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“A Demonic Network Has Been United Against Trump”
Let U.S. Pray
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“Father you have raised President Trump up for such a time as this ... Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of President Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus. Let the counsel of the wicked be spoiled now according to Job 17, I declare that President Trump will overcome every strategy from hell and every strategy from the enemy. Destroy and divide their tongues, Oh Lord.”
President Trump says he called off Iran strike to avoid killing 150 people
UPDATE: Watch: Iran can never get a nuclear weapon
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, in order to take additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12957 of March 15, 1995, in light of the actions of the Government of Iran and Iranian-backed proxies, particularly those taken to destabilize the Middle East, promote international terrorism, and advance Iran’s ballistic missile program, and Iran’s irresponsible and provocative actions in and over international waters, including the targeting of United States military assets and civilian vessels, hereby order:
READ: Executive Order
The omnipotent ayatollah commands a private militia and intelligence agency, which are outside the jurisdiction of any other arm of government. The budgetary and financial assets at his disposal and of the heads of bodies operating in his “office” are separate from all over governing mechanisms in the county, including even the Revolutionary Guards autonomous economic empire.
Khamenei’s “key financial resources” are believed to be kept in a secret fund and run into tens of billions of dollars.
READ: NEW sanctions on Iran specifically target Ayatollah Khamenei
UPDATE: US struck Iranian military computers this week
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. military cyber forces launched a strike against Iranian military computer systems on Thursday as President Donald Trump backed away from plans for a more conventional military strike in response to Iran’s downing of a U.S. surveillance drone, U.S. officials said Saturday.
The cyber attacks — a contingency plan developed over weeks amid escalating tensions — disabled Iranian computer systems that controlled its rocket and missile launchers, the officials said. Two of the officials said the attacks, which specifically targeted Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps computer system, were provided as options after Iranian forces blew up two oil tankers earlier this month.
The action by U.S. Cyber Command was a demonstration of the U.S.’s increasingly mature cyber military capabilities and its more aggressive cyber strategy under the Trump administration. Over the last year U.S. officials have focused on persistently engaging with adversaries in cyberspace and undertaking more offensive operations.
"I am in no hurry"
And so a watching world comes to understand that who lives or dies in Iran is decided by the American President .. not by the petty rulers of that imprisoned country.
Oh how these desperate leaders hate this President of the United States, who steals their authority, who speaks a word and saves the lives of their Iranian people .. lives that mean nothing to these ayatollahs, who use their people as fodder, as human sacrifice:
They wear the blood-red headband and a small metal key into battle. ''Sar Allah,'' (''Warriors of God''), some of the headbands read in Farsi script, identifying the wearers as divinely designated martyrs who will use their keys to go directly to heaven if killed in the holy war against Iraq declared by their leader, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
The headbands and the keys are worn by young boys, aged 12 to 17, who are recruited by local clergy or simply rounded up in the villages of Iran, given an intensive indoctrination in the Shiite tradition of martyrdom, and then sent weaponless into battle against Iraqi armor. Often bound together in groups of 20 by ropes to prevent the fainthearted from deserting, they hurl themselves on barbed wire or march into Iraqi mine fields in the face of withering machine-gun fire to clear the way for Iranian tanks. Across the back of their khaki-colored shirts is stenciled the slogan: ''I have the special permission of the Imam to enter heaven.''
In dozens of interviews conducted by this reporter in recent weeks with Iranian exiles, academics and government and intelligence officials in the United States and Europe, the blind faith of these teen-age martyrs was frequently cited as symbolic of the fanaticism that is part of life today in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
An East European journalist who witnessed one of these human-wave assaults, in which tens of thousands of young Iranians have gone willingly to their deaths, could hardly believe what he was seeing, as first one boy, and then another, detonated a mine and was hurled into the air by the explosion.
''We have so few tanks,'' an Iranian officer explained to the journalist, without apology.
Source: Terence Smith, "Iran: Five Years of Fanaticism", The New York Times, February 12, 1984
Deporting Illegals - "These are people with final removal orders who have refused to go"
********President Trump has directed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to conduct a mass roundup of migrant families that have received deportation orders, an operation that is likely to begin with predawn raids in major U.S. cities on Sunday.
The “family op,” as it is referred to at ICE and the Department of Homeland Security, is slated to target up to 2,000 families facing deportation orders in as many as 10 U.S. cities. The White House has been in direct communication with acting ICE director Mark Morgan.
“In February, we sent letters to these individuals telling them they had an order of removal,” Morgan told reporters this week. “We’re at the point right now where we have no other choice but to use our interior enforcement statutory authority to identify where these individuals are and remove them.”
Families cannot be exempted, he said: “The law must be applied fairly and equally. We’re going to do that with compassion and dignity, but we’re going to enforce the law.”
Morgan this week urged families with deportation orders to turn themselves in to ICE, and said that operations targeting those who defy court orders would reinforce the administration’s broader deterrent efforts.
“The message has gotten out that if you bring a kid, nothing will ever happen to you,” Morgan said. “We need to make sure we’re sending the message that will not be tolerated any more.”
Read More @ By Nick Miroff
Analysis: POTUS solves multiple issues by deconstructing the growing economic influence of China.
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Chairman Kim may never be freed, but for U.S. interests the Nuclear threat is gone.
Chairman Xi now owns any actions taken by North Korea. The open engagement by Xi now transfers all DPRK behavior openly to Beijing. North Korea is no more a nuclear threat than China. Technically, this has always been the reality; however, now things are public. China cannot hide or deny their involvement.
Remember, generally speaking President trump held two connected objectives: (1) removing the threat posed by North Korea by severing the ability of Beijing to use the proxy province as a weapon; and (2) deconstructing the growing economic influence of China.
The first objective has been achieved. President Trump can now go into full economic war against China without the worry of Beijing using Pyongyang to launch rockets.
Big Happenings: President Xi’s visit to NK (the first such visit by a Chines leader in 14 years) kicks off a flurry of high-level diplomatic activity around the Korean Peninsula ahead of the G20 summit in Japan later this month.
Long before media pundits starting noticing/considering how serious President Trump was about structurally resetting the entire landscape of a U.S-China trade relationship ... President Trump quietly and methodically laid the groundwork.
The November 2017 tour of Asia was President Trump traveling to meet directly, face-to-face, one-on-one with the manufacturing heavyweights of Southeast Asia
For two-and-a-half years U.S. President Trump has been working on two connected objectives: (1) removing the threat posed by North Korea by severing the ability of Beijing to use the proxy province as a weapon (Kim is hostage to China); and (2) deconstructing the growing economic influence of China.
Both issues are directly connected to U.S. national security; and both issues are being approached by President Trump through the use of economic leverage to achieve national security results.
Critical Background HERE and HERE
Additionally, President Trump has been openly, albeit with coded messages, telling the world North Korea was already no longer a threat.
Apple Inc. Exploring China Exit –
(Reuters) – Apple Inc has asked its major suppliers to assess the cost implications of moving 15%-30% of their production capacity from China to Southeast Asia as it prepares for a restructuring of its supply chain, according to a Nikkei Asian Review report on Wednesday.
Apple’s request was a result of the extended Sino-U.S. trade dispute. The iPhone maker has decided the risks of depending heavily on manufacturing in China are too great and even rising, it said.
Nintendo and Sharp Plan Exits -
TOKYO— Nintendo Co. is shifting some production of its Switch videogame console to Southeast Asia from China to limit the impact of possible U.S. tariffs on Chinese-made electronics.
Japan’s Sharp Corp. , which is controlled by Foxconn, said last week that it planned to move production of personal computers to Taiwan or Vietnam.
What were your impressions of the Orlando Rally?

Hello Patriots,.The News-Journal has asked for letters from those attending (and from those watching on TV) regarding the Trump Rally..What were your impressions of the crowd...the President...the other people on the stage? How excited were the people? What was the best "chant" that you heard? What part of Trump`s speech was the most moving for you? Was the president presidential? Was the rally historic? Were the rally folks united in support of the President? Was the agony and difficulty of getting to the rally worthwhile? Do you think that rally attendees understand that Trump is making good on his 2016 promises? Did you notice any Russians at the rally? 😊.Take a minute and write something about this outstanding Trump announcement celebration..The News-Journal has promised to devote space..Tom CorialeChairman - RECVC Letters to the Editor
Use the online form to submit your letter by clicking on the image:

Congress FAILED to repeal Obamacare .. so POTUS expands Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs)
"President Trump Just Revolutionized Health Care — And Nobody Noticed"
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11 million Americans are about to get more freedom in their healthcare
There are two big ways Washington can affect healthcare for Americans. The first is by working to expand the range of affordable, high-quality options available in every community. The second is by purposefully eliminating these options in order to drive more people toward centralized, government-run healthcare schemes.
Here’s an example: Health Reimbursement Arrangements, or HRAs, allow workers to shop for a health insurance plan that’s right for them and their families. The previous administration imposed crushing fines and penalties on HRAs to prevent employees from selecting the plan of their choice. “It was impossible,” President Trump said
On Friday, President Trump announced that HRAs will now receive the same tax treatment as other employer-provided health plans. The move is crucial for America’s small businesses: It’s estimated that 90 percent of the businesses that will take advantage of HRAs have fewer than 20 employees.
“The Obama administration had made it illegal for our business to help employees with their health insurance costs,” Maryland small business owner Tom Kunkel said at the White House on Friday. “After the Obama ruling we had to stop all reimbursements . . . which caused a great bit of hardship for our employees.”
Now, his business and others can help defray healthcare costs for employees again.
The Trump Administration expects that 800,000 employers will offer these new HRAs to more than 11 million employees and family members once employers fully adjust to the rule. As a result, some 800,000 Americans who would otherwise be uninsured are projected to gain coverage.
Watch: “We have to reject” the socialist model of healthcare, the President says
4 Years Ago: An escalator ride into history
President Trump recalls Trump Tower campaign launch
“Our country is in serious trouble. We don’t have victories anymore,” Trump told the crowd, railing against China for “killing us on trade”
Four years ago on Sunday, Donald Trump descended through the pink marble and brass atrium of Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for president, the first step on a journey few believed would take him all the way to the White House.
Four years later Trump remembers it fondly.
“I never forget standing on the famous escalator, you know the escalator, right?” he likes to tell crowds. “Remember the scene with Melania in front of me waving very elegantly and Trump coming down, waving less elegantly? But I just took a deep breath and I said, ‘Let’s go do it. Let’s make this country great,’ because it takes guts. It takes guts. And I’m so glad I did it.”
And four years later, the speech Trump delivered, following an introduction from his eldest daughter, Ivanka, sounds just like one he would deliver today.
JUSTICE: Oberlin College loses BIG in the Gibson’s Bakery lawsuit.
My appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight discussing the massive jury verdict: “These are the people who get up at 3 or 4 in the morning [to go to work] when Oberlin students are just getting home”
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I appeared tonight on Tucker Carlson Tonight to talk about the massive jury verdict against Oberlin College in the Gibson’s Bakery lawsuit.
This was an unusually long segment, demonstrating the importance of the case to Tucker. He spoke for about 3 minutes then I got 3 minutes. In case you were wondering, 3 minutes for a guest in primetime on the most popular cable news network is a long time. I appreciate the opportunity.
[partial transcription]
Tucker: What do you think, having watched this from the first day to the last, what do you think the message the jury was sending was?
WAJ: They literally were just minding their business that day .. when they called the police on some shoplifters. And because of the crazed social justice, so-called social justice movement on our campuses, they were immediately designated an oppressor, in part because of their skin color, in part because they’re the owner of a business, and they were put into a pigeonhole of someone who must be racist, who must have engaged in racial profiling. And nobody seemed to actually care about the facts, that these are students actually did shoplift. And I think that’s what’s so outrageous about it.
I think you noted it in your opening, that these are just ordinary people. These are not people who are engaged in the political process. They didn’t put themselves out into the arena. This is not like the other social media mobs we’ve heard about, where someone sends out a tweet, or post something on Facebook, and all of the sudden there’s a mob against them. That’s bad enough. These are literally people who got up probably at 3 in that morning, and did absolutely nothing wrong. But that campus fervor, and that campus zeal to express some sort of outrage at the system, visited them. And I think that’s the thing that’s so chilling here.
Read it all @ Posted by William A. Jacobson