Movie Review . "2000 Mules proves there was massive election fraud"

"Dinesh D’Souza is an effective filmmaker and he didn’t disappoint with 2000 Mules, a riveting documentary"


By Andrea Widburg @ American Thinker

2000 Mules begins with the premise that Trump voters have found it impossible to believe that Trump lost the election. When they contrast his campaign appearances (60,000 screaming fans) with Biden’s campaign appearances (6 vaguely animated lumps sitting in little circles); the bellwether states showing Trump winning by a large margin; the significant gains Trump made with Hispanics and Blacks; the millions of votes Trump gained over the four years of his presidency; and the mysterious overnight counting shut-down in the states that ultimately gave Biden his “victory,” they know that something is wrong.

The folks at True the Vote also suspected that something was wrong, very wrong. The founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, working with Gregg Philips and a team of computer analysts, came up with a very clever way to determine whether there was fraud. They suspected it, thanks to the way in which Democrats in key states used COVID as an excuse to increase absentee voting, including states that allowed only absentee voting with drop boxes across cities and towns, there had been massive ballot harvesting. That is, people, both real and fake, didn’t fill out their own ballots. Instead, they were collected, completed, and put into drop boxes by partisan and paid activists.

To prove this theory, True the Vote obtained geo-tracking information for major urban areas in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, allowing them to follow cell phone signals. They marked all the drop boxes and all the facilities for left-wing non-profits. They then looked for cell phones that traveled between the non-profits and drop boxes at least ten times (to be sure to winnow out statistical noise). Through FOIA requests, they also obtained as many videos as they could showing people stuffing multiple ballots into the drop boxes, a completely illegal act.

Their data revealed 2,200 mules in just five cities, visiting between 20 and 45 drop boxes each, at which they dropped off an average of five ballots. When you do the math, the numbers are staggering:

Donald J. Trump . May 3rd, 2022: "Ignorance is not bliss. Sky high inflation, threats of World War III, and the invasion across our borders are a direct consequence of the stolen 2020 election. What happened in 2020 can never be allowed to happen again!"

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MAGA soldiers never retreat ... because their General never does.

All 22 candidates in Ohio and Indiana endorsed by former President Donald J. Trump completed a clean sweep of Tuesday’s primaries, indicating the strength of a Trump endorsement is as mighty as it has ever been.

Former White House political director Brian Jack exclusively tells Breitbart News:

What we saw in Texas earlier this year was confirmed yet again tonight: President Trump’s endorsement is the most important endorsement in politics. His endorsed candidates are a combined 55-0 in 2022 primaries, a continuation of the historic endorsement streak of success that started during his time at The White House. 

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“They thought we’d never find out. They were wrong.”

 Donald J. Trump . May 3rd, 2022

"Everyone knows the wisdom embodied in the saying “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The WSJ’s May 2, 2022 editorial argues that we should ignore the blatant fraud that took place in Wisconsin in the November 2020 election as detailed by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman in his 136 page Preliminary Report issued on March 1, 2022. To ignore the fraud that Justice Gableman continues to uncover is to allow that fraud to be repeated.

Justice Gableman’s Report revealed many illegal and unethical acts including Zuckerberg funded election bribery, illegal ballot drop boxes, and obstruction of evidence gathering. Gableman also revealed that the Wisconsin Election Commission shared access to Wisconsin’s registration system with Zuckerberg funded left-wing activists, disregarded Wisconsin law so that tens of thousands of nursing home residents could be exploited for their votes, and illegally encouraged Wisconsin voters declare themselves “indefinitely confined” under Wisconsin law, thereby avoiding Wisconsin’s voter ID requirements. These issues are far from “ghosts” as the editorial board claims.

Here is a link to the Report so that people can see it for themselves. I encourage everyone to read it. The fact that the WSJ editorial board came out with this hit piece the day after the nationwide premier of True the Vote’s movie, 2000 Mules, which proves a massive illegal ballot harvesting operation took place in the 2020 election—especially in key battleground counties like Milwaukee County—is also curious. Voters know that unless we fix what happened in 2020, those who stole the 2020 election will try to do it again in 2022.

Ignorance is not bliss. Sky high inflation, threats of World War III, and the invasion across our borders are a direct consequence of the stolen 2020 election. What happened in 2020 can never be allowed to happen again!"




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Florida is now the 48th state to complete the redistricting process.

The districts drawn in this redistricting cycle will remain in effect for 10 yrs, until the next round of redistricting following the 2030 United States census. 

Florida Congressional Districts Map

Click map for interactive info on any district

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law a new congressional map his own staff crafted. At a South Florida press conference. DeSantis said, “We also did sign the congressional reapportionment in Tallahassee earlier today, so that’s going to be transmitted.”

The 28-district map includes 20 districts in which Republican Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential Election and 8 where Democrat Joe Biden prevailed. 

The map includes 28 districts instead of the current 27, following the federal government apportioning a new House seat to Florida based on the 2020 Census. The map makes a number of significant changes throughout the state.*

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Elon Musk is challenging Twitter's despotic control of public speech.

Updated: April 25, 2022 - 3:16pm

Billionaire Elon Musk reached a deal Monday to purchase social media giant Twitter for a sum of $44 billion.

"Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated," Musk said, per Reuters.

Twitter has been mired in accusations of censorship for years, earning particular scorn from conservatives for banning for President Donald Trump from the platform. MORE



 Is DeSantis going to be the one who finally breaks Twitter?

 DeSantis & Musk have become partners in the Twitter takeover. DeSantis announced he’s looking into actions he can take against Twitter's board of directors for attempts to block Musk from buying Twitter, as Florida is an investor in the platform through the state's pension fund. Twitter may be ground zero for political social media, but the company has always struggled financially. 

Why would any competent board of directors try to literally poison pill an ailing company from realizing greater profits or increasing capital gains for its shareholders?

The New York Post (link) reports on DeSantis' answer:

  • “They rejected it because they know they can’t control Elon Musk, they know that he will not accept the narrative, and that their little play toy of Twitter would not be used to enforce orthodoxy and to basically prop up the regime and these failed legacy media outlets.”
Why doesn’t every Republican governor stand up to Big Tech like this?  (link)


"If you notice, the people that are most hostile to Musk are people from the legacy media outlets like the Washington Post and CNN... Nobody trusts these people anymore." - Gov. Ron DeSantis

WATCH - DeSantis Blasts Legacy Media for Attacking Elon Musk & Free Speech

Gov. DeSantis Blasts Legacy Media for Attacking Elon Musk & Free Speech


Unchecked Censorship Isolates People.

 Whenever a self-anointed elite sets up a Ministry of Truth, the link between censorship and disinformation becomes clear. Before long, they invent reality and punish anyone who expresses a different viewpoint. One of the most telling incidents of censorship over the past year was Twitter’s take-down of virologist and vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone, claiming he was “spreading misinformation”—i.e., spreading a second opinion—about Covid vaccines and treatments. Open discussion of such things would erode the illusions big media and big tech so doggedly prop up.

  • Dr. Malone explained how a propaganda-saturated population can end up in a state of mass hypnosis that renders people incapable of seeing reality. He described how social isolation, a high level of discontent, and a strong sense of free-floating anxiety are keys to the development of this psychosis. The anxiety is so painful that it causes people to cling, trancelike, to any narrative that seems to offer stability. Once all other views are censored, people become so invested in the narrative that they cannot consider any alternative views. They will even mob anyone who endangers the narrative. 

Read it all


During a recent monologue, Fox News host Tucker Carlson called Elon Musk’s attempt to takeover Twitter “the single most important development for free speech in the modern history of the United States.”

Watch Tucker

Elon Musk: “Twitter has become the de facto town square, so it’s important that people have both the reality and perception that they’re able to speak freely ...

Having tweets being mysteriously promoted or demoted with no insight into what’s going on, having a black vault algorithm promote some things and not other things — I think this can be quite dangerous ...

One of the things I think Twitter should do is open-source the algorithm to show how the social media platform amplifies or censors content."

  • Twitter misuses its vast power to amplify the Left and suppress the political right.
  • Twitter has misused its reach to wield political power and to demonize those who have different ideas. 
  • Twitter is overwhelmingly cozy with Democrat political players. Former Obama Administration officials have embedded themselves like ticks throughout Silicon Valley.

Elon Musk is a visionary, an immigrant to America who has built his fortune on relentless work and an ardent belief in first principles. But conservatives should not depend on Elon Musk to fight for free speech for them. He’s not your savior. More

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EASTER A.D. 2022

In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre ... And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead;

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

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DISNEY is the straw that breaks the Donkey's back.

.Rep. Michael Waltz pens children's book to combat liberal agenda

Waltz teamed up with Braves Books, which aims to "teach foundational conservative values" by "dispelling the progressive agenda aimed at teaching our kids all the wrong lessons," according to its official online store

Cover of Rep. Waltz's new children's book "Dawn of the Brave."
Cover of Rep. Waltz's new children's book "Dawn of the Brave."

"Dawn of the Brave" is the ninth and final book in a series, as each character previously had their own adventures. All the characters reflect traditional values of faith, family, the right of every family to defend themselves, and Waltz – who joined other conservatives who penned the previous books -- was able to bring them all together to work as a team defending Freedom Island from evil rat wolves. 

"It tries to teach our young, our young kids is that serving your country, serving each other, serving your community, and that self-sacrifice is something that needs to be taught, and they need to emulate and that'll make our country greater and make them better citizens," he said. 

"In the case of Florida, where they're opposing a law that says we shouldn't be talking about sex and gender for five-year-olds and free kindergartners and first-graders. So I think they're the left, it will be headlong on their agenda. But we have to start pushing back. We have to start fighting back," he said. "Complaining about it and pushing back isn't enough. How do we fill that void with traditional conservative values in content? That's what ‘Dawn of the Brave’ and Brave books seeks to do." MORE


The Democrat Party and their corporate/media co-conspirators are anti-parents, anti-borders, anti-police, anti-1st Amendment, anti-2nd Amendment, anti-working class/middle class people.

  • And now they are using elementary schools to groom our children for entry into their dystopian sexual identity nightmare. Disney has vowed to use their vast resources to fight for this vile agenda. (Link)

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We The People have seen and heard enough. Awake (not WOKE) citizens all across America, representing every demographic, are demanding action against this arrogant, ignorant, malignant leftist onslaught. 

The good news is that the political pendulum has never, in the whole of human history, stayed on one side of a swing. The inevitable backlash from tyrannical overreach has always been proportionate to how far off center it went before coming back.

  • Right now we’re staring at a whole lot of our country .. 90% of the land mass, with 70% of the population .. that is 100% fed up. 

Trump Wins Map 2016



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Democrats fleeing DC are predicting a massive political earthquake.

Animals predicting earthquakes:

  • Evidence that animals can “predict” earthquakes dates back to 373BC, when Greek historian Thucydides wrote of rats, snakes, weasels and insects fleeing the city of Helice before a massive earthquake.


WATCH . “All of these Democrat Congresspeople are retiring because they’re getting their asses kicked in every poll”

“Historians will record this period of American history as a catastrophic low point, and a stain upon our once great reputation."

Be Deplorable . Click on Image

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WINNERS . We Are The Republican Party of Volusia County . FLORIDA

At the end of 2021, Florida GOP voter registration numbers officially overtook the Democrat Party for the first time in state history.

The Republican Party lead is now +100,000 over the Democrats.

In May 2017, Volusia GOP voter registration numbers officially overtook the Democrat Party for the first time in county history. That lead is today +27,712 over the Dems.

Registered Republican voters in Florida now outnumber Democrats by over 100,000. A spokesperson for DeSantis’ campaign told Fox News Digital that the surge in Republican voters broke 101,000 as of Tuesday morning.

The upswing in registered Republican voters has been going on for nearly two years, with Republicans outperforming Democrats in new voter registrations in 21 of the past 22 months - Read it HERE 

Registered Republicans in Florida have increased by 363,000 since 2018, when DeSantis took power in the state.

"There’s no beating around the fact this historic gain is because of Governor Ron DeSantis," Republican Party of Florida executive director Helen Aguirre Ferré said in a statement to Fox News Digital. "Florida voters are appreciative of the palpable sense of freedom he has created in our state."

"Unemployment is lower than the national average, our schools are open, there are no lockdowns, and there are no masks. Voters recognize the governor is a champion for families and businesses alike. Our voter registration numbers are impressive, but a 363,000 net change? That is unprecedented."

The Left Must Never Control Florida - Victory 2022 Starts HERE

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