Great job TEAM USA - From field to fork is an amazing journey.

U.S. food processing and manufacturing is now operating at full capacity.

• Phase One was retail. • Phase two was distribution. • Phase three was the space between manufacturing and distribution. • Phase four is raw material supply to manufacturing.

 Overall, the majority of products should be back on our store shelves very soon, if not already.

 Supply Chain Explained

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"The American Age, The American Epoch, The American Adventure .. Has Only Just Begun"

WATCH - The Best Is Yet To Come - #Trump2020


America’s future shines brightNo country on Earth is better prepared to handle this pandemic than we are. We will beat this virus together. And when we do, our economy will pick up right where it left off—with high wages, job growth, and rising 401(k)s.

Real leaders know that every decision in Washington affects millions of Americans.
Pundits, on the other hand, aren’t accountable to anyone except the media execs who sign their paychecks. They don’t have real jobs, so they don’t suffer when Democrats in Congress block a relief bill—or when politicians say it’s OK to shut down our entire economy indefinitely.

“List: 74 actions taken by Trump to fight virus and bolster economy”
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“What we need is to control the panic"

Why Coronavirus Crisis May Be Over Sooner Than Many Think

 Do Not Listen To Fake News

Stanford biophysicist and Nobel laureate Michael Levitt says that based on how the COVID-19 crisis has played out in multiple countries, the threat is less severe than the media has portrayed it to be and might be over sooner than most think. “The real situation is not as nearly as terrible as they make it out to be,” Levitt says, and, in the end, “we’re going to be fine.”

Levitt, who accurately predicted the slowdown of coronavirus cases in China, has been making the rounds with various media outlets to discuss his findings on the most recent data from nearly 80 countries involving the global pandemic. Like several otherexperts, Levitt maintains that the threat of COVID-19 is less severe than many reports make it appear.

As occurred in China in February, the rate of case increases will begin to decline, signaling the downside of a spread curve. “What we need is to control the panic.”

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COVID-19 panic can permanently harm our free, tolerant, open civil society.


Evidence over hysteria — COVID-19

The following article is a systematic overview of COVID-19 driven by data from medical professionals and academic articles that will help you understand what is going on (sources include CDC, WHO, NIH, NHS, University of Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, NEJM, JAMA, and several others).

Data is data. Our focus here isn’t treatments but numbers. You don’t need a special degree to understand what the data says and doesn’t say. Numbers are universal.

I hope you walk away with a more informed perspective on how you can help and fight back against the hysteria that is driving our country into a dark place. You can help us focus our scarce resources on those who are most vulnerable, who need our help.

Note: The following graphs and numbers are as of mid-March 2020. Things are moving quickly, so I update this article twice a day. Most graphs are as of March 20th, 2020.


Aaron Ginn

Aaron Ginn

Table of Contents

  1. Total cases are the wrong metric
  2. Time lapsing new cases gives us perspective
  3. On a per-capita basis, we shouldn’t be panicking
  4. COVID-19 is spreading
  5. Watch the Bell Curve
  6. A low probability of catching COVID-19
  7. Common transmission modes
  8. COVID-19 is likely to burn off in the summer
  9. Children and Teens aren’t at risk
  10. Strong, but unknown viral effect
  11. What about asymptomatic spread?
  12. 93% of people who think they are positive aren’t
  13. 1% of cases will be severe
  14. Declining fatality rate
  15. So what should we do?
  16. Start with basic hygiene
  17. More data
  18. Open schools
  19. Open up public spaces
  20. Support business and productivity
  21. People fear what the government will do, not infection
  22. Expand medical capacity
  23. Don’t let them forget it and vote
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Usual media suspects demand WH press briefings stop being shown on live TV .. because Trump is not their president.

Calls are increasing for cable networks to stop airing President Donald Trump’s press conferences live as critics believe Trump is turning White House news briefings into virtual campaign rallies that can “get people killed” with lies about the Coronavirus crisis.

Of course Fake News is hating these WH pressers .. Trump'a approval numbers are up.

LIVE TV everyday revealing our president fully in command of a crisis is not what they had in mind when this all began. China coronavirus was suppose to kill his base of support. Instead, Democrat governors from NY, CA applaud Trump's help and even Ilhan Abdullahi Omar of MN says Trump is doing a fine job.

All hate-media has left is to call him a raaacist ..
.. for saying that the virus from China is the China virus.
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We Have Nothing To Fear .. except our rumor-mongering and panic-encouraging media

As FDR said in his December 9, 1941, fireside chat with the nation, what we now know as “the media” had a special responsibility:

"To all newspapers and radio stations—all those who reach the eyes and ears of the American people—I say this: You have a most grave responsibility to the Nation now and for the duration of this war."

And that responsibility, of course, was not to publish rumors, enemy propaganda, or defeatism.  As Roosevelt put it:

"Most earnestly I urge my countrymen to reject all rumors.  These ugly little hints of complete disaster fly thick and fast in wartime.  They have to be examined and appraised."

So now today, we must all be equally vigilant against rumor-mongering and panic-encouraging. 

One vigilant watcher is Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary to George W. Bush.  On March 13, Fleischer tweeted caustic criticism of CNN, quoting what the cable channel was saying, and then adding his own slam on the network: 

“There will be a pandemic.  And it will have the potential to bring humanity to its knees.”   So began a promo I just saw for a show that will air on CNN.  This type of promo is the kind irresponsible fear-mongering that should be avoided.  CNN should change its advertising.

Fleischer is right: CNN ought to be ashamed of itself.  And if it isn’t, then Americans should heap shame on the network, as a warning signal to other media outlets that might be tempted to jeopardize public order for the sake of ratings and clicks. 

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Chanel Rion, who is half Korean, is the White House Correspondent for One America Network (aka OAN). On Thursday, during President Trump’s now daily press briefing, she asked him why it was appropriate to use the phrase “Chinese Virus” when referring to the coronavirus.

Then, Rion got to the heart of the matter:

On that note, major left-wing news media — even in this room — have teamed up with Chinese Communist Party narratives and they’re claiming you’re racist for making these claims about ‘Chinese virus.’ Is it alarming that major media players, just to oppose you, are consistently siding with foreign state propaganda, Islamic radicals and Latin gangs and cartels? And they work right here at the White House with direct access to you and your team?

Given an opening, Trump took it:

"It amazes me when I read the things that I read. It amazes me when I read the Wall Street Journal, which is always so negative. It amazes me when I read the New York Times . . . it’s not even, I don’t, barely read it. You know, we don’t distribute it in the White House anymore and the same thing with the Washington Post. Because, you see, I know the truth. And people out there in the world, they really don’t know the truth, they don’t know what it is. They use different slogans and different concepts for me almost every week, trying to catch something. Last week it was all “chaos.” You see me. There’s no chaos. I have no chaos. I’m the one telling everybody to be calm. There’s no chaos in the White House. We have unbelievable professionals. It’s really – I mean, I think I came up with the term. I hope I came up with the term. But it is Fake News.

It’s more than Fake News. It’s corrupt news. They write stories without calling anybody. They write a story today, they had a couple of stories, where they never call me. Ever. That I know of. At least, nobody tells me. They’ll write a story without even asking my opinion on something. It’s totally fake."

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Click to watch the 'No Panic' show







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Perspective on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Republican candidates in Pennsylvania earn big wins in Special Elections

This news from PA is going mostly unreported .. as we've come to expect.

No matter .. the Democrat Party is a dead donkey.

ThumbnailPennsylvania Goes 3 for 3 GOP

 Ronna McDaniel @GOPChairwoman


Republicans just won 3 State House special elections in Pennsylvania.

One of the districts went for Hillary by 9 points.

Working-class voters were critical to @realDonaldTrump's success in 2016, and the enthusiasm is a great sign for 2020!

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The jig is up for China .. The Age of Trump is upon them

Now that this frightening outbreak has captured our collective consciousness, the president should seize the opportunity to take his tough posture vis-à-vis the Chinese to a whole new level – and announce that for the sake of our economic wellbeing, national security, public health and consumer safety, America is indeed going to recast our relationship.

However serious it may turn out to be, this flareup has given all of us, including Wall Street, a serious and painful wake-up call: that coronavirus and the resulting panics are what happens when a nation – seemingly inextricably – links its economy and entire way of life to a country whose system is completely inimical.

But also an opportunity to prove the coupling is extricable after all – by pressing, Hillary Clinton-style, the famous “reset” button, this time with China. Perhaps spelled right (however it’s rendered in Mandarin). And policy-wise, in an opposite, decidedly less accommodative direction.

That we will progressively wean ourselves off the Middle Kingdom’s brutal, criminal dictatorship; its crooked, immoral, hazardous and larcenous business activities; its unhygienic practices; and its antagonistic rhetoric and actions.

That, until and unless China cleans up its act, we will promote and even mandate the shift of business and commerce to safer, saner, more reliable, less hostile and most important, more humane locations – including and especially the good old US of A.


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Am I the only one who is giddy with anticipation for his second term?

President Trump: The Anti-Marionette

"In a perverse way .. we have the Democrats to thank for this respite from the headlong plunge over the cliff of government power and corruption"

For the Deep StateTM and the political class of America, one of the most frustrating things about President Trump is his conspicuous lack of private or secret funding. They cannot fathom a politician without strings attached, without a handler, someone who is not beholden to anyone. Because those are things that they use to control and manipulate each other.

That's why they had to invent Russian collusion. That's why they had to go after his children with fake charges. That's why they had to make the laughable accusation that he was somehow connected to and beholden to Jeffrey Epstein. And on and on and on.

They cannot imagine a politician who is not part of their sleazy, backroom world in which quid pro quo is a fact of life, where money stolen from the American people is funneled from person to person in payment of political debt.

Did they realize early on that he was uncontrollable by conventional means? Probably. But they have been operating with the same playbook for so long they simply had no idea how to deal with a truly independent man.

Would he have been the disruptive force we are blessed with had the Democrats been smarter? Would he have remade our courts and gutted the regulatory state and protected (at least more than other presidents) our fighting men? I don't know, and it is academic at this point. But my guess is that yes, he would have, but without the urgency and speed. In a perverse way .. we have the Democrats to thank for this respite from the headlong plunge over the cliff of government power and corruption.

Am I the only one who is giddy with anticipation for his second term?

It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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There is a fire before us .. We must walk through it.

Project Fear Will Fail

Have they scared you yet?  Me neither.

Project Fear is ramping up, and it’s only going to get worse.  The Democrats and the global establishment class do not care how many lives are lost or how much financial damage results.  They have only one concern: removing President Trump from power, silencing us, and bending the arc of history back toward the plutocratic governing elite.  


That is why the election year of 2016 will always mark a turning point in American history.  2016 was significant not just because President Trump won, but because so many of us looked around and realized just how many of us there actually are.  For years we had been minimized and mocked and made to feel very much alone. 

Their attacks on the legitimacy of the 2016 election and attempts to overturn it have created an unrelenting siege against all of us who would have gladly gone back to our own lives until the 2020 election.  Because they have given us no peace, however, they have made us sharp for what lies ahead.

A growing number of Americans finally see who the Democrats are and what they are capable of inflicting upon their fellow citizens.  There is a fire before us; we must walk through it; but we no longer have to do so alone.


Please Contact: Field Organizers RPOF/Trump Victory 

Sandi Hodgden  715-141-1957 - [email protected]
Kathy Pugh         386-956-8427 - [email protected]
Pamalla Weathersby 863-430-9524 - [email protected]
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Together, we will easily PREVAIL!

President Trump announces a National Day of Prayer

Sunday March 15

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

It is my great honor to declare Sunday, March 15th as a National Day of Prayer. We are a Country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these....

....No matter where you may be, I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together, we will easily PREVAIL!

6:54 PM - Mar 13, 2020
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