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Joe Fieldus 2602sc

Joe Fieldus

Joe Fieldus's activity stream

  • commented on small 2019-08-15 17:14:01 -0400
    As much as someone can while living a ‘common’ life, I’ve paid attention to our national politicians since boyhood, after watching the Kennedy-Nixon debates in 1960. It all seemed very important to my young eyes and I was hooked on “The News”. This life long hobby has never made me money, nor provided happiness. But it did prepare me to notice the huge difference that is Donald John Trump. At a 2015 rally, Trump told U.S. (paraphrase) “I know these all talk, do nothing politicians, I’ve given them money because as a businessman, it’s required to get anything done. I know all of them personally and let me tell you, they are even worse than you think”

    He’s had my full attention ever since.

  • commented on newsconf 2019-06-30 07:29:12 -0400
    The North Korea problem goes back to 1950 and Harry Truman. For 69 years and after 11 presidents, No one had been able to get a grip on what to do about NK … until now.

    Our POTUS will earn the Nobel Peace Prize .. and this time it won’t be a joke.

  • commented on Orally 2019-06-19 22:06:45 -0400
    I’ve been reading what the enemies of POTUS have been saying. UniParty Inc. is stunned that after all the poison they’ve injected into the body politic, Trump is stronger than ever. The whole Never Trump universe is trying to shake off the reality of his triumph in Orlando .. a political tour de force. And the Trump 2020 campaign raising $25mil in a 24hr period only adds to their despair.

    Good times.

  • commented on gaza 2019-05-06 22:23:15 -0400
    Iran has given the scum running the Gaza terror state a new weapon. This is what the people of Israel are now facing:
    The Iranian Badr 3 missile explodes within 20m of target and releases a 1,400-piece shower of shrapnel fragments. On Monday, April 6, hours into the Gaza ceasefire, Palestinian and Iranian sources released a video showcasing the new Iranian weapon targeting Ashkelon, 13 km north of Gaza. At least four of the new Iranian missiles were shown on May 4 and 5 during the 700-rocket blitz on the Israeli population from Saturday morning.

    The Badr 3 was said by Iranian sources to have been supplied, possibly with technology and components, to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas’ partner in the latest round of rocket attacks. While earlier versions of the rocket carried 40 kilos of explosives, the Badr 3 has an explosive warhead of 250 kilos.

    The new weapon made its Middle East battlefield debut in Yamen in early April in the hands of the Iranian-backed Houthi insurgents. Jihad in Gaza was therefore the first terrorist organization to use it against Israel.

    DEBKAfile’s military sources disclose that the Badr 3 has a range of 150km. Its greatest asset is that it explodes 20 meters above the target before landing, showering 1,400 pieces of shrapnel across a wide area. This feature greatly enhances its capacity to harm multiple human targets and wreak damage to buildings over a wide radius.

    Due to this capacity, many people in Ashkelon and Ashdod were injured after hearing the rocket alerts before they were able to reach safe shelter. Four people were killed and more than 250 Israelis were injured – many from flying shrapnel and many buildings took direct hits.


  • commented on CTH 2019-04-23 13:38:59 -0400
    If sundance can lay it out for U.S in the public square like he has done. .. then you can be sure that privately the POTUS & AG Barr know all of this and More.

    The coup is collapsing but still ongoing .. and the now desperate conspirators are even more dangerous than before. The imperative is to have an indictment of one of conspirators to signal that it’s truly over.

    Arrest just one traitor who has left the most obvious trail of criminality .. and let the great unraveling begin.

  • commented on over 2019-04-18 19:18:26 -0400
    “I doubt that anyone who spent the last three years pushing utterly concocted conspiracy theories will own up to it, let alone confront any accountability or consequences for it.

    But certain facts will never go away no matter how much denial they embrace. The sweeping Mueller investigation ended with zero indictments of zero Americans for conspiring with Russia over the 2016 election. Both Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner – the key participants in the Trump Tower meeting – testified for hours and hours yet were never charged for perjury, lying or obstruction, even though Mueller proved how easily he would indict anyone who lied as part of the investigation. And this massive investigation simply did not establish any of the conspiracy theories that huge parts of the Democratic Party, the intelligence community and the U.S. media spent years encouraging the public to believe.

    Those responsible for this can refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing. They can even claim vindication if they want and will likely be cheered for doing so.

    But the contempt in which the media and political class is held by so much of the U.S. population – undoubtedly a leading factor that led to Trump’s election in the first place – will only continue to grow as a result, and deservedly so. People know they were scammed, that their politics was drowned for years by a hoax. And none of that will go away no matter how insulated media and political elites in Washington, northern Virginia, Brooklyn, and large West Coast cities keep themselves, and thus hear only in-group affirmation while blocking out all of that well-earned scorn."

    By Glenn Greenwald

    Read it all @ https://theintercept.com/2019/04/18/robert-mueller-did-not-merely-reject-the-trumprussia-conspiracy-theories-he-obliterated-them/

  • commented on cities 2019-04-13 12:13:49 -0400
    Democrat leaders / candidates who do anything less than greet illegals visiting their sanctuary cities with full welcoming honors .. are totally and forever exposed.

  • commented on Over With 2019-03-23 10:06:15 -0400
    The Russian Collusion Delusion: It was a hoax .. it was the ‘insurance policy’ that Peter Strzok and his co-conspirators planned.

    Over 2 years of our time invested .. billions of words spoken and written .. thousands of hours of TV coverage .. 100’s of millions of our $$$ spent .. untold damage done to the Trump presidency and our country.

    There will come a time to settle accounts.

  • commented on Chairman 2019-03-13 19:35:36 -0400
    Yes .. the Volusia Republican Party works hard.
    Yes .. President Trump is bringing new voters into the GOP.

    But the main driver of our success in Volusia Co. is the Democrat Party itself. They have morphed into something unrecognizable to working / middle class Americans. Democrats have allowed the most radical elements of the Left to take over their party.

    The Donkey Party is now a clique whose members reside largely in urban areas, with NYC and LA County their strongholds. These places do not represent the majority of U.S. 2020 is going to be a political war.
    “The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.”

  • commented on vagov 2019-02-02 07:58:33 -0500
    In his short time as Gov. .. Ralph did more to help re-elect Trump than anyone could have imagined. His “I have no regrets” support of infanticide permanently marked the Democrat Party as radicals and moved the needle away from their toxic brand. And unless they collectively renounce their passion for killing the unborn and the just born .. that needle won’t ever move back towards them.

  • commented on emergency 2019-01-27 09:00:59 -0500
    President Trump is trying to force Congress to own the border issue with him and in the name of the American people .. fight for our sovereignty. If that actually happened, it would be a powerful signal of national strength for all to see .. boosting every aspect of America influence across the world.

    But we know the bitter truth – The Democrats are traitors who hate the idea American greatness and want crime, drugs, disease, gangs and endless welfare for illegals inflicted on U.S. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3f8adcdd32114047edc6f534f5243d7bb69dbfd28defbbc091e7b51fa5168d51.jpg

    They’ll use these scorched earth tactics in an attempt to defeat Trump 2020 .. which is the overriding mission of the fanatical donkey party and of their state media / Hollywood co-conspirators.

  • commented on 21 2019-01-26 20:11:16 -0500
    A “cave” would be giving up on building a wall / fence and quitting on U.S. That’s not happening .. will never happen. He’s didn’t come this far only to hand Nancy the keys.


  • commented on senior 2019-01-17 09:35:58 -0500
    Most federal employees earn more, with better healthcare / pensions / vacation time, than workers in the private sector. Of course they will protect their individual fiefdoms with the last tax dollar we give them.

    And behind this army of federal sloths, squashing any hope for reform / accountability in the bureaucracy, are the all powerful unions.

    This shutdown is righteous in so many ways.

  • commented on The Wall is Coming 2019-01-04 09:15:59 -0500
    Prediction –
    POTUS will declare our southern border in crisis and a threat to the peace and security of the homeland. He will use the Secure Fence Act of 2006 as his Congressional authorization to have the Army Corps of Engineers / Navy Seabees build the wall with DOD / DHS funds.

  • commented on invasion 2018-11-20 07:01:54 -0500
    The Democrats have gone silent on this mess because they are on the wrong side of the invasion. Fake News is likewise unable to spin what’s happening in a way that helps their globalist open borders narrative.

    So what we have here is Trump protecting American sovereignty (and winning reelection) as the Donkeys play pin the tail on Pelosi.

  • commented on rico 2018-11-17 09:43:53 -0500
    Ron DeSantis will appoint 3 new judges to the FL. Supreme Court on Jan 8, giving it a 6-1 conservative edge. This will last for decades as the new retirement age for them has been raised to 75.

    In FL the GOP has the governor’s mansion, both senators, the AG and big majorities in both houses of the legislature.

    Of the 67 counties in FL, 55 voted GOP in this midterm.

    https://dohdeick6sqa6.cloudfront.net/screenshots/production/live-senate-counties/[email protected]?t=2018-11-17T03:00:02.509Z

    And GOP voter registration?

    <b>Florida is registering more and more Democratic voters, right? Wrong. New state data show the Dem’s share of the electorate is shrinking.</b>


  • commented on gov 2018-11-15 19:51:41 -0500
    The democrats revealed their crooked plans this midterm and it will end up being a great gift to U.S.

    With former Navy JAG officer Ron DeSantis as governor and with an overwhelming GOP majority in both houses of the legislature .. Florida will set down new election laws that cannot be misinterpreted before 2020.

    For President Trump’s reelection … DOJ / GOP and FL officials will be at the Supervisor of Elections office in every major county .. wearing badges that allow access to any closed doors the democrats try to hide behind. This is the power of overseeing a presidential year election from the Governor’s mansion.

  • commented on BREAKING: Our Republican Party headquarters vandalized by gunfire. 2018-10-29 17:30:23 -0400
    The donkeys seem to think chaos works for them .. but the opposite is true. In times of civil disorder, people will always demand law and order. Always.

    As even small children understand, the Democrat Party is never gonna support law and order.

  • commented on lefty 2018-10-26 07:35:16 -0400
    The long persuasion phase of our indoctrination is over, ended by the election of Trump. They are now using violent coercion. They fear it’s all slipping away from them .. which it is.

  • commented on a13 2018-10-23 10:34:55 -0400
    Vote NO on 13. The drive to ban greyhound racing is not a question that should be answered with a constitutional amendment. This issue belongs in the state legislature, decided upon by our elected representatives. But those pushing Amendment 13 have successfully bypassed that normal path, their reasons as obscure as the wording used in the amendment. (Beware: it could be that there are plans for even more bans, using the courts to redefine what constitutes the ‘humane treatment of animals’).

    Dog racing is an attraction that for over ninety years has entertained families visiting our state. Our local track opened its doors in 1948 and has been a great friend to our community. All racing in Florida, dog and horse, is heavily taxed and helps the state to operate without digging deeper into our pockets. The business of greyhound racing employs thousands.

    My wife and I have adopted retired racing greyhounds for twenty-five years. If we thought the sport abused these beautiful dogs, we’d never support it. There is no systemic abuse of greyhounds. Their injury risks are less than athletes playing football. They’re treated like pets, with many husband and wife kennels doing the breeding and training. We’ve met a lot of them over the years and for them, it’s a labor of love.

    And finally, Florida Politics reports that some “90 greyhound adoption groups formally oppose” Amendment 13. Those that know the facts about greyhound racing will vote NO on 13