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Democrats have done something: They’ve created an idiocracy.

UPDATE: Wednesday night’s Democrat debate in Nevada allowed for a sharp focus on the candidates’ personalities. It wasn’t pretty.

Warren: The debate had barely started when she said that one candidate is a “billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians." With her hoarse voice and scolding manner, she was every mean old lady that children learn to fear.

Bloomberg was generally out of his league in the jostle and thrust of a debate. He’s used to the boardroom, a place in which everyone falls silent when he speaks. He came across as condescending and disconnected.

Bernie, as always, was the angry old man. He reiterated his usual points: socialized medicine, the horror of billionaires (he no longer mentions millionaires now that he’s one too), and the need for a command-and-control economy to fight climate change.

Poor Biden. Obama has practically disavowed him, but Biden is still clinging desperately to his coattails. He’s only marginally articulate most of the time and, as the evening wore on and fatigue caught up with the old guy, he stopped making sense. 

Buttigieg is just a bundle of smug. He’s the smart-ass teacher’s pet no one likes. He delivered his canned, mostly meaningless homilies with knowing little grins. He picked too many silly arguments, such as trying to denigrate Klobuchar for forgetting Mexican President Obrador’s name.

Klobuchar is a non-entity who desperately wants to be an entity. There’s a vacuum where her personality should be and she tries to fill it by boasting about her Minnesota election successes and her having voted on multiple bills in Congress. 

Not a single person on the stage is a leader or a statesman. There’s something almost tragic about the fact that the essence of the Democrat Party – the oldest continuously existing political party in the world – has been reduced to these six uninspiring, unqualified people.

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"The Rise of Democratic Idiocracy"

The Pop Culture Dictionary defines idiocracy as “a society run or made up of idiots.”

In this new Democratic world, the absurd is now the accepted norm, totally illogical thought becomes completely rational, scientific fact is discarded for the purpose of political expediency and historical fact is a tiresome inconvenience that can be ignored as needed.

Bernie Sanders

When asked by Norah O’Donnell of CBS -- as  friendly a liberal media TV interviewer as there could possibly be -- what his universal Government-run health plan would cost, Sanders replied, “I don’t know, no one knows.” He calls himself a “Democratic Socialist,” but is never asked to specifically explain exactly what that means, or what percentage “democratic” and “socialist” things are in his imaginary world

Michael Bloomberg

”Mike will get it done.” Get what done? To “Get it done,” Mike will have to create a new Bizarro world, a world where everything is different. In the real world -- the one where we all live -- President Trump has already gotten it done.

Joe Biden

Poor Joe. Is he even still in the race? He gives every indication of not knowing exactly what world he’s in from moment to moment. He’d have a better chance if he knew what state he was in.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Clearly the thought leader of the current Democratic Party. Her almost daily pronouncements are laughably detached from any semblance of reality. She spouts all the usual clichés: capitalism is bad, America is evil and deeply flawed, only the wealthy are doing well, etc., but the Democratic candidates parrot every single one of them.

Nancy Pelosi

She rips up her copy of President Trump’s SOTU speech and it’s okay. Nary a word of criticism from any Democratic politician or the liberal media. This from a person who says she is Catholic and there is no hate in her heart for the president. For Pelosi and the idiocrats, it’s fine to invoke religion when rationalizing their preferred behavior.

Despite constant media attacks and the manic, obsessive attempts by elected Democrats to somehow reverse and nullify his 2016 victory over the increasingly pathetic Hillary Clinton, President Trump continues to make huge progress on a wide front of issues. Minorities are doing better economically than at any time in our history, we’ve reduced carbon emissions more than any country on earth, wages for all are rising and we’re energy-independent. Every aspect of American life is getting better and better.

The Democrats have no real openings. So they’re reduced to fabricating an idiocracy where their candidates recite total nonsense and they think we’ll fall for it.

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Voter Registration WINS: More Americans now identify as Republicans than they do as Democrats

It should be especially concerning for Democrats that they’re losing their registration advantage to Republicans in the midst of a competitive Democratic Presidential primary. One would think that flocks of voters would rush to register as Democrats in order to cast votes in the primary, but if anything is occurring, it seems to be the opposite.

More Americans now identify as Republicans than they do as Democrats, according to new polling regarding party affiliation conducted by Gallup.

According to the polling, conducted on January 16th-19th, 30% of American identify as Republicans. 27% identify as Democrats. The largest category consists of independents, who form 42% of registered voters. Independents have consistently made up the largest category of American voters for decades.

The development represents a rarity in American politics, as generally Democrats have a numerical advantage in terms of party registration throughout recent political history.


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Maryann Pistilli - 386-689-2164 - [email protected] 

 Sandi Hodgden - 715-741-1957 - [email protected]m

 Kathy Pugh 386-956-8427 - [email protected]


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BUY POPCORN: Democrat elites hate Bernie .. and will use Bloomberg $$$ to stop him.

-Bloomberg’s money = destruction of the Democrat Party

Mike Bloomberg is luring the party’s elites into visibly betraying the principles most of its rank-and-file hold dear and identifying themselves as sellouts who can be bought by sheer force of lucre.  A bitter split will be hard to avoid.

Holman Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal gets right to the point in his headline “Bloomberg buys the Democratic elite.”

He’s distorting the incentives of activists, officials and campaign fixers who suddenly are thinking less about a presidential victory and more about the Bloomberg gravy train.

Jenkins cites examples of leaders betraying their people and their principles:

When a recording leaked of Mr. Bloomberg defending stop-and-frisk in New York, including his callous reference to throwing young African Americans “against the wall” .. Andre Fields of the liberal voting-rights group Fair Fight Action rushed out a tweet hitting him as a “true terrorist” but promptly deleted it. Fair Fight Action had received $5 million in funding from Mr. Bloomberg.

Three members of the Congressional Black Caucus helped out with timely endorsements of a man who spent at least $90 million on House Democratic races in the last 19 months.

Opinion leaders are also compromised:

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman on Wednesday joined in with 1,500 words implying that other Democratic candidates should make way for Mr. Bloomberg. He ended his piece with a disclosure that his wife’s charity was supported with Bloomberg donations.

With supporters of Bernie Sanders already convinced (with evidence) that the 2016 nomination was stolen from him, they will either stay home or support a splinter or small party radical leftist candidate.

One person who gets it is President Trump:

"If a guy came in and bought the election, if they bought the Democratic nomination, I really think you'd have a revolution within the Democrat Party. You had a mini-revolution last time, right, but you would have a real — because they took it away from him the last time, or at least it was perceived .. But this time they would be taking it away.

If a guy came in to buy it and took it away from Bernie, I think you'd have a revolution within that party."

Read more by Thomas Lifson @ 

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WATCH - Author Stephen Strang talks about the inspired Trump presidency.

 WATCH: From day 1, their goal was to silence your voice. But they couldn't.

Vic Baker and co-host Joe Fieldus and guest Stephen Strang

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Trump Talk Now is a 1-hour weekly program streaming live from Volusia Top Gun, Daytona Beach, every Thursday from 7-8 pm on the Trump Talk Now Facebook page.

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"For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle?"

Remembering Tony Ledbetter

Tony was an Air Force veteran. He didn't wave or smile when his President looked at him .. 

He stood at attention.

Thumbnail.Tampa FL. 7/31/18

Republican Party HQ hit by gunfire

If there was going to be a fight for America .. Tony was going to be in the thick of it.


Volusia County GOP needs a forever home .. and it will be named after The Boss

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President Trump isn't just turning out a record number of voters, he is expanding the base.

Image may contain: 7 people, suit and text
Christian Ziegler

== NH Turnout (Presidential re-elects ranked) ==
🇺🇸 Trump (2020): 118,774
➡️ Clinton (1996): 76,797
➡️ Reagan (1984): 65,033
➡️ George W. Bush (2004): 53,962
➡️ Obama (2012): 49,080

== Trump NH Rally Facts ==
 52,559 Tickets
 24,732 Voters Identified (41% From NH)
 17% Didn’t Vote in 2016
 25.4% Democrats

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Volusia Republican dominance: Gap between GOP, Democrats growing

.By Mark Harper 

The gap between Republicans and Democrats in Volusia County is now more than 7,000 and growing, as the GOP’s ground game and the demographics of who’s moving to the Daytona Beach area are contributing factors to a reddening county. Less than three years ago, Republicans passed Democrats in the number of registered voters in Volusia County.

[READ MORE: For first time, Volusia GOPs outnumber Dems]

That remarkable reversal in Volusia — a Democrat-leaning county for over a century — over those years explains at least some of the statewide trend. In Volusia at the start of this month, the number of registered Republicans had gained 20,000 voters since this time in 2016. The county’s Democrats had picked up fewer than 2,000 voters.

The number of registered Flagler County Republicans is up nearly 31% since this time four years ago, a News-Journal analysis shows. Flagler’s Democratic Party grew by 9.9% in the same time frame. Flagler County has long been a Republican stronghold.

Why are Republicans so much more appealing to Volusia and Flagler voters than Democrats in recent years?

“It’s a combination,” said Paul Deering, the Volusia County Republican Party chairman. “We’re actively recruiting new voters and welcoming voters from other parties that are disenchanted with some of their elected officials and the positions they have taken. ... It’s like Ronald Reagan said: They didn’t really leave the party but the party left them.”

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Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing  Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor

Volusia, Seminole and Flagler County's. Our Army of Volunteers are getting bigger and Stronger! #BootsOnTheGround as we #LeadRight .. this is how we #WIN. Thank you to All the Volunteers.

Maryann Pistilli - 386-689-2164 - [email protected] 

Sandi Hodgden - 715-741-1957 - [email protected]m

Kathy Pugh 386-956-8427 - [email protected]



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Trump changed U.S. .. and taught the GOP how to fight.


This is what NeverTrumpers, the entirety of the left wing, and the Democrat Media Complex still do not fully comprehend -

.. the flawless, slick, well dressed, well polite presidential candidates of the past who repeatedly let us down (like Romney, who...oops, did it again) and saw compromise versus commitment to conservatism as the only way to govern didn't work for the average American anymore. They alienated vast swaths of our broad middle class and allowed the left-wing fifth column to march into our homes, schools, houses of worship, and workplaces and destroy our families and our futures and trample our civil rights.
The intolerance and hate, of which we are daily accused, oozes from the pores of most left-wingers. They call us the most loathsome of names and marginalize us. They try to destroy our president, accuse him of treason, impeach and remove him, tear this country in half for three years, ridicule his supporters ... and we are told to make nice.

The Romney republican is dead and any GOP who wants that brand back is a total


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WATCH - 'The Best Is Yet To Come'

"We settled the new world, we built the modern world, and we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of Almighty God."

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America First - January jobs and labor report is MAGAnificent. 

January Employment Report: 225,000 Jobs Gained, Blue Collar Wage Growth +3.2%

 The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases the January jobs and labor report - 225,000 jobs gained in January; non-supervisory wage growth against exceeds supervisory at 3.2%; and 185,000 workers re-entered the workforce.

 The 225,000 new jobs far exceeded  expectations. Economists were looking for 160,000.

 Also the November report was revised up by 5,000  and the change for December was revised up by 2,000. With these revisions, employment gains in November and December combined were 7,000 higher than previously reported.

 These excellent jobs results are without the domestic investment expected to be produced by the USMCA manufacturing realignmentAs goods producing companies start evaluating the new total production costs, the investment shift toward North America will likely keep a tailwind on our economic growth.

Continue reading  by sundance

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There was no crime ... They wasted our time

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