Tweets by RecvcOrg |
Fight Marxism, Defeat Democrats -- Reelect Ron DeSantis
In Florida, students will learn about the 'evils of communism and totalitarian ideologies'
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"The bill also expands our previous efforts in civics to add a requirement for the high school government class that students receive instruction on the evils of communism and totalitarian etiologies. We have a number of people in Florida, particularly southern Florida, who've escaped totalitarian regimes, who've escaped communist dictatorships to be able to come to America.
We want all students to understand the difference, why would somebody flee across shark infested waters say, leaving from Cuba to come to southern Florida? Why would somebody leave a place like Vietnam? Why would people leave these countries and risk their life to be able to come here? It's important that students understand that. Now as part of this bill, Florida will create a ‘Portraits in Patriotism' library so students can learn about real patriots who came to this country after seeing the horrors of these communist regimes."
Full Speech Here - Read More Here
Whether it's CRT, gun-grabbing, transexual perverts, religious persecution, vote rigging, lockdowns and all the rest, the shriller, louder and foaming-at-the-mouth-ier they object, the more confirmation (as if we needed it) it is of the righteousness of our cause.
Click image to watch (2 minutes)
We will show you how to team up and get to know your neighbors so that we can build an overwhelming mandate for the re-election of Governor Ron DeSantis in 2022 ... and lay the groundwork for taking back America in 2024.
WOKE: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says Critical Race Theory is important ..
... then blames 'White Rage' for Jan. 6th
"I want to understand white rage, and I’m white, and I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America. What caused that? I want to find that out … I’ve read Mao Tse-Tung , I’ve read Karl Marz. I’ve read Lenin …”
General Mark A. Milley
It is shocking that one of the very top individuals in our military believes in the lie that Americans tried to overturn our Constitution on January 6th.
No matter how hard They try ... They can't sell U.S. their BIG LIE
With this many Americans now holding the opinion Biden cheated, you can bet the Democrat machine, BlackRock Republicans, Intelligence Community, DOJ and other vested interests are paying close attention. The system cannot sustain itself with almost half the country organically believing the president is illegitimate. Considering how the media drumbeat a narrative that is entirely the opposite, the results of this survey are quite remarkable.
Keith Flaugh is CEO of the Florida Citizens Alliance, fighting to rid our schools of the poisonous Critical Race Theory. He'll talk about steps Florida is taking under Governor Ron DeSantis to give our kids a solid education. His group is also promoting parental choice, and Hope Scholarships to allow parents to send their children to private schools when public schools fail.
AMERICA FIRST: Trump or DeSantis in 2024?
A straw poll was conducted at this weekend’s 2021 Western Conservative Summit at the Centennial Institute, which is Colorado Christian University’s public policy think tank. The following are the somewhat surprising results:
Ron DeSantis — 74.12%
Donald Trump — 71.43%
Mark Meadows: 'DeSantis Won’t Run For President If Trump Does'
Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows thinks you can add Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to the list of Republican presidential hopefuls who won’t run against former President Donald Trump in 2024