can’t be many left in the GOP who will still dispute former Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon’s assertion that politics is warfare and Trump is thus justified in anything he does to combat his opponents….
It also brings back what I said in The value of Trump to the Trump voter is that he stands between them and #TheResistance:
Right now the value of Trump to the Trump voter is he is all that stands between them and the people who hate them every bit as much as they hate Trump.
Trump voters are berated and belittled with the same ferocity as directed at Trump himself. #TheResistance doesn’t distinguish between Trump and his voters. We all understand that what is being done to Trump is simply a continuation of the attempt to unwind the 2016 election.
The answer is to get out and vote. Get your friends and relatives out to vote.
Read it all @ WAR ON US - Posted by William A. Jacobson