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Of Course He Was Born on Flag Day
The three top threats to the United States are: (1) The corrupt United States Intelligence Community, (2) Big Tech’s ideological manipulation of information, and (3) corporate U.S. media as a propaganda tool; in that order. There are other big issues, but those three create the ripple effect that is destroying our Constitutional Republic.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis discusses a variety of current events, issues of importance and his positions. However, the primary focus of this interview is the #2 threat from Big Tech .. and what DeSantis is doing in Florida to confront the dangers of ideological manipulation, censorship and deplatforming.
Critical Race Theory Banned in Florida
. Iowa Bans Critical Race Theory
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed legislation Tuesday banning critical race theory from being taught and promoted in government agencies, schools, or state-funded universities.
“Critical Race Theory is about labels and stereotypes, not education. It teaches kids that we should judge others based on race, gender or sexual identity, rather than the content of someone’s character,” Reynolds said in a statement, according to the Des Moines Register. “I am proud to have worked with the legislature to promote learning, not discriminatory indoctrination.”
Keith Flaugh of Florida Citizens Alliance spoke with The Republican Club of SE Volusia on June 10th about his group's ongoing fight to clean up the curriculum in Florida schools, banning Critical Race Theory and getting rid of content that borders on pornography. His group is also helping promote Hope Scholarships and Parental Choice on schools.
Read: Florida Board of Education approves DeSantis' rule banning Critical Race Theory
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DeSantis blasts Chinese Communist Party .. signs new laws against foreign influence
Sen. Tom Cotton: The United States should start punishing China
“China’s chances of ever conceding that they’re responsible for this virus is zero. But that new report from the Lawrence Livermore Lab just confirms what I’ve been saying from the very beginning, just use your common sense. This virus emerged in a city larger than New York, just a few blocks down the road from the lab where they research these viruses.
Every bit of evidence we have points to those labs. And it’s past time to hold China accountable for their negligence and their deceitfulness in unleashing this plague on the world. There [are] lots of things we could do.
We could revoke their permanent most-favored-nation status, a bad mistake that we made twenty years ago. We could team up with our allies and take back the very favorable financing terms they get from international financial institutions like the World Bank. We could take away visas from Chinese Communist Party members and their kids so they can’t send their kids to American schools anymore. There’s no end to the things we can do to make China pay for unleashing this plague and we should start right now.”
“No single entity exercises a more pervasive, nefarious influence across a wide range of American industries and institutions than the Communist Party of China.”
With the phrase “Stop CCP Influence” displayed in bold letters across his podium, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed two bills to thwart foreign meddling in Florida’s government and education system. The bills (HB 1523) and (HB 7017) are primarily aimed at China. (HB 1523) creates the crime of “trafficking in trade secrets” and enhances criminal penalties if the secrets are stolen and provided to a foreign government. (HB 7017) aims to curb foreign influence in the state’s academic research institutions.
“If you’re somebody that will light your hair on fire because Georgia is requiring voter ID .. but yet you’re lining your pocket with money from China and not a peep about the slave labor that’s going on over there .. you my friend are a hypocrite.”
Academia, he explained, is “permeated” with influence, detailing how researchers are getting indicted at major institutions “for being in cahoots with the Chinese government.” The corporate media and entertainment industry are no better, he continued.
“You look at corporate media and entertainment industry in this country. They are in the pocket of the Communist Party of China. I mean, if Hollywood comes up with a movie the CCP doesn’t like, they get censored,” he said, adding that the corporate media assisted in suppressing the truth about the lab leak theory. He also noted the deep financial ties the corporate media have to the CCP.
Big Tech, DeSantis continued, also runs interference for CCP, while celebrities and athletes continue to “virtue-signal” for things in the U.S., yet almost all of them fail to do the same for the atrocities the CCP commits.
“Enough is enough. We’ve got to start fighting back.”
Trump came out swinging at N.C. GOP convention
President Donald Trump delivered a blistering attack on Joe Biden's record and cancel culture, vowing to fight aggressively in 2022 and beyond against the "disgrace" of left-wing radicalism gripping the country.
The Boss tees up fight for 2022 and beyond
At the Saturday convention, Trump slammed the Biden administration’s policies several months into the Democrat’s administration, linking it to much-maligned "critical race theory" and socialism. "It’s a disgrace, what’s happening to our country."
"Our border is wide open, illegal immigration is skyrocketing at a level we’ve never seen before. Drugs are pouring in, gas prices are soaring, our industries are being pillaged by foreign cyber attacks," Trump said in a rousing speech.
Trump slammed U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci, who is currently advising the White House on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Fauci held that role in the Trump administration last year but ultimately had a falling-out with Trump as the pandemic wore on. Trump claimed Fauci was "not a great doctor, but a great promoter. He’s been wrong on almost every issue."
June 6 1944: They Went To War - They Saved The World
D-Day veterans, front row, stand on stage during an event to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day in Portsmouth, England Wednesday, June 5, 2019. World leaders including U.S. President Donald Trump are gathering Wednesday on the south coast of England to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings
In this June 6, 1944, file photo, members of an American landing unit help their comrades ashore during the Normandy invasion. The men reached the zone code-named Utah Beach, near Sainte- Mere-Eglise, on a life raft after their landing craft was hit and sunk by German coastal defenses.
Freedom is Never Free
The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France is located in Colleville-sur-Mer, on the site of the temporary American St. Laurent Cemetery, established by the U.S. First Army on June 8, 1944 as the first American cemetery on European soil in World War II. The cemetery site, at the north end of its half mile access road, covers 172.5 acres and contains the graves of more than 9,380 of our military dead, most of whom lost their lives in the D-Day landings and ensuing operations.
Back when it was still a respectable news network, CBS produced a great 1964 documentary:
CBS Reports: D-Day Plus Twenty – Eisenhower Returns to Normandy.
NO 'vaccine passports' in Florida .. NO special exemption for cruise lines.
Welcome Back .. Enjoy Your Cruise
Royal Caribbean International will no longer require any of its cruise passengers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 as it had previously planned to. In a press release Friday announcing cruises for sale on eight of its ships from U.S. ports this summer, starting with Freedom of the Seas from Port Miami on July 2, the company said it will recommend passengers get the COVID-19 vaccine, but not require it.
The announcement is a reversal from previous statements and vaccine protocols the company submitted to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month that said it would require all passengers at least 18 years old and older to be vaccinated. The about-face is an apparent submission to Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has insisted that there will be no exception made for cruise companies to a newly passed Florida law that fines companies $5,000 each time they ask a patron to provide proof of vaccination.
"We are going to enforce Florida law. We have laws that protect the people and the privacy of our citizens and we are going to enforce it." ... DeSantis told reporters
.. Gov. Ron DeSantis hosted a press conference Friday in Ponte Vedra Beach to sign three bills into law that are designed primarily to support active- duty military personnel, veterans and their families. All three have received support from prominent veteran leaders in Northeast Florida.
“Enhanced veterans preference opportunities expands our ability to attract and retain top talent as another way to ensure Florida remains the most military and veterans friendly state in the nation,” DeSantis said
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Honored - Budget for the Great State of Florida signed in Volusia County.
NEW SMYRNA BEACH — Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Florida's $101.5 billion budget Wednesday at The Garlic restaurant, one of many businesses across the state that is thriving despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
Projecting the state's spending plans during the pandemic initially looked like "really, really big disaster for Florida," DeSantis said. "We were obviously concerned about it, but as we got into the summer (of 2020), we were open. I remember a lot of people were trying to tell me to close restaurants like this one, so we didn't do it. We kept businesses open, we got kids in school, we did all those things and the result was our economy really started to rebound."
Sen. Tom Wright -- The Governor -- Rep. Webster Barnaby
Jeff Gehris, owner of The Garlic, thanked DeSantis for his approach to keeping businesses open. "I have to thank him for the common-sense approach that's happened here with this COVID disaster," Gehris said. "The past three months are the best three months we've had 16 years."
photos by Vic Baker
Record spending, money in reserves
Despite its low tax burden, the state has $9.5 billion in reserves, and will show more after June's revenue is added before the new fiscal year starts on July 1, DeSantis said. "That's gonna mean we have $10 billion in reserve in the state of Florida," he said.
The governor touted K-12 schools spending, including $1,000 bonuses for teachers and school principals, as well as first responders and corrections workers, $10.3 billion for the Florida Department of Transportation's work program and $2.5 billion for mental-health and substance-abuse programs.
"This is one of the best budgets the state's ever done for mental health and mental well-being," DeSantis said. "It's also one of the best budgets we've ever done for protecting Florida's water resources and natural environment." He cited $625 million for Everglades restoration and the protection of water resources, millions more for coastal resiliency grants.
Make America Florida❗ DeSantis signs law protecting fairness in women’s sports.
“I can tell you this: in Florida, girls are going to play girls’ sports and boys are going to play boys’ sports.”
After signing S.B. 1028, Gov. DeSantis introduced Selina Soule, who spoke about her experience losing to biological males who identify as female:
“In 2017, Connecticut began allowing two male athletes who self-identify as girls to compete in girls’ sports. During all four years of high school, I was forced to compete against them, even though they were bigger, stronger, and faster than me, because they were male,” Soule recounted. “In just three years, these two athletes won 15 women’s championship titles and they set 17 new individual meet records, records which we girls had no hope of breaking.”

“Those two biological males would dominate the field, leaving us girls to compete for third place and beyond. No matter how hard we’d train, and how hard we pushed ourselves, they beat us time and time again. We elite female athletes don’t give up a normal high school experience just for participation trophies. We race to win,” she said.
“This isn’t about self-expression, this is about our right — a woman’s right — to win,” Soule declared. “During my junior year, I was denied the chance to compete at the regional New England championships. I missed advancing to the next level of competition at the 55-meter dash by just two spots, two spots that were taken by biological males,” she recalled.
“It was frustrating, heartbreaking, and demoralizing to be sidelined in my own sport,” Soule said. She said she reviewed the bill DeSantis would sign. “All I can say, on behalf of all female athletes, is, Thank you, governor.”
“Let me say very clearly, in Florida, we’re going to do what’s right"
“We’ll stand up to corporations. They are not going to dictate the policies in this state. We will stand up to groups like the NCAA who think that they should be able to dictate the policies in different states. Not here, not ever.”
“And so we won’t be cowed. We will stand strong,” DeSantis added. He declared that even if the price of defending fairness in women’s sports is “that we lose an event or two, I would choose to protect our girls every day of the week and twice on Sunday.”
June 1st = America First
Watch MAGA boat parade in Jupiter Inlet, Florida
There are a few things that the low-testosterone, has-been Republicans like Paul Ryan and his ilk always miss when they warn the party away from Donald Trump. The most obvious, of course, is that this is Trump’s party now and they’re merely C Team periphery players who should be seen and not heard. Much to the chagrin of the Romney/Cheney/Ryan surrender wing of the GOP, Trump remains a major player in Republican politics from Mar-a-Lago. He’s not going to go away, and most Republicans don’t want him to.
Trump is now joining forces with Newt Gingrich, who runs a close second to the former president as the Republican Democrats Most Love to Hate.
Read moreOne of President Trump’s 2020 campaign pitches was “Promises Made, Promises Kept.” On the campaign trail in 2016, he was pretty specific on key priorities like Supreme Court nominations, border security, the economy, and trade. When he could use the Chief Executive powers, he delivered on more of his promises than any president in my lifetime, even dragging congressional Democrats along when further obstruction would hurt them politically.
Now he has tapped Newt Gingrich to develop a modern version of a very successful idea from the 1990s. Gingrich was the author of the Contract with America, a document that gave congressional Republicans and candidates the message discipline to make their case to the American people. Historians credit this contract with allowing Republicans to retake both chambers of Congress in 1994 for the first time since 1953. Politico reports Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Senator Lindsey Graham are also involved.